User Manual for Bud

Bud Utility © 2006, Derek Parnell, Melbourne
(table of contents)

Topic: Configuration File

The utility's configuration file is used to specify your default options for the utility. The file is called build.cfg. You can have from zero to four configuration files because the Bud utility looks in each of four places for a configuration file, and it uses each one that it finds. It looks in the folder that Bud is installed, then in a user defined alternative path (defined by -BCFPATH switch), then in the folder that the compiler is installed, and finally in the current folder.
Note: The alternative location is optional. It can be specified in an environment switch called BCFPATH or in a command line switch of the same name, -BCFPATH.
The configuration file consists of one or more command lines. Each command line is specified in a single text line, but you can have any number of command lines in the configuration file.
The command lines take the form of
Supported Commands
The commands currently supported are ...
You can specify all command line switch values with this configuration option. You can also specify multiple switches on the same option line.
CMDLINE=-inline -w
This specifies the location and program name for the librarian application you want to invoke when creating libraries.
This specifies the location and program name for the linker application you want to invoke when creating executables.
This specifies the default set of switches passed to the linker. If this command is not in the configuration file, the built-in default is "/noi" when using the DMD linker.
This specifies a command that will run after the target has been successfully created. There can be any number of FINAL commands in a configuration file; they are all executed, and in the order presented.
You can place special tokens in the FINAL command line and these will be replaced just before running the command line.
Token  Replacement 
{Target}  The full path and name of the target file created 
{TargetPath}  The path of the target file created 
{TargetBase}  The name of the target file created 
FINAL="c:\program files\upx202w\upx" --best -q {Target} >nul
This specifies an internal string value. The format is actually INIT:stringname where stringname identifies the specific internal string to set.
   INIT:MapSwitch = -M
The identifiers for the settable strings are detailed below.
The file extension for executable files. Example: "exe"
The file extension for library files.Example: "lib"
The file extension for object files.Example: "obj"
The file extension for shared libraries files.Example: "dll"
The file extension for D source files.Example: "d"
The file extension for macro files.Example: "mac"
The file extension for D Documentation files.Example: "ddoc"
The file name of the compiler.Example: "dmd.exe"
The switch that is passed to the compiler to tell it not to link, just compile the files instead.Example: "-c"
The file name of the linker.Example: "link.exe"
The name of the compiler's configuration file. Example: "sc.ini"
If the compiler is not in the standard search PATH, this specifies the location of the compiler. Example: "F:\dmd\bin"
This will specify where to look for the compiler's configuration file. It overrrides the default places to look for it. Example: "D:\configarea"
If not overriden by any LINKCMD= option found in the compiler's configuration file, this specifies the location of the linker. Example: "F:\dm\bin"
If this empty and there is no LINKCMD= found, the linker is assumed to be in the same place as the compiler.
The default set of switches for the linker. These are applied to every link run. Example: "/noi /map"
The default set of paths used by the linker to scan for library files. Example: "C:\mylibs;c:\dfl"
The delimiter used to separate paths in the LibPaths list. Example: ";"
The name of the librarian tool. Example: "lib.exe "
The default switches that are always passed to the librarian tool. Example: "-c -p256"
The switch that sets a version symbol for the compiler. Example: "-version"
The switch that sets a debug symbol for the compiler. Example: "-debug"
The default switches that are always passed to the compiler. Example: "-op"
Note that in the DigitalMars environment if you don't specify any CompilerDefs, "-op" is assumed.
The switch tells Bud where to create the executable file. Example: "-of"
This is the switch for the compiler to tell it where to search for imported modules. Example: "-I"
This is the switch for the linker to tell it a library to use. Example: "-l"
This is the switch for the linker to tell it where to search for the libraries. Example: "-L"
This is the switch for the linker to tell it to create a map file. Note that the DigitalMars linker does not have a switch for this function. Example: "-M"
This is the switch for the linker to tell it to insert symbolic debugging information into the executable.Example: "/co"
This is the switch for Bud to tell it a path to scan for imported modules. Example: "-I"
This is the switch for Bud to tell it which character is used to delimit paths on a BuildImportPath list. Example: ";"
This is the switch for Bud to tell it the path to use for all temporary output files. Example: "-od"
This is the switch for Bud to tell it to run the application once it successfully compiles. Example: "-exec"
This is the default path where build will run the librarian tool from. It will be overridden by a 'LIBCMD=' in the configuration file or on the commandline. Example: "c:\tools\"
This is the file extension that Bud will use for its response files. Example: "brf"
This is the name of the Bud default response file. Example: "build.brf"
This is the name of the Bud default Rules Definition File. Example: "default.rdf"
This is the name of the Bud default Macro Definition File. Example: "build.mdf"
This is the commandline option given to the linker when the Bud commandline has the "-silent" switch. Example: ">nul"
This is a comma delimited list of modules or packages to ignore. Bud will not scan these modules and packages for dependancies. Example: "std,dfl,dui" If none is specified by this configuration item then 'phobos' is assumed.
This is a comma delimited list of libraries that are passed to the linker. Example: "dfl,mt"
If the application being compiled has a WinMain function or is otherwise identified as a Windows application then the following are automatically passed to the linker.
  • gdi32.lib
  • advapi32.lib
  • comdlg32.lib
  • CTL3D32.LIB
  • kernel32.lib
  • ODBC32.LIB
  • ole32.lib
  • shell32.lib
  • user32.lib
  • uuid.lib
  • winmm.lib
  • winspool.lib
  • wsock32.lib

