Open Source.

DSP and its spinoff technologies are released under the MIT License. All other downloads/dependencies are licensed under their respective licenses.

Latest Version.

DSP 0.1 Beta.

DSP is available as a source distribution, and requires Mango V1.3 and Build V2.07 to compile.

As beta software, your mileage may vary, but please let us know what you think. Please email Eric Anderton or log on to the project forum and let the developers know what you think.

The DSP Beta release features an XML Parser design, servlet regeneration and a tunable library cache. It has only been tested and built on win32, so non-windows environments are not explicilty supported (but those interested are encouraged to try).

Read the complete release notes for more information.

Older Versions.

DSP Alpha 2.

DSP Alpha 1.

The Bleeding Edge.

DSP is held in a subversion source repository on Here you'll find the latest, bleeding-edge version of the complete DSP family of technologies.

Spinoff Technologies.

In developing DSP, some additional technologies budded from the overall development effort.


Dexter is a rendition of Ben Hinkle's DMD Frontend (which in turn is a rendition of the D compiler frontend), that consumes d source files and translates them into XML summaries of the source.

SVN Repository for Dexter

Planned Features:


An expat and SAX inspired XML library written completely in D. It takes advantage of the unique capabilities of the D platform, and delivers a robust platform from which to parse and validate XML data. Supports UTF-8, UTF-16 and UTF-32 encodings, and is currently available in a lazy (non-validating) parser.

SVN Repository for XML

Planned Features: