Main Features * conversion of DMD/DMC CodeView information to PDB file * converted line number info allows setting breakpoints * display of variables, fields and objects in watch, local and auto window and in data tooltips * convenient display of dynamic and associative arrays in watch windows * demangled function names for convenient display of callstack More features This list is a bit more technical and shows what is actually done to achieve the desired functionality: * replaces '.' in class names with '@' to avoid confusing debugger * converts class pointers to reference for "clss.field" syntax * converts the type of member function, so that "this" is an object pointer, allowing the debugger to display fields without "this." * generates generic debug info for dynamic arrays, associative arrays and delegates * creates readable type names for display of D specific types * autoexp.dat formats output for dynamic and associative arrays in watch windows * autoexp.dat filters display of null references * adds object class debug info * "char[]", "wchar[]" and "dchar[]" (D1) or "const char[]", "const wchar[]" and "const dchar[]" (D2) translated to "string", "wstring" and "dstring", respectively * converts type delegate to __int64 * addin dviewhelper.dll allows correct display of D style strings and derived object type * maps D basic types to enumerators to overload C style names * add struct definitions for complex data types