
To Be Documented.

This module defines some range-like templates on variadic lists : mapping, filtering, etc.

Boost License 1.0.

Philippe Sigaud

Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)

CommonType!(T) max (T...)(T t);

CommonType!(T) min (T...)(T t);

Tuple!(StaticMap!(RT!(fun),T)) mapVariadic (alias fun, T...)(T tup);

StaticScan!(RT2!(fun),T)[__dollar - 1] reduceVariadic (alias fun, T...)(T ts);

Tuple!(StaticScan!(RT2!(fun),T)) scanVariadic (alias fun, T...)(T ts);

Tuple!(StaticStride!(n,T)) strideVariadic (size_t n, T...)(T ts);

template Max (alias a,Rest...)
Finds the maximum value of a variadic list, at compile-time.

assert(Max!1 == 1);
assert(Max!(1,2) == 2);
assert(Max!(1,2,4,3,0) == 4);

template Min (alias a,Rest...)
Finds the minimum value of a variadic list, at compile-time.

assert(Min!1 == 1);
assert(Min!(1,2) == 2);
assert(Min!(1,2,4,3,0) == 4);

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