
This module defines some useful templates for the other modules and some 'meta-templates'. Templates transforming other templates, currying them, flipping their arguments, etc.

Boost License 1.0.

Philippe Sigaud and Simen Kjærås

Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)

template isInstanceOf (T,alias templ)
Alias itself to true if T is an instance of templ. To obtain the template parameters, see TemplateParametersTypeTuple.

auto cy = cycle([0,1,2,3]); // cy is a Cycle!(int[])
alias typeof(cy) Cy;
assert(isInstanceOf!(Cy, Cycle));

template staticSwitch (alias F,T...) if (allSatisfy!(isAlias,T))
Switches between template instantiations depending on the parameters passed.

Simen Kjærås.

alias staticSwitch( foo, 1, 2, 3 ).With callFoo;
callFoo( 2 ); // Actually calls foo!(2)( )

template BindT (alias Template,alias Param0)
Bind Param0 as the first parameter of Template.

See Also:
CurryTemplate, for a more powerful and up-to-date version.

template BindF (alias FunctionTemplate,alias Param0)
Bind Param0 as the first template parameter of a function template.

template CurryTemplate (alias templ)
Takes a n-args template and transforms it into n 1-arg templates inside each other. Very useful for templates with many arguments, when you only have one arg right now, or want to bind this arg. CurryTemplate also works with template alias parameters (and will wait for an alias, not a type).

// StaticMap takes a template and typetuple as parameters.
alias CurryTemplate!(StaticMap) CStaticMap; // CStaticMap takes a template and then a T... (typetuple)
alias CStaticMap!Unqual SMU; // SMU is now an independant template taking a T... and mapping Unqual on it.

assert(is(SMU!(int, const int, immutable double, string) == TypeTuple!(int, int, double, string)));

template UnWrap (string Wrapper,T)
Takes a complex type (ie:Cycle!R, Retro!R) and get rid of the external type indicated as a string. That is UnWrap !("Cycle", Cycle!U) aliases itself to U. It's useful to get some return types, when you extract internal values in a range and need to get their types.

auto c = cycle([1,2,3][]);
assert(is(typeof(c) == Cycle!(int[]))); // A cycle around an array of int
alias UnWrap!("Cycle", typeof(c)) InternalType;
assert(is(InternalType == int[]));

use TemplateParameterTypeTuple instead.

template Wrap (string Wrapper,T)
The converse of UnWrap.

template FlipTemplate (alias templ)
Takes a template and flips its arguments. So, given:
template Foo(A,B) {}
Then FlipTemplate !Foo is equivalent to:
template FlippedFoo(B,A) { alias Foo!(A,B) FlippedFoo;}

template Pair(A,B)
    alias Tuple!(A,B) Pair;

alias FlipTemplate!Pair FPair;

assert(is( Pair!(int,double) == Tuple!(int,double)));
assert(is(FPair!(int,double) == Tuple!(double,int)));
This works for any number of parameters.

alias FlipTemplate!Tuple FTuple;
assert(is(FTuple!(char,int,double,void delegate(string)) == Tuple!(void delegate(string),double,int,char)));

template TransformTemplate (alias templ,alias transformTypes)
A generalized version of FlipTemplate: takes a target template and a transformation on types (another template). It will then apply the transformation on the parameters before passing the result to the input template.

template Foo(A) {}; // Foo takes one type as param.
// First is template defined in dranges.typetuple that takes a TypeTuple and alias itself to the first type.
alias TransformTemplate!(Foo, First) TFoo; // TFoo is a variadic template. Any T... passed to it is transformed
                                           // by First!T into T[0], before serving as parameter for Foo.
                                           // So, TFoo is now a variadic version of Foo.
assert(is(TFoo!(int, double, string) == Foo!(int)));

template T1 (string s)
The template equivalent of unaryFun: takes a string as template argument and creates a simple template aliasing the string. As for unaryFun, the resulting template argument is 'a'.

