
struct Rect ;
Rectangle class. Size and position are stored in floating point.

static Rect opCall (float rx = cast(float)0, float ry = cast(float)0, float rwidth = cast(float)0, float rheight = cast(float)0);
Rect constructor

void set (float xpos, float ypos, float rwidth, float rheight);
Set value using left,top,width,height convention

void setLTRB (float leftx, float topy, float rightx, float bottomy);
Set value using left,top,right,bottom convention

bool contains (float px, float py);
Point-inside-rect test

void enclose (Rect o);
Intersection of two rects.

Grow rect to enclose other rect (union of rects.)

void enclose (Size p);
Grow rect to enclose point p.

struct Size ;
Size is used to describe the width and height of a box. Width is given by size.width, and height by size.height Several synonyms are provided for the .w and .h properties. .width is equivalent to .w or .x. .height is equivalent to .h or .y.

static Size opCall (float _w, float _h);

void opAddAssign (Size o);
Allows Sizes to be added to using s1 += s2.

void opSubAssign (Size o);
Allows Sizes to be subtracted from using s1 += s2.

void opMulAssign (float d);
Allows Sizes to be multiplied by a scalar

char[] toString ();
Return a printable representation of the Size

alias Point ;
Point can be used as an alias for Size. This is not a typedef so there is no compiler enforcement of the distinction, but you can use Point vs Size as the situation dictates to indicate the intent of the variable, be it a location or a displacement.

struct Color ;
Color represents a standard 4-byte RGBA color value. It is the type used to represent colors througout Luigi. Color components can be accessed via .r, .g, .b, and .a properties. Alternatively, one can use numerical indexing, e.g. c[0],c[1],c[2],c[3].

static Color opCall (int r_, int g_, int b_, int a_ = 255);
Constructor using integral values in the range 0--255

static Color opCall (float r_, float g_, float b_, float a_ = 1F);
Constructor using floating point values in the range 0.0--1.0

void set (int r_, int g_, int b_, int a_ = 255);
Setter using integral values in the range 0--255

void set (float r_, float g_, float b_, float a_ = 1F);
Setter using floating point values in the range 0.0--1.0

static Color lerp (Color c1, Color c2, float t);
Linearly interpolate between the two colors.

Color c1 the first color
Color c2 the second color
float t the interpolation parameter between 0 and 1

the blended color If t==0 then the result is c1 If t==1 then the result is c2

ubyte opIndex (int i);
Allows a color to be indexed with brackets []. R,G,B,A components correspond to indexes 0,1,2,3.

ubyte* ptr ();
Return a pointer to the beginning of the 4 bytes that make up this color. Bytes are ordered R,G,B,A.

template largestOrConvertible (T,U)
Returns the largest of the two supplied types, or the first type if the sizes are identical. If either type is an object then both must be objects of either the same type or where one is a base class of the other. Interfaces are not supported. Used by min() and max() templates.

largestOrConvertible!(T,U).largestOf max (T,U)(T t, U u);
Returns the maximum of two values

largestOrConvertible!(T,U).largestOf min (T,U)(T t, U u);
Returns the minimum of two values

T drop (T)(inout T[] haystack, size_t index);
Remove an item from an array by index, and return it.

T drop_item (T)(inout T[] haystack, T item);
Remove an item from an array by value, and return it. (modified from Cashew.utils)

T[] drop_range (T)(inout T[] arr, int start, int end);
Remove a range of elements from an array in place. It is not an error for the range to be empty or for start to be greater than end. If so, the array is not modified. Out of bounds checks performed only in debug mode.

the array, which (is modified in-place).

This is an O(n) operation.

size_t find (T)(T[] haystack, bool delegate(T) dg);
Lookup the index of the first element of an array that satisfies a delegate.

the index of the value or NOT_FOUND if not found.

size_t find_item (T)(T[] haystack, T cmp);
Lookup the index of the first element of an array that equals a given value

the index of the value or NOT_FOUND if not found.

bool contains (T)(T[] haystack, T cmp);
Return whether a particular item is in an array

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