
Mesh Reading / Writing

Convenience functions that map to IOManager functions.

See Also:

Bill Baxter and the Computer Graphics Group, RWTH Aaachen

28 Aug 2007

LGPL 2.1

bool read_mesh (MeshT)(ref MeshT _mesh, string _filename, Options* _optout = null);
Read a mesh from file filename.

_mesh The mesh. If you pass in a null mesh, the function creates one for you using the default constructor.
_filename The name of the file to read from. The file format is guessed from the file extension.

bool read_mesh (MeshT,dummy = void)(ref MeshT _mesh, string _filename, ref Options _opt);
Read a mesh from file filename.

_mesh The mesh. If you pass in a null mesh, the function creates one for you using the default constructor.
_filename The name of the file to read from. The file format is guessed from the file extension.
_optout This will be filled in with information about the file read. This can be used to later write a mesh with the same options as the one read.

bool write_mesh (Mesh)(Mesh _mesh, string _filename, Options _opt = Options(Options.Default));
Write a mesh to the file filename. The file format is determined by filename's extension.

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