
This module contains a few graph implementations, to use the algorithms presented in dranges.graphalgorithm. In a graph, nodes are defined by a (unique) label, and a value. A label can be of any type, string being the most common, and will be used to refer to a particular node. A value can also be of any type and is just the payload stored in the node.

An edge is a (directed) link from a node to another. It's represented as two labels.

The basic idea is that to construct a graph (and for many algorithms) nodes and edges just have to obey small constraints: for a node, to have a .label and a .value member, and for an edge, to have a .from and a .to member. To compile, all the nodes in a graph must have the same type and the edges must be compatible: the label they point to must have the correct type (compile-time check) and the correct value (runtime check).

Then, for richer structures, nodes and edges can expose other members, typically somthing like .weight, .length, .capacity, .flow or .color. Algorithm will check for the existence of such members and refuse to compile if they do not exist. (An idea to pursue could be to provide a simple graph and an associative array of labels, to give the algorithm access to some property, like a double[Edge] AA giving the lengths of edges.)

As of this writing, I changed Graph back to a struct, and UndirectedGraph also. On the other hand directed acyclic graphs might be modelized by an assumeAcyclic wrapper, like std.algorithm does for sorted ranges. We'll see.

lots of things. Shaping up UndirectedGraph, trying a DAG class, a bidirectional graph (with access not only to the successors/outedges of a node but also to its predecessors/ingoing edges). Also, iterating on a graph is easy, but modifying it, not so much. I might define some cursor-like structure, for example created by opIndex[label], that would give ref access to a node, its payload but also to its successors. See also the dranges.recursive module for similar ideas. I get the impression that I can unite recursive ranges and cursors in one entity.

Once this has stabilized some, make Graph a container by providing some of std.container.TotalContainer primitives. Not all make sense for a graph .

Boost License 1.0.

Philippe Sigaud

Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)

template isNode (N)
constraint template.

template isEdge (E)
constraint template.

template Label (N) if (isNode!(N))
extracts the label type from a node.

template Value (N) if (isNode!(N))
extracts the value (payload) type from a node.

template Label (E) if (isEdge!(E))
extracts the label type from an edge.

struct Node (Label,Value = Label);
basic Node struct, the minimal interface a Node must provide.

Node!(Label,Value) node (Label, Value)(Label label, Value value);
creates a Node from a label and a value.

Node!(Label,Label) node (Label)(Label label);
creates a node which has equal label and values. Useful when you just want the structure of a graph and are not interested in storing content in it.

struct Edge (Label);
basic edge, provides the minimum members an edge must have.

Edge!(Label) edge (Label)(Label l1, Label l2);
factory function to create an edge and do type deduction on labels.

struct WeightedNode (Value,Label = string,Weight = double);
First try at having a richer Node.

struct LenghtyEdge (Label,Length);
An edge with a length member. A problem remains: how to generically construct the reversed edge (going from 'to' to 'from') from an unknown type providing the edge interface? The internal structure may be complicated and initialized in a non-trivial way.

struct Graph (N,E) if (isNode!(N) && isEdge!(E) && is(Label!(N) == Label!(E)));
A simple directed graph struct, parameterized on the nodes and edge types. These must be compatible: the nodes have at least a label (its "name") and a value, and the edges link two labels.

alias NodeType ;
exposed node type.

alias EdgeType ;
exposed edge type.

alias LabelType ;
exposed label type.

alias ValueType ;
exposed payload type.

template opBinary (string op) if (op == "~")
Concatenation operator, to create a graph with a new node in it.

Graph!(N,E) opBinary (NodeType n);
Concatenation operator, to create a graph with a new node in it.

template opOpAssign (string op) if (op == "~")
adding a node to the graph.

void opOpAssign (NodeType n);
adding a node to the graph.

template opBinary (string op) if (op == "~")
The same, with an edge.

