
This module is just a test, to see how to iterate on a binary or n-ary tree. This entire module will probably be fused with recursive.d and the graph modules, to make it a coherent whole.

Boost License 1.0.

Philippe Sigaud

Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)

class Tree (T);
The basic node for a binary tree.

T t ;
Value stored on the node.

Tree!(T) left ;
Tree!(T) right ;

Tree!(T) tree (T)(T t);
Helper function to create a Tree!T with no child (a leaf).

Tree!(T) tree (T)(T t, Tree!(T) l, Tree!(T) r);
To create a Tree!T with children.

class NTree (T);
The basic node for a n-ary tree.

NTree!(T) ntree (T)(T t);
Helper function to create a NTree!T with no child (a leaf).

NTree!(T) ntree (T, R)(T t, R c);
To create a NTree!T with children.

bool isLeaf (T)(Tree!(T) t);
predicate to see if a node is a leaf (a node without children).

I reduceTree (alias fun, I, T)(I ifNull, Tree!(T) tr);
Reduce on a tree: recursively apply fun on the value and the children, to obtain a unique result.

int height (T)(Tree!(T) tr);
T[] preOrder (T)(Tree!(T) tr);
T[] inOrder (T)(Tree!(T) tr);
T[] postOrder (T)(Tree!(T) tr);
T max (T)(Tree!(T) tr);
T min (T)(Tree!(T) tr);
I opTree (string op, I, T)(I ifNull, Tree!(T) tr);
Small functions (one-liners) that use reduceTree, to calculate, respectively:
  • The height (depth) of a binary tree
  • The values in found in a depth-first pre-order iteration. They are returned as an array.
  • The values in found in a depth-first in-order iteration. They are returned as an array.
  • The values in found in a depth-first post-order iteration. They are returned as an array.
  • The maximum value held by a node.
  • The minimum value held by a node.
  • The result of applying an binary operation on the node's value and the values given by treeReduce on the children (see the examples)

reduceTree is a greedy algorithm.

auto t0 = tree(0);
auto t1 = tree(1, t0, tree(2));
auto t3 = tree(3, t1, tree(4));
//  t3 is:
//              3
//             / \
//            1   4
//           / \
//          0   2
assert(height(t3) == 3);
assert(preOrder(t3) == [3,1,0,2,4]);
assert(inOrder(t3) == [0,1,2,3,4]);
assert(postOrder(t3) == [0,2,1,4,3]);
assert(max(t3) == 4);
assert(min(t3) == 0);
assert(opTree!"+"(0,t3) == 3+1+4+2+0);

void transform (alias fun, T)(ref Tree!(T) tr);
Applies function fun to the values of node and then recursively to the children. It transforms the Tree in place.

Maybe another version that can act on the entire Node, modifying the tree's structure.

enum TraversalMode ;
A enum that control the mode of traversal on a tree

Traversal!(tm,T) traversal (TraversalMode tm = TraversalMode.depthfirst, T)(T treelike);
Returns a range to iterate on a tree nodes. The mode of traversal is a template parameter and can be depthfirst (the default) or breadthfirst.

it iterates on the tree nodes, not the content of the nodes. Maybe I should change this.

auto depthf = traversal(t);
auto breadthf = travseral!(TraversalMode.breadthfirst)(t);

AsTrie!(T) asTrie (T)(Tree!(T) tree);
Produces a range to iterate in a standard tree as if it was a trie: the elements are arrays of all elements traversed from the root to the current focus of iteration.

// t3 is the same tree used before for heigth/preorder, etc.
//              3
//             / \
//            1   4
//           / \
//          0   2
auto trie = asTrie(t3);
auto values = map!("array(map!\"a.t\"(a))")(trie); // The strange double map is to convert the nodes ot their values.
assert(equal(values, [[3], [3,1], [3,1,0], [3,1,2], [3,4]]));

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