BSD style: see license.txt

Initial release: March 2004


  • class Buffer :;
  • The premise behind this IO package is as follows:

    A central concept is that of a buffer. Each buffer acts as a queue (line) where items are removed from the front and new items are added to the back. Buffers are modeled by, and a concrete implementation is provided by this class.

    Buffers can be read and written directly, but a Reader, Iterator, and/or Writer are often leveraged to apply structure to what might otherwise be simple raw data.

    Readers & writers are bound to a buffer; often the same buffer. It's also perfectly legitimate to bind multiple readers to the same buffer; they will access buffer content serially as one would expect. This also applies to multiple writers on the same buffer. Readers and writers support three styles of IO: put/get, the C++ style << & >> operators, and the () whisper style. All operations can be chained.

    Any class can be made compatable with the reader/writer framework by implementing the IReadable and/or IWritable interfaces. Each of these specify just a single method. Once compatable, the class can simply be passed to the reader/writer as if it were native data.

    Buffers may also be tokenized by applying an Iterator. This can be handy when one is dealing with text input, and/or the content suits a more fluid format than most typical readers & writers support. Iterator tokens are mapped directly onto buffer content (sliced), making them quite efficient in practice. Like Readers, multiple iterators can be mapped onto a common buffer; access is serialized in a similar fashion.

    Conduits provide virtualized access to external content, and represent things like files or Internet connections. They are just a different kind of stream. Conduits are modelled by, and implemented via classes FileConduit, SocketConduit, ConsoleConduit, and so on. Additional conduit varieties are easy to construct: one either subclasses, or implements ~ depending upon which is the most convenient to use. Each conduit reads and writes from/to a buffer in big chunks (typically the entire buffer).

    Conduits may have one or more filters attached. These will process content as it flows back and forth across the conduit. Examples of filters include compression, utf transcoding, and endian transformation. These filters apply to the entire scope of the conduit, rather than being specific to one data-type or another. Specific data-type transformations are applied by readers and writers instead, and include operations such as endian-conversion.

    Buffers are sometimes memory-only, in which case there is nothing left to do when a reader (or iterator) hits end of buffer conditions. Other buffers are themselves bound to a Conduit. When this is the case, a reader will eventually cause the buffer to reload via its associated conduit. Previous buffer content will thus be lost. The same approach is applied to writers, whereby they flush the content of a full buffer to a bound conduit before continuing. Another variation is that of a memory-mapped buffer, whereby the buffer content is mapped directly to virtual memory exposed via the OS. This can be used to address large files as an array of content.

    Readers & writers may have a transcoder attached. The role of a transcoder is to aid in converting between each representation of text (utf8, utf16, utf32). They're used to normalize string I/O according to a standard text-type. By default there is no transcoder attached, and the type is therefore considered "raw".

    Direct buffer manipulation typically involves appending, as in the following example:
            // create a small buffer
            auto buf = new Buffer (256);
            auto foo = "to write some D";
            // append some text directly to it
            buf.append("now is the time for all good men ").append(foo);
    Alternatively, one might use a Writer to append the buffer. This is an example of the 'whisper' style supported by the IO package:
            auto write = new Writer (new Buffer(256));
            write ("now is the time for all good men "c) (foo);
    Or, using printf-like formatting via a text oriented DisplayWriter:
            auto write = new DisplayWriter (new Buffer(256));
            write.print ("now is the time for %d good men %s", 3, foo);
    One might use a GrowBuffer instead, where one wishes to append beyond the specified size.

    A common usage of a buffer is in conjunction with a conduit, such as FileConduit. Each conduit exposes a preferred-size for its associated buffers, utilized during buffer construction:
            auto file = new FileConduit ("");
            auto buf = new Buffer (file);
    However, this is typically hidden by higher level constructors such as those of Reader and Writer derivitives. For example:
            auto file = new FileConduit ("");
            auto read = new Reader (file);
    There is indeed a buffer between the Reader and Conduit, but explicit construction is unecessary in common cases. See both Reader and Writer for examples of formatted IO.

    Stdout is a predefined DisplayWriter, attached to a conduit representing the console. Thus, all conduit operations are legitimate on Stdout and Stderr. For example:
            Stdout.conduit.copy (new FileConduit ("readme.txt"));
    Because Stdout is an instance of DisplayWriter, it also has support for formatted output:
            Stdout.println ("now is the time for %d good men %s", 3, foo);
    The Stdout writer is attached to a specific buffer, which in turn is attached to a specific conduit. This buffer is known as Cout, and it is attached to a conduit representing the console. Cout can be used directly, bypassing the writer layer if so desired.

    Cout has relatives named Cerr and Cin, which are attached to the corresponding console conduits. Writer Stderr, and reader Stdin are mapped onto Cerr and Cin respectively, ensuring console IO is buffered in one common area.
            Cout ("what is your name?");
            char[] name;
            Cin (name);
            Cout ("hello ") (name) .newline;
    An Iterator is constructed in a similar manner to a Reader; you provide it with a buffer or a conduit. There's a variety of iterators available in the tango.text package, and they are each templated for utf8, utf16, and utf32 ~ this example uses a line iterator to sweep a text file:
            auto file = new FileConduit ("");
            foreach (line; new LineIterator (file))
    Buffers are useful for many purposes within Mango, but there are times when it may be more appropriate to sidestep them. For such cases, conduit derivatives (such as FileConduit) support direct array-based IO via a pair of read() and write() methods. These alternate methods will also invoke any attached filters.

