
class JointDef ;
Joint definitions are used to construct joints.

JointType type ;
The joint type is set automatically for concrete joint types.

Object userData ;
Use this to attach application specific data to your joints.

Body body1 ;
The first attached body.

Body body2 ;
The second attached body.

bool collideConnected ;
Set this flag to true if the attached bodies should collide.

class Joint ;
The base joint class. Joints are used to constraint two bodies together in

various fashions. Some joints also feature limits and motors.

JointType type ();
Get the type of the concrete joint.

Body rBody1 ();
Get the first body attached to this joint.

Body rBody2 ();
Get the second body attached to this joint.

abstract bVec2 anchor1 ();
Get the anchor point on body1 in world coordinates.

abstract bVec2 anchor2 ();
Get the anchor point on body2 in world coordinates.

abstract bVec2 reactionForce (float inv_dt);
Get the reaction force on body2 at the joint anchor.

abstract float reactionTorque (float inv_dt);
Get the reaction torque on body2.

class JointEdge ;
A joint edge is used to connect bodies and joints together

in a joint graph where each body is a node and each joint

is an edge. A joint edge belongs to a doubly linked list

maintained in each attached body. Each joint has two joint

nodes, one for each attached body.

Body other ;
< provides quick access to the other body attached.

Joint joint ;
< the joint

JointEdge prev ;
< the previous joint edge in the body's joint list

JointEdge next ;
< the next joint edge in the body's joint list

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