Mango Release 2.0 - Note that some Mango features require the latest dmd compiler; the dependencies are related to the new version= behaviour, and various dmd bug fixes - Please take a look at the mango/examples/ directory - Mango uses Build.exe for compilation. You can create a Mango.lib by going to the mango/build directory and using Build @mango. However, Build and DMD are so fast that I find it convenient to just avoid lib files. Setting up DMD for Mango is straightforward ~ either add a -I[mango-path] to the command line, or add it to the sc.ini file in the dmd/bin directory. - Mango is fully compatible with the latest release of Ares ~ the two libraries tend to stay in sync. Add a -version=Ares to the DMD command-line when compiling for Ares. - Note that you will need the wsock32.lib (sockets), or equivalent, available within the link path. The earlier ws2_32.lib does not support multicast, and will therefore produce errors. - In a similar vein, you will need the ICU DLLs (or shared libs) to use the ICU bindings. These should be placed somewhere where the O/S can find them. now requires ICU v3.2 - Note that doxygen fails to include a significant amount of documentation. This is particularly evident where version{} is used, and where nested classes/functions are taken advantage of. Please refer to the source files for complete documentation. - mango/mango/test/unittest.d is the main test file. Check in there for some additional usage examples. ======================================================================================== Release 2.0 changes - Renamed the mango.format package to be mango.convert - Moved mango.time.Rfc1123 over to the mango.convert package - Reshaped text-formatting package to be more streamlined - Added an Atoi template for lightweight conversions - Moved over to convert.Unicode - Moved mango.sys.Type over to the mango.convert package - Improved efficiency of URL decoding - Added Unicode support to printf-style formatting - Removed decoration from putw() and putd(), to correctly support wchar[] and dchar[]. This will likely require changes to string literals. - Removed the lazy heap-allocation methods from convert.Integer and convert.Rfc1123 - Module io.TextFormat replaced by convert.Sprint - Changed all I/O functions and delegates to return a uint, rather than an int - Added a UnicodeFile module - Added a UnicodeBom module - Added Unicode support to Win32 console - Console is now Buffer based, and UTF-8 encoded across all platforms - Added io.Print module for printf compatability (doesn't need Stdout) - Removed modules Resource & IResource, and cleaned up the relevant Conduit classes - Reworked ConduitFilter & IConduitFilter to be simpler; added an EndianFilter module - IBuffer, IReader and IWriter are now abstract classes ~ codegen is considerably better, but the names may need to change - Completed the convert.Unicode codec, and added streaming support - Mango.convert package is now templated for char, wchar, dchar - GrowBuffer renamed, and now lives in its own module - MappedBuffer now lives in its own module - Reworked FileStyle and ConduitStyle to be small structs instead. Both files are deprecated. Added Text varieties to the predefined FileStyle. - Added Mixed, Text, Binary style to the Buffer, and added sanity checks within Reader & Writer - Added a ream of casts to eliminate compiler warnings - Hopefully eliminated the cyclic static-ctor issue in mango.log (thanks to Tionex and teqdruid) - Added checks for app-termination before cleaning up external references (files, sockets, etc) - Stdin now reads Unicode correctly - Added a templated BufferFormat module to tie a Format instance to a Buffer. Used by Stdout and friends - Added a new mango.text package for string handling, and migrated utils.Text over there. Package is templated for char, wchar, dchar - Added to bind new Token classes to either a Buffer or a Conduit - Added several more examples - Resolved ~this() handling for external resources ~ appears to work correctly on linux. - Added redirect support to HttpClient - change pragma(link, wsock32) to the DMD pragma(lib) instead, on Win32 Release 1.6 changes - Updated to latest version of Ares - Fixed bugs in unitest.d - Split PropertyConfigurator into its own module - Added mango.sys.OS module Release 1.5 changes - Added support for Http requests with '=' missing from within the query parameters (per request from Carlos) - All !