Graph!(N,E) opBinary (EdgeType e);
The same, with an edge.

template opOpBinary (string op) if (op == "~")

void opOpBinary (EdgeType e);

void addNode (NodeType n);
Basic functionality. If n is already a node, does nothing. If n is indeed new, it adds it to the graph, with no edges.

void addEdge (Label!(N) from, Label!(N) to);
Basic functionality. If to or from are not in the graph, or if both are in the graph and an edge already exists between them, it does nothing. Else, it adds the edge going from from to to (normal situation).

void addEdge (EdgeType edge);
Adds an edge to the grap.

void addNodes (NodeType[] n);
Add new nodes to the graph.

void addEdges (Label!(N) from, Label!(N)[] toNodes);
Add new edges (a Label!N[] array) to node n, in a batch.

bool isValidNode (Label!(N) l);
Checks if there is a node labeled l in the graph. It's a O(N lg N) operation, N being the number of nodes.

bool canAddEdge (Label!(N) from, Label!(N) to);
Checks than to and from are valid nodes labels and that no edge exists between them.

bool isValidEdge (Label!(N) from, Label!(N) to);

bool isValidEdge (EdgeType e);

@property NodeType[] nodes ();
Returns an array containing a copy of the graph's nodes . It's not lazy.

@property Label!(N)[] labels ();
Returns the labels of a graph. It's not lazy.

@property EdgeType[] edges ();
Returns the edges as an array. It's not lazy.

@property size_t size ();
A Graph size is its number of nodes.

size_t valency (Label!(N) l);
the valency of a node is the number of its outcoming edges.

Label!(N)[] successors (Label!(N) l);
Returns the children of the node labeled l, as a label array.

bool hasChildren (Label!(N) l);
returns true iff the node labeled l has children (outcoming edges).

bool isSink (Label!(N) l);
returns true iff the node labeled l is a sink in the graph (a leaf in tree parlance, a node without outgoing edges).

bool opIn_r (Label!(N) l);
returns true if l is in the graph

bool opIn_r (EdgeType e);
returns true if e is in the graph

NodeType opIndex (Label!(N) l);
returns the node labeled l. It's one of the few functions there that returns a true node.

void deleteNode (Label!(N) l, bool danglingBonds = false);
Deletes the node labeled l from the graph. You can force dangling bonds (ie, invalide edges pointing to a now-inexistent node) by setting danglingBonds to true. I do not think it's a good idea.

void deleteEdge (Label!(N) from, Label!(N) to);
Suppresses the edge going from from to to.

void deleteEdge (EdgeType e);
Suppresses the edge e.

void deleteEdges (Label!(N) l);
Suppresses all edges going from the node labeled l (thus making it a leaf).

string toString ();
to print the graph.

@property size_t numNodes ();
equivalent to .size.

@property size_t numEdges ();
Returns the total number of edges. It's not a pre-calculated value. Maybe that would be a good idea to have a counter somewhere instead of calculating it that way.

Graph!(CommonType!(StaticFilter!(isNode,T)),Select!(is(CommonType!(StaticFilter!(isEdge,T)) == void),Edge!(typeof(CommonType!(StaticFilter!(isNode,T)).label)),CommonType!(StaticFilter!(isEdge,T)))) graph (T...)(T edgesOrNodes);
Builds a Graph from a list of nodes and edges. The signature may by odious, but usage is very simple: just give it a list of nodes and edges.
auto g = graph(node("A", 1.0), node("B", 2), node("C", 3.141592), edge("A", "B"), edge("A", "C"), node("D", -1.0), edge("D", "C"));
(Curse you DDoc for making me destroy my layout to work around a bug).

The function will determine the nodes and edges types from the list, make sure they are compatible and build the graph out of it. In the above example, the nodes will be labeled by a string, and contain a value of type double.

Note that it needs at least one node to determine the Graph type, so you cannot build a nodeless graph from it. Instead, just create the appropriate struct:
Graph!(Node!(Label, Value), Edge!(Label)) g;
Right now, it builds the graph exactly as you typed it, so you cannot add an edge linking nodes that are not both already in the graph . That will change in the future: it will filter the nodes, add them to the graph , and then add the edges.

struct UndirectedGraph (N,E) if (isNode!(N) && isEdge!(E) && is(Label!(N) == Label!(E)));
Undirected graph, built upon a directed graph. Still experimental.

alias NodeType ;
exposed node type.

alias EdgeType ;
exposed edge type.

alias LabelType ;
exposed label type.

alias ValueType ;
exposed payload type.

string toString ();
to print the graph.

UndirectedGraph!(CommonType!(StaticFilter!(isNode,T)),Select!(is(CommonType!(StaticFilter!(isEdge,T)) == void),Edge!(typeof(CommonType!(StaticFilter!(isNode,T)).label)),CommonType!(StaticFilter!(isEdge,T)))) undirectedGraph (T...)(T edgesOrNodes);

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