
This module contains the public interface to the MiniD compiler .

Copyright (c) 2008 Jarrett Billingsley

This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.

Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:

1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.

2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software.

3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.

class Compiler : minid.compilertypes.ICompiler;
This class encapsulates all the functionality needed for compiling MiniD code.

Do not generate code for any optional features.

Generate code to check parameter type constraints.

Generate code for assert statements.

Generate debug info. Currently always on.

Generate code for all optional features.

this(MDThread* t, uint flags = All);
Constructs a compiler. The given thread will be used to hold temporary data structures, to throw exceptions, and to return the functions that result from compilation.

MDThread* t The thread with which this compiler will be associated.
uint flags A bitwise or of any code-generation flags you want to use for this compiler. Defaults to All.

void setFlags (uint flags);
Set the compiler's code-generation flags.

bool asserts ();
Returns whether or not code for asserts should be generated.

bool typeConstraints ();
Returns whether or not code for parameter type constraint checking should be generated.

bool isEof ();
Returns whether or not the most recently-thrown exception was thrown due to an unexpected end-of-file. As an example, this is used by MDCL (that is, minid.commandline) to detect when more code must be entered to complete a code segment. A simple example of use:

c =
(MDException e) {
ex = catchException(t);
()) {
// error was caused by an unexpected end-of-file
} }

bool isLoneStmt ();
Returns whether or not the most recently-thrown exception was thrown due to a no-effect expression being used as a statement (yes, this method has a horrible name). Its use is identical to isEof().

int compileModule (char[] filename);
Compile a source code file into a function closure. Takes the path to the source file, compiles that file, and pushes the top-level closure onto the stack. The environment of the closure is just set to the global namespace of the compiler's thread; you must create and set a namespace for the module function before calling it.

You shouldn't have to deal with this function that much. Most of the time the compilation of modules should be handled for you by the import system.

char[] filename The filename of the source file to compile.

The stack index of the newly-pushed function closure that represents the top-level function of the module.

int compileModule (char[] source, char[] name);
Same as above, but compiles from a string holding the source rather than from a file.

char[] source The source code as a string.
char[] name The name which should be used as the source name in compiler error message. Takes the place of the filename when compiling from a source file.

The stack index of the newly-pushed function closure that represents the top-level function of the module.

int compileStatements (char[] source, char[] name);
Compile a list of statements into a function which takes a variadic number of arguments. The environment of the compiled function closure is set to the globals of the compiler's thread.

char[] source The source code as a string.
char[] name The name to use as the source name for compilation errors.

The stack index of the newly-pushed function closure.

int compileExpression (char[] source, char[] name);
Compile a single expression into a function which returns the value of that expression when called.

char[] source The source code as a string.
char[] name The name to use as the source name for compilation errors.

The stack index of the newly-pushed function closure.

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