If the application is being compiled in a Unix environment then the following are automatically passed to the linker.
  • c
  • phobos
  • m
The name of the environment symbol used by Bud when scanning for executables. Example: "PATH"
The name of the environment symbol used by Bud when scanning for configuration file. Example: "HOME"
The name of an alternative path used by Bud when scanning for configuration file. Example: "c:\etc\"
The switch that tells Bud and the compiler to insert debugging information into the object files. Example: "-g"
If the Bud switch "-modules" was used, this defines the string which Bud will begin the Modules List output file with. Example: "MODULES = \n"
If the Bud switch "-modules" was used, this defines the string which Bud will end the Modules List output file with. Example: ""
If the Bud switch "-modules" was used, this defines the string which Bud will use as a template for each module being listed. Example: " $(MODULE {mod})"
Note that {mod} will be replaced with the module's name and {src} will be replaced with the source file's name.
If the Bud switch "-modules" was used, this defines the string which Bud will insert in between each listed module. Example: "\n"
If the Bud switch "-modules" was used, this defines the output file's suffix. This is only used if the "-modules" switch did not specify an exact file name to use. In which case the Target name is used as a prefix and this string as the suffix. Example: "_modules.ddoc "
This value will be the delimiter for file groups on the linker command line. A file group is a set of like filetypes such as objects or libraries Example: ", "
This value will be the delimiter for files within a file group on the linker command line. A file group is a set of like filetypes such as objects or libraries Example: "+ "
If 'yes' this causes linker switches to go after all the other command line entries, otherwise the switches precede them. Example: "Yes "
If 'yes' this causes linker switches to be appended to the last item on the command line otherwise there will be a gap between the last item and the first switch. Example: "Yes "


