This document explains the signature of types and symbols in Descent. * Signatures for primitive types remain the same. * For symbols: - For modules, the symbol @ is used: @4some6module - For classes, the letter C is used: C3Foo - For structs, the letter S is used: S3Foo - For interfaces, the symbol | is used: |3Foo - For unions, the symbol & is used: &3Foo - For enums, the symbol E is used: E3Foo - For enum members, the symbol ~ is used: ~3Foo - For variables, the symbol / is used: /3Foo - For aliases, the symbol = is used: =3Foo - For typedefs, the letter T is used: T3Foo - For functions, the symbol [ is used, followed by the TypeFunction signature: [3fooFZv. - For an identifier, the symbol ? is used, and then like a module ?4some2Id - For a typeof, the symbol > is used, and then comes the length of the expression to evaluate, then > again, and then the expression. - For a slice, the symbol is ¬, then comes the type, then comes the length of of the lwr expression, then > again, then the lwr expression, and in the same way the upr expression. For example: @4test3fooC3Bar --> class Bar in module @4test[3fooF@4testC3BarZv --> function foo in module test, taking class Bar in module test as the first argument, and returning void @test[3fooFZvCBar --> class Bar in function foo in module test For symbols local to functions, it's the signature of the enclosing function followed by a single $, followed by the absolute start position of the symbol, folloed by the normal type signature. For example: ...$50C3Bar --> class Bar declared in the function, at absolute position 50 For invariants, unittests, static ctors and static dtors, it's the signature of the enclosing symbol, followed by $, the position of it in the source file, and }. For templates, the symbol used is {. Following are the template parameters, followed by ': - For an alias parameter, it's ]. If a " comes, the specific type comes. - For a tuple parameter, it's %. - For a type parameter, it's #. If a + comes, the specific type comes. - For a value parameter, it's "," and then follows the type. If a number follows, it's the length of the specific value expression, whose start is marked by another ",". For a templated class, the symbol used is <. Following are the template parameters. For a templated function, the symbol used is >. Following is the function type, then come the template parameters. For a template instance, the symbol used is !. Then follows the parameters of the instance, then '. - For a type parameter, the symbol used is ^, the comes the type. - For an expression parameter, the symbol - is used, the comes the length, then - again, then the expression. - For a symbol, the symbol * is used. Then comes the symbol's signature. - TODO: tuples Template instances always follows a template.