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Derelict is a collection of D bindings to C shared (dynamic) libraries which are useful for multimedia applications, with a heavy bias toward libraries commonly used in game development. Derelict can be used with both D1 and D2, as well as with both the Phobos standard library and the alternative, Tango. It is also a goal to ensure that Derelict is available on every platform where D is available and, ultimately, that it is compatibile with the main D compilers. Neither of those goals has been completely met yet, but Derelict 2 is currently usable out of the box on Windows and Linux, mostly Mac-ready, and has seen some use on FreeBSD.

What makes Derelict different from other D bindings to C libraries is in the method used to link. Most bindings are designed to be linked at compile time either with a static version of a C library, or with the dynamic version. Derelict does not support static linking in any form. Instead, it requires the bound libraries to always be in shared form. The shared libraries are loaded manually at runtime.

General Facts You Need to Know