INIT:MacroExtension = bmc
INIT:LinkerPath = /u2/qwerty/
INIT:AssumedLibs = c,kde,mgui
Default Values for Configuration Items
INIT: itemDigitalMars-WindowsGDC-WindowsDigitalMars-UnixGDC-Unix
ExeExtension exe exe   
LibExtension lib lib 
ObjExtension obj obj 
ShrLibExtension dll dll 
MacroExtension mac mac mac mac 
DdocExtension ddoc ddoc ddoc ddoc 
CompilerExe dmd.exe gdc.exe dmd gdc 
CompileOnly -c -c -c -c 
LinkerExe link.exe gdc.exe gcc gdmd 
ConfigFile sc.ini  dmd.conf  
LinkerDefs /noi/map    
Librarian lib.exe ar.exe ar ar 
LibrarianOpts -c -p256 -c -r -r 
VersionSwitch -version -fversion -version -fversion 
DebugSwitch -debug -fdebug -debug -fdebug 
OutFileSwitch -of "-o " -of "-o " 
ImportPath -I "-I " -I "-I " 
LinkLibSwitch -l -l -l -l-L 
LibPathSwitch -L -L -L -L 
MapSwitch -M -M -M -M 
SymInfoSwitch /co /co /co /co 
BuildImportPath -I -I -I -I 
OutputPath -od -od -od -od 
RunSwitch -exec -exec -exec -exec 
ResponseExt brf brf brf brf 
DefResponseFile build.brf build.brf build.brf build.brf 
RDFName default.rdf default.rdf default.rdf default.rdf 
DefMacroDefFile build.mdf build.mdf build.mdf build.mdf 
LinkerStdOut >nul >nul >/dev/null >/dev/null 
ModOutPrefix "MODULES = \n" "MODULES = \n" "MODULES = \n" "MODULES = \n" 
ModOutBody " $(MODULE {mod})\n" " $(MODULE {mod})\n" " $(MODULE {mod})\n" " $(MODULE {mod})\n" 
ModOutFile _modules.ddoc _modules.ddoc _modules.ddoc _modules.ddoc 
GenDebugInfo -g -g -g -g 
CompilerDefs   -version=Posix -fversion=Posix 
EtcPath   /etc/ /etc/ 
PostSwitches Yes No No No 
AppendLinkSwitches Yes No No No 
Environment Symbol Substitution
Before each configuration file option line is processed, it is first checked for any references to Environment symbols. Each reference is replaced by the value of that symbol. References take the form %<SYMNAME>%
There are three special symbols: @D is replaced by the compiler's path, @P is replaced by the compiler's configuration file's path, and %% is replaced by a single % character and can be used to avoid an unwanted environment symbol substitution.

Example: Assuming you had set BUILDOPTS=-w -g

CMDLINE=%BUILDOPTS%    # Allow switches to be passed via enviroment symbol.
would mean that "-w -g" would be automatically placed on the utility's commandline whenever you ran it.
It is possible to specify groups of configuration options that are only applied if explictly nominated on the command line. A group starts with a line in the format [<groupname>] where groupname can be any text that doesn't include spaces. A group ends on the last line before the next group in the file.

Example: a Group

   [dbg] # To produce a debug edition of an application.
All the options lines before the first group are known as the default options because these are always applied. To apply the options in a group you need to specify which group(s) you want on the command line, or via a . The group name is prepended with a plus sign on the command line. To apply the 'debug' group in the above example, you place on the command line +dbg
There are few optional predefined group names that are used when building for specific environments.
        # items that only apply when building in Windows.

        # items that only apply when building in Posix (unix).

        # items that only apply when building in Macintosh Darwin (OS X).

        # items that only apply when building with DigitalMars tools.

        # items that only apply when building with GNU tools.

        # items that only apply when building with DigitalMars tools in Windows.

        # items that only apply when building with GNU tools in Windows.

        # items that only apply when building with DigitalMars tools in Posix.

        # items that only apply when building with GNU tools in Posix.
These groups are automatically used when building in the appropriate enviroments and do not explicitly have to be mentioned on the command line.
You may place comments in a configuration file. A comment starts with a # character and extends to the end of the line.
Blank lines are ignored.


build myapp.d +production
where if a group called '[production]' is contained in any configuration file, the options in that group are used.

Example: contents of [production]

    # This creates a production (release) edition of the app.
    CMDLINE=-T{Target}_{Group}  # Set the name of the executable.
    CMDLINE=-release   # Don't generate runtime checks.
    CMDLINE=-full      # Force compilation of all files.
    CMDLINE=-cleanup   # remove work files when completed
    CMDLINE=-inline    # Allow inlining to occur
    CMDLINE=--debug*   # Turn off any debug switches
    CMDLINE=--unittest # Turn off any unittest switches
    CMDLINE=--w        # Turn off warnings
    CMDLINE=--g        # Turn off embedded debug symbolic info.
You can any number of configuration file group references on a command line. They are processed in the order they appear.

Generated by Ddoc, Mon Oct 16 11:03:25 2006