
struct SPHContact ;
Shape contact

Shape shape1 ;
The first shape

Shape shape2 ;
The second shape

class BroadPhase ;
Broad-phase collison detection

Contact[int] contactPool ;
Contact pair list

Shape[] shapes ;
World shape list

SPHContact [] sphList ;
Particle/shape contact list

this(World world);

World world the world that the collision detection will be done for

protected void resetContactPool ();
Reset the contact pool.

protected void updatePool (int i1, int i2);
Add new contacts to the contact pool, and update existing contacts

int i1 index of the first shape
int i2 index of the second shape

protected void scrubContactPool ();
Remove contacts who's bounding boxes are no longer overlaping. All keys left in the arbiter pool are no longer valid.

void addShape (Shape s);
Add shape to the shape list

s = the shape to add

void removeShape (Shape s);
Remove shape from the shape list

Shape s the shape to remove

void removeBodyContacts (Body b);
Removes all contacts for a given body

Body b the body whose contacts sholud be removed

void query (AABB aabb, ref Shape[] results);
Brute force query for overlapping AABB

AABB aabb The box that shapes are being tested for
Shape[] results The shapes that intersect the box

does not perform contact filtering

void processFluidContacts ();
Process the fluid/shape contacts

abstract void search ();
Update broadphase

uint hash (uint ID1, uint ID2);
Thomas Wang's hash . This assumes Id1 and Id2 are 16-bit.

See Also:

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