  • this(IConduit conduit);
  • Construct a buffer

    IConduit conduit the conduit to buffer

    Construct a Buffer upon the provided conduit. A relevant buffer size is supplied via the provided conduit.

  • this(uint capacity = cast(uint)0);
  • Construct a buffer

    uint capacity the number of bytes to make available

    Construct a Buffer with the specified number of bytes.

  • this(void[] data);
  • Construct a buffer

    void[] data the backing array to buffer within

    Prime a buffer with an application-supplied array. All content is considered valid for reading, and thus there is no writable space initially available.

  • this(void[] data, uint readable);
  • Construct a buffer

    void[] data the backing array to buffer within
    uint readable the number of bytes initially made readable

    Prime buffer with an application-supplied array, and indicate how much readable data is already there. A write operation will begin writing immediately after the existing readable content.

    This is commonly used to attach a Buffer instance to a local array.

  • final void error (char[] msg);
  • Generic IOException thrower

    char[] msg a text message describing the exception reason

    Throw an IOException with the provided message

  • Style getStyle ();
  • Access the buffer style

    the style of this buffer

    Return style of buffer. This is either Text, Binary, or Raw. The style is initially set via a constructor

  • IBuffer setValidContent (void[] data);
  • Reset the buffer content

    void[] data the backing array to buffer within. All content is considered valid

    the buffer instance

    Set the backing array with all content readable. Writing to this will either flush it to an associated conduit, or raise an Eof condition. Use clear() to reset the content (make it all writable).

  • IBuffer setContent (void[] data, uint readable = cast(uint)0);
  • Reset the buffer content

    void[] data the backing array to buffer within
    uint readable the number of bytes within data considered valid

    the buffer instance

    Set the backing array with some content readable. Writing to this will either flush it to an associated conduit, or raise an Eof condition. Use clear() to reset the content (make it all writable).

  • void[] get (uint size, bool eat = true);
  • Access buffer content

    uint size number of bytes to access
    bool eat whether to consume the content or not

    the corresponding buffer slice when successful, or null if there's not enough data available (Eof; Eob).

    Read a slice of data from the buffer, loading from the conduit as necessary. The specified number of bytes is sliced from the buffer, and marked as having been read when the 'eat' parameter is set true. When 'eat' is set false, the read position is not adjusted.

    Note that the slice cannot be larger than the size of the buffer ~ use method get(void[]) instead where you simply want the content copied, or use to extract directly from an attached conduit. Also note that if you need to retain the slice, then it should be .dup'd before the buffer is compressed or repopulated.

                    // create a buffer with some content
                    auto buffer = new Buffer ("hello world");
                    // consume everything unread
                    auto slice = buffer.get (buffer.readable);

  • uint get (void[] dst);
  • Access buffer content

    void[] dst destination of the content

    return the number of bytes read, which will be less than dst.length when the content has been consumed (Eof, Eob) and zero thereafter.

    Fill the provided array with content. We try to satisfy the request from the buffer content, and read directly from an attached conduit where more is required.

  • IBuffer wait ();
  • Wait for input

    the buffer instance

    Wait for something to arrive in the buffer. This may stall the current thread forever, although usage of SocketConduit will take advantage of the timeout facilities provided there.

    Note that this is not intended to provide 'barrier' style semantics for multi-threaded producer/consumer environments.

  • IBuffer append (void[] src);
  • Append content

    void[] src the content to append

    the buffer instance

    Append an array of data to this buffer, and flush to the conduit as necessary. Returns a chaining reference if all data was written; throws an IOException indicating eof or eob if not.

    This is often used in lieu of a Writer.

  • IBuffer append (IBuffer other);
  • Append content

    IBuffer other a buffer with content available

    the buffer instance

    Append another buffer to this one, and flush to the conduit as necessary. Returns a chaining reference if all data was written; throws an IOException indicating eof or eob if not.

    This is often used in lieu of a Writer.

  • char[] toString ();
  • Retrieve the current content as a string

    a char[][ slice of the buffer

    Return a char[] slice of the buffer, from the current position up to the limit of valid content. The content remains in the buffer for future extraction.

  • bool skip (int size);
  • Move the current read location

    int size the number of bytes to move

    Returns true if successful, false otherwise.

    Skip ahead by the specified number of bytes, streaming from the associated conduit as necessary.

    Can also reverse the read position by 'size' bytes, when size is negative. This may be used to support lookahead operations. Note that a negative size will fail where there is not sufficient content available in the buffer (can't skip beyond the beginning).

  • bool next (uint delegate(void[]) scan);
  • Iterator support

    uint delegate(void[]) scan the delagate to invoke with the current content

    Returns true if a token was isolated, false otherwise.

