Last update Fri Apr 28 11:05:24 2006


The string module provides string manipulation routines in a manner that balances performance and flexibility.

Design Issues:

While these functions will operate with wide character types, little attempt has yet been made to provide any explicit Unicode support. So case-insensitive routines are not available and equality is done via binary comparisons.

Future Directions:

This module is the first attempt at developing function interface guidelines for Ares. All functions will likely be templates and will be designed with implicit template instantiation and template overloading as required features. The goal here is to provide a useful set of string routines for everyday use and to use this experience for developing more generalized algorithms later on.

template equalTo(Elem)
Temporary until a predicate module can be created.

bool equalTo(Elem a, Elem b);

template find(Elem)

size_t find(Elem[] str, Elem[] pat);

template find(Elem,Pred)

template rfind(Elem)

size_t rfind(Elem[] str, Elem[] pat);

template rfind(Elem,Pred)