
signalobj .d - a few utilities for creating signal objects for more flexible signals and slots.

Written by Bill Baxter, November 9, 2006. This code is released to the public domain

class SignalObj (T...);
A simple object that wraps a std.signal. This allows creating signals at global scope, returning them from functions, etc. In terms of what can be connected, this has the same restrictions as the std.signal.Signal mixin, namely the slot delegate signature must match the signal's signature exactly.

class DelegateSlot (T...);
A wrapper for a delegate. This lets one use delegate literals as a slot in some situations where they would cause access errors.

struct slot_key ;
A simple opaque datatype which serves as a key for FlexSignal.fdisconnect. The primary use is internal, for keeping a mapping between user slots and their wrappers. However, they can also be used as a key to a delegate literal for later disconnecting.

class FlexSignal (T...);
FlexSignal is a more flexible version of a signal object wrapper.

Using the connect/disconnect methods it is possible to connect the signal to most any callable entity with a signature that is 'compatible'. with the signal's signature.

Specifically one can connect - functions and delegate literals. - slots that return values (the return value is simply ignored by the signal) - slots that take fewer parameters than the signal supplies (trailing paramters from signal simply aren't passed to the slot). - delegates with fewer arguments than the signal supplies are allowed, and any argument which can be implicitly converted by D is allowed as well.

void emit (T v);
Emit the signal with the given arguments.

slot_t connect_exact (slot_t f);
Connect a slot to the signal using a class delegate exactly matching the signature of the signal.

the slot passed in.

slot_t disconnect_exact (slot_t f);
Disconnect a slot from the signal using a class delegate exactly matching the signature of the signal.

the slot passed in.

template connect (DT,int arg_offset = 0)
A flexible version of connect . Works for delegates to classes or structs, plain functions, delegate literals. Also works for things with or without return values, and with fewer arguments than the signal supplies.

So for example, an (int,char[]) FlexSignal can be connected to an int funciton that returns a float.

Also it can convert compatible argument types, any thing that can be implicitly converted at runtime is allowed.

So for example, the (int, char[]) FlexSigal can be connected to a method taking a (double,char[]) because int is automatically promoted to double.

a slot key which can be used to disconnect the item later. (You can also use the original slot to disconnect if you have it.)

slot_key connect (DT f);
A flexible version of connect . Works for delegates to classes or structs, plain functions, delegate literals. Also works for things with or without return values, and with fewer arguments than the signal supplies.

So for example, an (int,char[]) FlexSignal can be connected to an int funciton that returns a float.

Also it can convert compatible argument types, any thing that can be implicitly converted at runtime is allowed.

So for example, the (int, char[]) FlexSigal can be connected to a method taking a (double,char[]) because int is automatically promoted to double.

a slot key which can be used to disconnect the item later. (You can also use the original slot to disconnect if you have it.)

alias opCatAssign ;
Provides an alternate signal for connect() using the ~= operator. This can allow for somewhat cleaner syntax when using delegate literals. (One set of parentheses is eliminated) For example: theSignal ~= (Widget w, bool onoff) { writefln(onoff?"checked!":"unchecked!");}; Versus theSignal.connect( (Widget w, bool onoff) { writefln(onoff?"checked!":"unchecked!");}); The downside is that it is not possible to specify template arguments for ~= explicitly if needed.

template connect1st (DT)
Some simple wrappers for the most comment skipped argument versions of connect. These work well with implicit instatiation.

slot_key connect1st (DT f);
Some simple wrappers for the most comment skipped argument versions of connect. These work well with implicit instatiation.

template disconnect (DT)
Disconnect a slot of any type

void disconnect (DT f);
Disconnect a slot of any type

template SlotAdapter (slot_t)
SlotAdapter is a template that takes a signal's 'slot_t' delegate type. It contains two functions, wrap() and adapt().

wrap() returns a slot_t delegate to object that wraps a passed in delegate or function which may have a signature that differs from 'slot_t'. As long as the callable entity passed in has argument types compatible with 'slot_t' then the operation should succeed. In particular exact matching with slot_t's parameter types is not necessary, any type implicitly convertable from the slot_t's argument type is ok.

adapt() is the same as wrap(), except it will return the original delegate without creating a wrapper if that delegate's matches the slot_t exactly.

auto wrapped = SlotAdapter !(Signals_SlotType).wrap(target_slot) auto adapted = SlotAdapter !(Signals_SlotType).adapt(target_slot)

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