    Upon success, the delegate should return the byte-based index of the consumed pattern (tail end of it). Failure to match a pattern should be indicated by returning an IConduit.Eof

    Each pattern is expected to be stripped of the delimiter. An end-of-file condition causes trailing content to be placed into the token. Requests made beyond Eof result in empty matches (length is zero).

    Note that additional iterator and/or reader instances will stay in lockstep when bound to a common buffer.

  • uint readable ();
  • Available content

    Return count of readable bytes remaining in buffer. This is calculated simply as limit() - position()

  • uint writable ();
  • Available space

    Return count of writable bytes available in buffer. This is calculated simply as capacity() - limit()

  • uint write (uint delegate(void[]) dg);
  • Write into this buffer

    uint delegate(void[]) dg the callback to provide buffer access to

    Returns whatever the delegate returns.

    Exposes the raw data buffer at the current write position, The delegate is provided with a void[] representing space available within the buffer at the current write position.

    The delegate should return the appropriate number of bytes if it writes valid content, or IConduit.Eof on error.

  • uint read (uint delegate(void[]) dg);
  • Read directly from this buffer

    uint delegate(void[]) dg callback to provide buffer access to

    Returns whatever the delegate returns.

    Exposes the raw data buffer at the current read position. The delegate is provided with a void[] representing the available data, and should return zero to leave the current read position intact.

    If the delegate consumes data, it should return the number of bytes consumed; or IConduit.Eof to indicate an error.

  • IBuffer compress ();
  • Compress buffer space

    the buffer instance

    If we have some data left after an export, move it to front-of-buffer and set position to be just after the remains. This is for supporting certain conduits which choose to write just the initial portion of a request.

    Limit is set to the amount of data remaining. Position is always reset to zero.

  • uint fill ();
  • Fill buffer from conduit

    Returns the number of bytes read, or Eof if there's no more data available. Where no conduit is attached, Eof is always returned.

    Try to fill the available buffer with content from the attached conduit. In particular, we will never ask to read less than 32 bytes. This permits conduit-filters to operate within a known environment.

  • uint fill (IConduit conduit);
  • Fill buffer from conduit

    Returns the number of bytes read, or Conduit.Eof

    Try to fill the available buffer with content from the specified conduit. In particular, we will never ask to read less than 32 bytes ~ this permits conduit-filters to operate within a known environment. We also try to read as much as possible by clearing the buffer when all current content has been eaten.

  • uint makeRoom (uint space);
  • Try to make space available

    uint space number of bytes required

    The number of bytes actually made available

    Make some room in the buffer. The requested space is simply an indicator of how much is desired. A subclass may or may not fulfill the request directly.

    For example, the base-class simply performs a drain() on the buffer.

  • uint drain ();
  • Drain buffer content

    Returns the number of bytes written, or Conduit.Eof

    Write as much of the buffer that the associated conduit can consume. The conduit is not obliged to consume all content, so some may remain within the buffer.

  • IBuffer flush ();
  • Flush all buffer content

    Flush the contents of this buffer. This will block until all content is actually flushed via the associated conduit, whereas drain() will not.

    Throws an IOException on premature eof.

  • IBuffer clear ();
  • Clear buffer content

    the buffer instance

    Reset 'position' and 'limit' to zero. This effectively clears all content from the buffer.

  • bool truncate (uint extent);
  • Truncate buffer content

    Truncate the buffer within its extent. Returns true if the new 'extent' is valid, false otherwise.

  • uint getLimit ();
  • Access buffer limit

    Returns the limit of readable content within this buffer.

    Each buffer has a capacity, a limit, and a position. The capacity is the maximum content a buffer can contain, limit represents the extent of valid content, and position marks the current read location.

  • uint getCapacity ();
  • Access buffer capacity

    Returns the maximum capacity of this buffer

    Each buffer has a capacity, a limit, and a position. The capacity is the maximum content a buffer can contain, limit represents the extent of valid content, and position marks the current read location.

  • uint getPosition ();
  • Access buffer read position

    Returns the current read-position within this buffer

    Each buffer has a capacity, a limit, and a position. The capacity is the maximum content a buffer can contain, limit represents the extent of valid content, and position marks the current read location.

  • IConduit getConduit ();
  • Access configured conduit

    Returns the conduit associated with this buffer. Returns null if the buffer is purely memory based; that is, it's not backed by some external medium.

    Buffers do not require an external conduit to operate, but it can be convenient to associate one. For example, methods fill() & drain() use it to import/export content as necessary.

  • IBuffer setConduit (IConduit conduit);
  • Set external conduit

    IConduit conduit the conduit to attach to

    Sets the external conduit associated with this buffer.

    Buffers do not require an external conduit to operate, but it can be convenient to associate one. For example, methods fill() & drain() use it to import/export content as necessary.

  • protected void[] getContent ();
  • Access buffer content

    Return the entire backing array. Exposed for subclass usage only

  • protected void copy (void* src, uint size);
  • Copy content into buffer

    void* src the soure of the content
    uint size the length of content at src

    Bulk copy of data from 'src'. The new content is made available for reading. This is exposed for subclass use only

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