
class ArrayKernel : OpenMesh.Core.Mesh.BaseKernel.BaseKernel;
\ingroup mesh_kernels_group

Mesh kernel using arrays for mesh item storage.

This mesh kernel uses the std.vector as container to store the mesh items. Therefore all handle types are internally represented by integers. To get the index from a handle use the handle's \c idx() method.

\note For a description of the minimal kernel interface see OpenMesh.Mesh.BaseKernel. \note You do not have to use this class directly, use the predefined mesh-kernel combinations in \ref mesh_types_group.

See Also:
OpenMesh.Concepts.KernelT, \ref mesh_type

void copy (ArrayKernel _other);
Deep copy of the ArrayKernel

void assign_connectivity (ArrayKernel _other);
ArrayKernel uses the default copy constructor and assignment operator, which means that the connectivity and all properties are copied, including reference counters, allocated bit status masks, etc.. In contrast assign_connectivity copies only the connectivity, i.e. vertices, edges, faces and their status fields.

The geometry (the points property) is NOT copied. Poly/TriConnectivity override(and hide) that function to provide connectivity consistence.

bool is_boundary (HalfedgeHandle _heh);
Is halfedge heh a boundary halfedge (is its face handle invalid) ?

StatusInfo * vstatus_ptr (VertexHandle _vh);
Status Query API

*const*/ StatusInfo* vstatus(VertexHandle vh) /*const*/

StatusInfo * hstatus_ptr (HalfedgeHandle _hh);
*const*/ StatusInfo* hstatus(HalfedgeHandle hh) /*const*/

StatusInfo * estatus_ptr (EdgeHandle _eh);
*const*/ StatusInfo* estatus(EdgeHandle eh) /*const*/

StatusInfo * fstatus_ptr (FaceHandle _fh);
*const*/ StatusInfo* fstatus(FaceHandle fh) /*const*/

VPropHandleT!(StatusInfo ) status_pph (VertexHandle _param_0);
status property by handle

void request_vertex_status ();
Status Request API

void release_vertex_status ();
Status Release API

class StatusSetT (Handle);
--- StatusSet API ---

uint size ();
0(n) complexity

void clear ();
O(n) complexity

class AutoStatusSetT (Handle): StatusSetT!(Handle);
--- AutoStatusSet API ---

class ExtStatusSetT (Handle): AutoStatusSetT!(Handle);
--- ExtStatusSet API --- (hybrid between a set and an array)

uint size ();

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