
class PulleyJointDef : blaze.dynamics.joints.joint.JointDef;
Pulley joint definition. This requires two ground anchors,

two dynamic body anchor points, max lengths for each side,

and a pulley ratio.

this(Body b1, Body b2, bVec2 ga1, bVec2 ga2, bVec2 anchor1, bVec2 anchor2, float r);
Initialize the bodies, anchors, lengths, max lengths, and ratio using the world anchors.

bVec2 groundAnchor1 ;
The first ground anchor in world coordinates. This point never moves.

bVec2 groundAnchor2 ;
The second ground anchor in world coordinates. This point never moves.

bVec2 localAnchor1 ;
The local anchor point relative to body1's origin.

bVec2 localAnchor2 ;
The local anchor point relative to body2's origin.

float length1 ;
The a reference length for the segment attached to body1.

float maxLength1 ;
The maximum length of the segment attached to body1.

float length2 ;
The a reference length for the segment attached to body2.

float maxLength2 ;
The maximum length of the segment attached to body2.

float ratio ;
The pulley ratio , used to simulate a block-and-tackle.

class PulleyJoint : blaze.dynamics.joints.joint.Joint;
The pulley joint is connected to two bodies and two fixed ground points.

The pulley supports a ratio such that:

length1 + ratio * length2 <= constant

Yes, the force transmitted is scaled by the ratio.

The pulley also enforces a maximum length limit on both sides. This is

useful to prevent one side of the pulley hitting the top.

bVec2 groundAnchor1 ();
Get the first ground anchor.

bVec2 groundAnchor2 ();
Get the second ground anchor.

float length1 ();
Get the current length of the segment attached to body1.

float length2 ();
Get the current length of the segment attached to body2.

float ratio ();
Get the pulley ratio .

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