== and === instances removed (thanks to TeqDruid) - Various minor patches to keep up with DMD changes - Added as a lightweight console facade - Updated mango.log.ConsoleAppender per - Removed the binding between and (will provide a utility class instead) Release 1.4 changes - Removed customization points for everything other than UTF in the Reader/Writer hierarchy. This just makes things easier to grok - Added vararg/printf style output to DisplayWriter (and hence Stdout) - Updated the mango.format package to include vararg/printf style formatting. This includes support for array output, using the '@' format flag. No unicode support yet - Added a mango.time package with support for a number of HTTP oriented formats. - Added initial support for the Ares project - FlushWriter split out into its own module - Renamed mango.base to mango.sys - Updated mango.log to use mango.time & mango.sys.Epoch - Removed final traces of Phobos (other than RegExp), to be compliant with Ares - Exposed the read() and write() methods within Conduit, allowing one to bypass Buffer et. al. - FileConduit now derives from DeviceConduit. This was done so that Stdio does not require FileConduit - Cleaned up some references to Socket internals - Added Darwin patches from Anders (thanks!) Release 1.3 changes - Added special processing for Win32 console output (it doesn't like strings longer than 32K) - Added a MutableFilePath constructor to accept file names - Added a new 'File' class to simplify the API. This extends FileProxy, so you get the methods from there also - Added FileScan class, to collate files from multiple directories (originally from Chris Sauls) - Fixed a bug in FilePath.splice() - Added a FilePath.normalize() function to switch separator types - Changed splice() to include 'file extentions' where the basepath has a name that includes a '.' seperator - Changed all instances of Seperator to the correct spelling, and provided aliases for the invalid form (Thanks to Brad) - Moved file-system constants into a new FileConst module (and left aliases in FileSystem) - File classes now support Win95 & Win32s (thanks to Chris Sauls) - Added a split() function to the utils.Text class Release 1.2 changes - Mango.base.ByteSwap updates from Aleksey Bobnev, who took the time to benchmark various approaches (big thank-you!) - merged TokenEx back into Token, given new static constructor behavior in dmd 0.115 - added mango.format package - Added the extended precision floating-point converters by David Gay (wrapped by mango.format.DGDouble) - changed DisplayWriter to use mango.format - Added a check for invalid stdio handles in FileConduit - Cleaned up some cruft in the IWriter/IReader interaces - Added 'whisper' IO format, as the unoffical Mango standard - Enhanced support for reading arrays of a pre-determined size. Now uses a second argument instead of the old push() approach; C++ iostream format suffers as a result. - split into and, which reduces baggage for small console programs - removed some superfluous Phobos imports - Invalid Stdio handles are quietly ignored (per behaviour of legacy systems) - ServletContext can now accept independent Logger instances - Mango.log.Admin had a few public imports which should have been private - Anders kindly provided a set of patches for both GDC and the Mac (Darwin), along with the appropriate makefile (another big thank-you!) - removed all dependencies on printf() and sprintf(), except for mango.log - Http server reverted to HTTP/1.0 since it doesn't support chunking at this time - Added URegex to the ICU package - now requires ICU v3.2 (for the URegex package) - the old version=Mango has been inverted to simplify usage of Build.exe; now it's version=Isolated for the standalone versions of mango.log and Release 1.1 changes - added UString utility constructor for loading via an IBuffer - added hadTimeout() method to SocketConduit, for explicit error-checking - removed some cruft from mango.cluster (an old reference to a specific host name) Release 1.0a changes - fixed new const-int errors tagged by dmd 0.107 Release 1.0 changes - Most version(linux) statements have been changed to version(Posix) instead. Make files should be adjusted accordingly - ICU wrappers have been fleshed out some more - UString has a number of additional methods - Module icu.UMango introduced, which binds the ICU converters into - IArrayAllocator now knows about element widths, and makes adjustments to array.length as appropriate - Fixed another bug in System.Sleep(), where the Win32 platform was off by a factor of 1000 - The array lengths read/written by binary readers/writers has changed, from a byte-count to an element-count. This should not affect anything unless you already have persisted data that was originally written by io.Writer - Delivery of the Mango packages has been split into multiple components - Added support for all array types to readers/writers. They now support 15 different data types, plus the IReadable/IWritable notion. - Libraries (for Win32) are now included in the distribution. Linux libs will hopefully be provided in the near future - FlushBuffer had some design flaws, and has been replaced with FlushWriter instead. Stdio now used the latter, rather than the former, and auto-flushes when a Newline is seen. - The argument list for icu.UMessageFormat has been reworked - ICU bindings now operate nicely on linux: a big thank-you to John Reimer. - Mango.log is now even faster than before, and does zero memory-allocation once running. Supports Phobos, in addition to - UTimeZone.d now has some useful time-zones pre-defined - now uses an alias to support the twin put/get and <> syntax (kudos to Ivan Senji). Beta 9.5 changes - File system is now Unicode enabled (supports Basic Multilingual Plane). FilePath is now assumed to be UTF-8 encoded where it contains non-ansi characters - Started on the icu package (UChar, UString, ULocale, UConverter, UDateFormat, UMessageFormat, UNumberFormat, UResourceBundle, UTimeZone, UCalendar) - Added