
class PrismaticJointDef : blaze.dynamics.joints.joint.JointDef;
Prismatic joint definition. This requires defining a line of motion using an axis and an anchor point. The definition uses local anchor points and a local axis so that the initial configuration can violate the constraint slightly. The joint translation is zero when the local anchor points coincide in world space. Using local anchors and a local axis helps when saving and loading a game.

this(Body body1, Body body2, bVec2 anchor, bVec2 axis);
Initialize the bodies, anchors, axis, and reference angle using the world anchor and world axis.

bVec2 localAnchor1 ;
The local anchor point relative to body1's origin.

bVec2 localAnchor2 ;
The local anchor point relative to body2's origin.

bVec2 localAxis1 ;
The local translation axis in body1.

float referenceAngle ;
The constrained angle between the bodies: body2_angle - body1_angle.

bool enableLimit ;
Enable/disable the joint limit.

float lowerTranslation ;
The lower translation limit, usually in meters.

float upperTranslation ;
The upper translation limit, usually in meters.

bool enableMotor ;
Enable/disable the joint motor.

float maxMotorForce ;
The maximum motor torque, usually in N-m.

float motorSpeed ;
The desired motor speed in radians per second.

class PrismaticJoint : blaze.dynamics.joints.joint.Joint;
A prismatic joint. This joint provides one degree of freedom: translation along an axis fixed in body1. Relative rotation is prevented. You can use a joint limit to restrict the range of motion and a joint motor to drive the motion or to model joint friction.

float jointTranslation ();
Get the current joint translation, usually in meters.

float jointSpeed ();
Get the current joint translation speed, usually in meters per second.

bool isLimitEnabled ();
Is the joint limit enabled?

void enableLimit (bool flag);
Enable/disable the joint limit.

float lowerLimit ();
Get the lower joint limit, usually in meters.

float upperLimit ();
Get the upper joint limit, usually in meters.

void limits (float lower, float upper);
Set the joint limits , usually in meters.

bool isMotorEnabled ();
Is the joint motor enabled?

void enableMotor (bool flag);
Enable/disable the joint motor.

void motorSpeed (float speed);
Set the motor speed, usually in meters per second.

float motorSpeed ();
Get the motor speed, usually in meters per second.

void maxMotorForce (float force);
Set the maximum motor force, usually in N.

float motorForce ();
Get the current motor force, usually in N.

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