alias T1!"Tuple!(ReturnType!a, ParameterTypeTuple!a)" FunTypes;

assert(is(FunTypes!(int delegate(double, string)) == Tuple!(int, double, string)));

template T2 (string s)
The binaryFun equivalent for templates: given a string with 'a' and 'b', generates a template from it. It's useful to quickly make a template, for example for a StaticMap or template composition.

alias T2!"a delegate(b)" MkDelegate; // MkDelegate is a template taking two types a and b and becoming
                                     // the type of delegates from b to a.

template TN (string s)
The n-types generalization of T1 and T2: given a string in 'a', 'b', ... (up to 'z'), creates a template from it. It will automatically determine the corresponding number of parameters by using the same heuristics than for naryFun in dranges.functional2: it looks for lone letters and takes the higher one

alias TN!"a delegate(b,c,d)" MkDelegate3; // finds a 'd', arity = 4, MkDelegate3 is a four parameters template
assert(is(MkDelegate!(int,double,char,string) == int delegate(double,char,string)));

template Max (alias a,alias b)
Aliases itself to the max of a and b.

template Min (alias a,alias b)
Aliases itself to the min of a and b.

template isTemplate (alias templ)
Alias itself to true iff templ is a template (standard, function, class or struct template).

template TemplateArity (alias templ) if (isTemplate!(templ))
Alias itself to the number of parameters needed to instantiate template templ. To represent variadic template, returns a negative number.

template Foo0()    {}
template Foo1(A)   {}
template Foo2(A,B) {}
template FooVar(A,B,C...) {}

assert(TemplateArity!Foo0 == 0);
assert(TemplateArity!Foo1 == 1);
assert(TemplateArity!Foo2 == 2);
assert(TemplateArity!Foo3 == -3); // Three params, the last being variadic.

template TemplateParametersTypeTuple (T)
Takes a type instantiating a template (that is, T == A!(someTypes...) for some A) and becomes the template's parameters typetuple: TypeTuple!(someTypes) in the previous example. It won't work for alias parameters, because they're not imported by this module.

assert(is(TemplateParametersTypeTuple!(Cycle!(int[])) == TypeTuple!(int[])));

template TemplateName (T)
If T is a template instantiation, becomes the template name. For a non-templated type, it just becomes this type name.

struct Foo(T...) {}
alias Foo!(int, double) Foo_id;
assert(TemplateName!(Foo_id) == "Foo");

assert(TemplateName!(int) == "int");

almost completly untested!

template TemplateFunctionPTT (alias fun)
Gives the parameters typetuple from a non-instantiated template function. It creates a list of structs T0, T1, ..., Tn (n being TemplateArity!fun) and instantiates fun to do that. So the resulting TypeTuple is defined for inexistant types!

Does not work if there are constraints on the types.

Should be modified to work with variadic templates.

A foo(A,B)(A a, B b, Tuple!(B,A) c, B d) { return a;}
alias TemplateFunctionPTT!foo PTTfoo; // PTTfoo is TypeTuple!(T0, T1, Tuple!(T1,T0), T1)

int TemplateFunArity (alias templ)();
Gives the number of args of a non-instantiated template function. Not to be confused with TemplateArity which gives the number of parameters for the template.

A foo(A,B)(A a, B b, Tuple!(B,A) c, B d) { return a;}

assert(TemplateFunArity!foo == 4);
assert(TemplateArity!foo    == 2);

template CompareTypes (T,U)
A small template to sort types.