Utf8 functions to Beta 9.4 changes - Reworked the internals of the Reader/Writer framework. It's actually an entirely new, and more flexible, implementation with the same interface as before - Fixed some circular import issues that dmd v.102 brought to light - Fixed Win32 bug in System.sleep() where a "sleep forever" wouldn't Beta 9.3 changes - split IResource out from IConduit - renamed IFilter to IConduitFilter (and propogated changes) - System.d moved out of to mango.base (it never belonged there) - Timer.d moved to mango.utils - removed get/put support for ubyte[]) and byte[] from IReader/IWriter. There's so many issues regarding arrays in general that the resolution will have to be different that the current approach (note that std.streams has the same issue) - removed IPickled composite interface since the compiler cannot handle such things correctly (yet) - added an example of cluster alerts - moved Timer.Interval over to System.Interval instead - fixed new getErrno() issues due to Phobos changes - removed additional dependencies on Phobos - changed things for new version= behaviour - fixed Uri problem regarding the funky implicit [length] - added preliminary IWriter.write([]) and[]) support (no Endian or Tokenizing support yet) Beta 9.2 changes - replaced cluster notification strategy for queues - moved AbstractServer, IServer, and ServerThread over to mango.utils - renamed to mango.utils.Text, and added mango.utils.Random - added an ILogger to the AbstractServer constructor, and some derivatives - made cluster server much more robust under duress - changed cluster-socket reaping strategy from server-based to client-based - added a mango.utils.Timer (with an interval clock also) - fixed some small bugs, and updated to dmd 0.96 import adjustments - added a set of base classes for message/task - added cluster exclusive-updates via remote cache-loading/locking - ICache renamed IMutableCache; ICache is now immutable - introduced ICacheLoader, and IRemoteCacheLoader - added mango.cluster.TaskServer for handling grid-like processing - added reply facilities for cluster messages/tasks - fixed all kinds of bugs related to crazy AA hashmap side-effects - added mango.log.RollingFileAppender, to handle rotation through a file-set - added mango.cache.HashMap (a port of Doug Lea's latest ConcurrentHashMap) - added a Timer class to provide large-grained clock values - changed timout values to Timer.Interval types instead (e.g. socket timeout) - added System.getMillisecs() and other related methods - annotated source code is now part of the documentation (still needs a lot of work!) - added to simplify that part of the process - added IConduit filter support (see IConduit.attach) - simplified the client-side of IBuffer, and cleaned up all dependents - added a task-server to the example folder Beta 9.1 changes - changed ICacheEntry and CacheEntry names to IPayload and Payload respectively in the mango.cache package - filled out mango.cluster with a large chunk of remote cache & queue functionality - fixed a bug in the assembler version of System.flipbytes() - the multicast support, hence cluster support, require wsock32.lib under Win32; the old library ws2_32.lib does not provide multicast support - fixed linux bug with huge Logger timestamps - fixed linux SocketListener bug (codegen bug, kudos to John) - added default values for FileConduit constructors (Style.ReadExisting) - split Dictionary in two (Dictionary and MutableDictionary) - reworked SocketListener to be an abstract class Beta 9 changes - Added multicast support via - Split mango Socket extensions into modules ServerSocket, SocketConduit, and DatagramSocket - Added the class for asynchronously dispatching socket input - Added a remote cache-invalidator as part of the new mango.cluster package - reworked PickleFactory yet again (thanks to Eric for pointing out the bogosity therein) - removed AbstractServer.stop() since it's no longer necessary: Socket.d now has an isCancelled() method Beta 8 changes - IBuffer.flush() now throws an IOException if there was an IO problem, as does IConduit.copy() which reversed its orientation from IConduit.copyTo() such that it's now possible to chain copy() operations - FileConduit gets a copy(FilePath) method to simplify file copying - Further documentation - Formal introduction of mango.log.Admin; try it out with mango.examples.servlets! - Http client and server reorganized as described in the dsource forums (both now a subset of mango.http) - updated to reflect dmd v0.93 .size, char.init, and typeinfo changes - added several default values to method arguments - ISerializable migrates to IPickle; Reader/Writer/Registry renamed appropriately; PickleRegistry is more flexible than before (see HTML documentation on PickleReader) - A new HybridToken is introduced. Please see documentation - CompositeReader/Writer method names changed from read/write to get/put instead - Added the interface Beta 7 changes - certain imports have been made public rather than private, in an effort to reduce the number of user-level imports - mango.server.utils.Uri moved to - mango.server.utils.Utils moved to - some internal mango.cache changes - added the mango.log package - HttpClient api reshaped yet again - moved mango.server.http.HttpClient to package mango.client.http.HttpClient instead - added an addCookie() method to HttpClient, for outgoing cookies. Still does not have support for client cookie parsing ... Beta 6 changes - updated old-style casts (thanks Chris S) - reshaped server.http.HttpClient with respect to Uri access - a tad more documentation - reshaped ServletProvider with additional method arguments (unittest.d and servlets.d updated accordingly) Beta 5 changes - dsc prefix has been changed to mango. I have updated all make files and so on, and apologize for the inconvenience. - moved file constants from System.d to FileSystem.d - add doxygen tags to all files - fixed FilePath '\0' termination problem in toStringZ() - added an external Uri contructor to HttpClient - added an "examples" directory with servlets.d to get things going Beta 4 changes - added a few wrappers to make it easier to control the lifespan of Sockets (setLingerPeriod() etc.) - added SerializableReader/Writer classes, along with SerializableRegistry - updated unittest.d serialization example to reflect the above - added HttpClient, for easy management of client-side HTTP requests - fixed bug in Buffer.toString() - fixed various linux issues regarding Socket.d constants/enums (thanks John) - removed 'synchronized' from Socket.accept() - various examples of HttpClient usage added to unittest.d - fixed FilePath bug regarding "." and ".." files - added recursive file-scanner example to unittest (many thanks to Chris) - added, for storing serialized classes (doesn't work on linux; no FileConduit.truncate yet) - added the mango.cache package - fixed operator precedence bug in - improved support for 'context' in ServletProvider et. al. - added Regex pattern support to ServletProvider - added ServletResponse.copyFile method - added ServletRequest.getContext method - renamed various Input[Name] and Output[Name] classes to be [Name] and Mutable[Name] instead Beta 3 changes - memicmp() replaced with strncasecmp() in TokenStack.d (for linux) per John - added sanity checks in TokenStack.d - Fixed typo in Uri.d - toParent() in FilePath.d now throws an exception if the source object is an orphan - sprinkled a few more asserts around - tentatively synchronized Socket.accept(), to see if it resolves the linux server-socket issues - added the linux makefile, per Brad and John Beta 2 changes - several linux typos and bugs were fixed (thanks Brad). - Mango.utils now lives in Mango.server.utils. You may need to kill the previous folder ... - Added RFC 2396 compliant URI implementation (Mango.server.utils.Uri) - name-parser was reshaped such that it now actually works - Lots of changes vis-a-vis Mango.server and Mango.servlet; these will be seperated out of here at some point Beta 1 changes - fixed invalid import names for linux platform (thanks Brad). - Extended Token support for FP (thanks Chris) -- this needs further attention. - Added FreeList support for SocketConduit instances returned via ServerSocket.accept() - Removed hacks and workarounds vis-a-vis immature Interface runtime (way to go, Walter!). ColumnWriter and TextWriter now work as they were supposed to with dmd v0.83. - fixed inverted-logic bug in TextReader.get (per Chris) - added RFC 2109 Cookie implementation (server-side, not client-side) Alpha 6 Changes - added IBuffer.append() for directly appending to a buffer (sans Writer), and added an example to unittest.d - updated to take advantage of the above - Socket.accept() now returns null on error rather than throwing an exception. This is to avoid exceptions being thrown when listener-threads are legitimately terminated Alpha 5 Changes - added composite IO, via CompositeReader and CompositeWriter - added some additional examples to mango.unittest.d, including an example of direct IO - resolved issues regarding the reading & writing of binary arrays - added a 'mapped' flag to Reader classes that decides whether to allocate array types, or simply map them onto the read buffer (allocate is the default) - fixed "forward reference" issue - removed IBuffer.lookahead() for now since there appears to be no need for it (may change later) - removed buffer.backup(), and combined its functionality into skip Alpha 4 Changes - removed IBuffer.isReady() since it could result in similar behaviour to eof testing - added Copyright headers - TextWriter renamed to DisplayWriter. Plain old text output only - TokenWriter renamed to TextWriter. TextReader/TextWriter operate upon delimited text only - TextWriter now takes a char[] delimiter rather than a single char - fixed precision bug for FP output Alpha 3 Changes - BufferToken renamed CompositeToken - Added IConduit constructors to Tokens and Readers/Writers to make usage somewhat less verbose - Added file random-access example to unittest.d - added Writer.flush() - some further documentation Alpha 2 Changes - IBuffer storage type changed from ubyte[] to void[] - IBuffer.flush() removed due to a design flaw. The replacement is IConduit.flush(IBuffer) - Some minor additional commentary and code added to mango/unittest.d