Last update Fri Apr 28 11:05:24 2006

real rndtonl(real x);
Returns x rounded to a long value using the FE_TONEAREST rounding mode. If the integer value of x is greater than long.max, the result is indeterminate.

real frexp(real value, out int exp);
Separate floating point value into significand and exponent.

Calculate and return x and exp such that value =x*2 and .5 <= |x| < 1.0
x has same sign as value.

real ldexp(real n, int exp);
Compute n * 2


int ilogb(real x);
Extracts the exponent of x as a signed integral value.

If x is not a special value, the result is the same as cast(int)logb(x).

real logb(real x);
Extracts the exponent of x as a signed integral value.

If x is subnormal, it is treated as if it were normalized. For a positive, finite x:


real scalbn(real x, int n);
Efficiently calculates x * 2.

scalbn handles underflow and overflow in the same fashion as the basic arithmetic operators.

real nextafter(real x, real y);
Calculates the next representable value after x in the direction of y.

If y > x, the result will be the next largest floating-point value; if y < x, the result will be the next smallest value. If x == y, the result is y. The FE_INEXACT and FE_OVERFLOW exceptions will be raised if x is finite and the function result is infinite. The FE_INEXACT and FE_UNDERFLOW exceptions will be raised if the function value is subnormal, and x is not equal to y.

real nan(char[] tagp);
Creates a quiet NAN with the information from tagp[] embedded in it.

real fdim(real x, real y);
Returns the positive difference between x and y.

x, y fdim(x, y)
x > y x - y
x <= y +0.0

real fabs(real x);
Returns |x|

real fma(real x, real y, real z);
Returns (x * y) + z, rounding only once according to the current rounding mode.

creal fcis(ireal y);
Calculate cos(y) + i sin(y).

On x86 CPUs, this is a very efficient operation; almost twice as fast as calculating sin(y) and cos(y) seperately, and is the preferred method when both are required.

int isnormal(float x);
int isnormal(double d);
int isnormal(real e);
Returns !=0 if x is normalized.

(Need one for each format because subnormal floats might be converted to normal reals)