class CircleDef : blaze.collision.shapes.shape.ShapeDef;
This is used to build circle shapes.

class Circle : blaze.collision.shapes.shape.Shape;
A circle shape.

this(ShapeDef def);
Constructs a circle from a shape definition

bool testPoint (bXForm xf, bVec2 p);
Test a point for containment in this shape. This only works for convex shapes.

bXForm xf the shape world transform.
bVec2 p a point in world coordinates.

true if the point lies within the shape, false otherwise.

AABB aabb ();
Returns the axis aligned bounding box associated with the shape, in reference to the parent body's transform

void updateAABB ();
Update the AABB

bVec2 worldCenter ();
the shape's center in world coordinates

SegmentCollide testSegment (bXForm xf, ref float lambda, ref bVec2 normal, Segment segment, float maxLambda);
Perform a ray cast against this shape. Collision Detection in Interactive 3D Environments by Gino van den Bergen From Section 3.1.2 x = s + a * r norm(x) = radius

bXForm xf the shape world transform.
float lambda returns the hit fraction. You can use this to compute the contact point p = (1 - lambda) * segment.p1 + lambda * segment.p2
bVec2 normal returns the normal at the contact point. If there is no intersection, the normal is not set.
Segment segment defines the begin and end point of the ray cast.
float maxLambda a number typically in the range [0,1].

a SegmentCollide representing the collision between this shape and the segment

void computeAABB (ref AABB aabb, bXForm xf);
Given a transform, compute the associated axis aligned bounding box for this shape. This does not modify the shape's AABB

AABB aabb returns the axis aligned box.
bXForm xf the world transform of the shape.

void computeSweptAABB (bXForm xf1, bXForm xf2);
Given two transforms, compute the associated swept axis aligned bounding box for this shape. This DOES modify the shape's AABB (see bugs)

bXForm xf1 the world transform of the shape.
bXForm xf2 the velocity of the shape

Why is this different from the way Box2d does it? And why does it behave differently from computeAABB?

void computeMass (ref MassData massData);
Compute the mass properties of this shape using its dimensions and density. The inertia tensor is computed about the local origin, not the centroid.

MassData massData returns the mass data for this shape.

bVec2 localPosition ();
the local position of this circle in its parent body.

float radius ();
the radius of this circle.

bVec2 support (bXForm xf, bVec2 d);
The shape's support point (for MPR & GJK)

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