Due to bootstrapping and platform differences, installing DSSS from source can be a little bit complicated, but if you follow this list of steps it should work fine: 1) Get a D compiler. DMD version 1.0 or newer should work, GDC 0.22 or newer should work. 2) If you currently have DSSS installed, UNINSTALL IT. To do this easily, just use the command 'dsss uninstall dsss' 3) Use make to build DSSS with the appropriate Makefile. If you're using GDC use Makefile.gdc.posix, if you're using DMD on Windows use Makefile.dmd.win, if you're using DMD on GNU/Linux use Makefile.dmd.posix. There is not presently a Makefile for GDC on Windows, I believe Makefile.gdc.posix should work so long as you have MSYS installed. To use make with a specified Makefile (in this example, Makefile.gdc.posix): $ make -f Makefile.gdc.posix 4) Install DSSS to whatever directory you prefer. On Unix-like systems, a common choice would be /usr, or /opt/d. You can also install it into your home directory. On Windows, a path like C:\DSSS or just C:\D is sensible. To install DSSS to the directory you've chosen on Unix (this may require you to become root, depending on what directory you've chosen): $ ./dsss install --prefix= To install DSSS to the directory you've chosen on Windows: > dsss install --prefix= 5) Add DSSS' "bin" directory to your PATH environment variable. On Unix (with bash): $ export PATH="/bin:$PATH" On Windows: > set PATH=\bin;%PATH%