Version Changes 3.1.0 Added handling of J2SE 5.0 enhanced FOR loop for relevant metrics. 3.0.1 Fixed some incorrect/broken links in index.html 3.0.0 Compatible with Eclipse version 3.1. Still uses some deprecated APIs. Repackaged as com.stateofflow.eclipse.metrics and placed on SourceForge. Refactored many things to improved the code. Packaged up the metric descriptions with the release and place them into the export folder when an HTML export is performed. 2.7.0 Compatible with Eclipse version 3.0. 2.6.1 Rebuilt in an attempt to fix some loading problems. I'm not sure that this was necessary since I think Eclipse bug 48220 was actually causing the problem. See 2.6.0 Made compatible with Eclipse version 3.0M7. Also fixed a problem that was causing incremental builds not to cause metrics recalculation. This was due to the background compilation that was introduced in an earlier 3.0M release. 2.5.0 Made compatible with Eclipse version 3.0M5 and 3.0M6. Fixed a bug reported by Jussi Helminen whereby the line numbers used for the first line of types was calculated differently for the Lack of Cohesion in Methods from the other metrics. This caused exports to behave oddly when these metrics were included. 2.4.0 Made compatible with Eclipse version 3.0.0. 2.3.0 Added the CSV export facility. Added histograms for each metric page using JFreeChart. Warning: For reasons currently under investigation, the histogram production causes Eclipse on MacOS X and Linux to crash after the export has completed. This problem does not occur on Windows. If you experience it on other platforms please submit a bug on SourceForge. Added a dashboard visual summary using the histograms. 2.2.1 Small refactoring to try to reduce the memory requirements when exporting metrics. 2.2.0 Internal reorganisation in the way metrics are identified. Results in a slight speedup when metrics are disabled. Added Lines of Code in Method metric. Fixed a bug in Number of Statements that caused variable assignments not to be counted. Corrected an error in the Henderson-Sellers Lack of Cohesion in Methods description. This was found by Andreas Schonknecht. Many thanks, Andreas. 2.1.0 Allow paging of output when exporting HTML (with user definable number of rows) Persist export information (directory and number of rows per page) in the project and recall it next time. 2.0.1 Fixed a bug that caused metrics to be produced for projects which a metrics-enabled project is dependent on. Fixed a bug in the Lack Of Cohesion In Methods Calculator that caused exceptions when files were replaced with items from the local history or from CVS. 2.0.0 Refactored the calculators to use Eclipse's build in AST rather than one generated by Antlr. This took a while and slightly impacts performance but should make it much easier to add new metrics. Added Efferent Couplings metric. 1.4.0 Added HTML Export. Added Perl5 regexes (using the Jakarta-ORO packages) as a mechanism for excluding resources from metric calculations. Allowed editing of existing resource specifications in the Excluded Resources list. Changed FileDialog in Excluded Resources to a ResourceSelectionDialog. 1.3.1 Fixed a bug in Lack of Cohesion in Methods that causes a NullPointerException when a field is initialized at the same time as it is declared. Remove Metrics Properties item from Resource Perspective and add it to all Java Perspectives i.e. you now enable and disable metrics gathering from the Properties sheet in a Java perspective). 1.3.0 Allow enabling and disabling of individual metrics in the Preference page. Allow enabling and disabling of counting of case, catch and ternary operator in Cyclomatic Complexity and Weighted Methods Per Class. Only show the package when measuring metrics rather than the Java file. 1.2.0 Walk the AST generated by Antlr with hand crafted code rather than using semantic actions in the grammar. I think this is easier. Might still use transformations and semantics actions later though... Added Chidamber and Kimerer Lack of Cohesion in Methods. Added Henderson-Sellers Lack of Cohesion in Methods. Added Number of Fields Added Number of Statements Fixed Excluded Resources (again) 1.1.1 Bugfix for Excluded Resources - couldn't add just one resource at a time (i.e. could add if more than one resource was selected). Now can add one or more resources. Removed parser logging - significant speedup. 1.1.0 Bugfix for errors during build of projects with project directory as source directory. Bugfix for Preferences problem caused by removal of IntegerFieldEditor constructor in Eclipse 2.0.2 Added Excluded Resources list in the project Properties. Added Weighted Methods Per Class 1.0.0 First release