
class _IOManager_ ;
This is the real IOManager class that is later encapsulated by SingletonT to enforce its uniqueness. IOManager_ is not meant to be used directly by the programmer - the IOManager alias exists for this task.

All reader/writer modules register themselves at this class. For reading or writing data all modules are asked to do the job. If no suitable module is found, an error is returned.

For the sake of reading, the target data structure is hidden behind the BaseImporter interface that takes care of adding vertices or faces.

Writing from a source structure is encapsulate similarly behind a BaseExporter interface, providing iterators over vertices/faces to the writer modules.

See Also:
\ref mesh_io

bool read (char[] _filename, BaseImporter _bi, ref Options _opt);
Read a mesh from file filename. The target data structure is specified by the given BaseImporter. The \c read method consecutively queries all of its reader modules. True is returned upon success, false if all reader modules failed to interprete filename.

bool write (char[] _filename, BaseExporter _be, Options _opt = opCall(cast(Flag)0));
Write a mesh to file filename. The source data structure is specified by the given BaseExporter. The \c save method consecutively queries all of its writer modules. True is returned upon success, false if all writer modules failed to write the requested format. Options is determined by filename's extension.

bool can_read (char[] _format);
Returns true if the format is supported by one of the reader modules.

bool can_write (char[] _format);
Returns true if the format is supported by one of the writer modules.

char[] qt_read_filters ();
Returns all readable file extension + descriptions in one string. File formats are separated by ;;. Convenience function for Qt file dialogs.

char[] qt_write_filters ();
Returns all writeable file extension + descriptions in one string. File formats are separated by ;;. Convenience function for Qt file dialogs.

bool register_module (BaseReader _bl);
Registers a new reader module. A call to this function should be implemented in the constructor of all classes derived from BaseReader.

bool register_module (BaseWriter _bw);
Registers a new writer module. A call to this function should be implemented in the constructor of all classed derived from BaseWriter.

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