* x11 - font/fontset/encoding - window resizing/repaint DONE * mswindows - A vs W for string inputs - convert to wchar (DONE except for save/openFileDialog) * events: key, mouse DONE (well, some mouse) * event: window, focus, window-destroy etc etc * canvas DONE * framed panel DONE * layout mgr DONE * label DONE * cursor control * List widget * group-component DONE * images/offscreen rendering DONE * GXContext extensions for gdi+ and fancy drawing * color mgnt needed? just assume true-color on X DONE-true-color * double-buffering * abstract button DONE * toggle/radio button DONE * text widgets DONE * selection/clipboard * modal/nonmodal dialog DONE * util dialog boxes DONE(file) * screen access * cmd line parsing * printing (where supported) * scroll pane/scroll bars DONE * sash * menus DONE(basic) * context menus/popup menus * layout min/max size and * layout hide on overflow DONE requests: window title getter DONE custom window background color (not just white) DONE get pen and font data from peers test image, brush on gtk DONE fillPolygon on Windows bugs: dropdown on windows doesn't work GroupBox doesn't let radio buttons switch list on gtk is squished FIXED border layout completely untested