See Also:

string TemplateConstraints (alias templ)();
Returns the constraints of a template (the guard if (...) after the template name), if any. If there is no constraint, returns the empty string.

template Foo(alias A, B, C)
    alias A!(B,C) Foo;

template Bar(A,B,C) if (isIntegral!B && is(C == CommonType!(A,B)))
    alias Tuple!(A,B,C) Bar;

assert(TemplateConstraints!Bar == "isIntegral!(B) && is(C == CommonType!(A,B))");
assert(TemplateConstraints!Foo == "");

template isAlias (alias a)
template isAlias (T)
Is true if a is an alias (a symbol bound by an alias template parameter). It's useful when you have a variadic type (T...) and some of its components may be aliases instead of types.

template isType (T)
template isType (alias a)
Is true if T is a type and not an alias. It's useful when you have a variadic type (T...) and some of its components may be types or aliases..

template Constant (T)
The constant template (akin to the constant function). Once instantiated with a type, its next instantiation will gives the original type. It's sometimes useful while mapping templates, composing templates or acting on types in general.

alias Constant!int CInt;
assert(is(StaticMap!(CInt,double,int,string,char) == TypeTuple!(int,int,int,int)));

template Void (T...)
The void template: whatever types you give it, it's void.

template Null ()
The null template: takes no type, is void (seems strange, but sometime useful)

template Id (T...)
The identity template: becomes the types you gives it as parameters. If you give it one type, it alias itself to this type, not TypeTuple!type.

template Compose (Templates...)
Compose n templates together. This is one very powerful meta-template, if I may say so...

alias Compose!(Cycle, ArrayType) MkCycle; // Takes a T, makes a Cycle!(T[]).

template ArrayType (T)
Alias itself to T[]. Useful for template composition.

template Apply (T...)
Apply types T on successive templates (that is, instantiate them with T) and makes a TypeTuple from it. It's the complement of StaticMap, which takes a template an applies it on successive types.


alias Apply!(int,double) Applier;
alias Applier.On!(MkDelegate, Tuple, Doubler, CommonType) Result;
assert(is(Result == TypeTuple!(int delegate(double), Tuple!(int,double), int, double, int, double, double)));

template On (alias templ1,Rest...)

template Instantiate (alias templ1,Rest...)
Like Apply.On, but reversed: first, the templates, then the type.


template MkDelegate (ReturnType,ParameterTypes...)
The type of a delegate with corresponding parameters.

template TransferParamsTo (alias templ)
It will extract the template parameters from someTemplatedType and instantiate someTemplate with them.

alias TransferParamsTo!Repeat MkRepeat;
alias MkRepeat.From!(Cycle!(int[])) R; // takes a Cycle!(Range), extracts Range, makes a Repeat from it.
assert(is(R == Repeat!(int[]))); // R is a Repeat!(int[])

so, TransferParamsTo can be seen as a 'function' from a domain of types to another domain. It's a functor, in a mathematical/Haskell sense (which has nothing to do with a C++ functor).

template TransferParamsFrom (alias templ)
The same, but with arguments inverted.


See Also:

class Default ;
template SwitchOnType (alias value,Type,alias Action,Rest...)
template SwitchOnType (alias value,Type : Default,alias Action)
An small switch-like template to produce different code depending on the type of value. The Default class is used to indicate (wait for it) a default value.
int i; double d; string s;
alias SwitchOnType!(i, int, "It's an int", double, "It's a double", Default, "It's something else") switchi;
alias SwitchOnType!(d, int, "It's an int", double, "It's a double", Default, "It's something else") switchd;
alias SwitchOnType!(s, int, "It's an int", double, "It's a double", Default, "It's something else") switchs;
assert(switchi == "It's an int");
assert(switchd == "It's a double");
assert(switchs == "It's something else");

Well, not a bug really, but a severe limitation: the 'Action' alias are all evaluated at compile-time, there are not lazy. I found out it drastically limits the interest of this template: it cannot be used as a way to mixin different pieces of code based on a directing type.

// Different predicate strings based on value's type.
alias SwitchOnType!(value,
                    char,    "a.field[1] == '" ~ value ~ "'",         /+ Incorrect if value is an int +/
                    string,  Format!("a.field[1] == \"%s\" ", value), /+ Incorrect if value is a char +/
                    Default, "a.field[1] == " ~ to!string(value)
                    ) predicate;

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