
class BaseKernel ;
This class provides the basic property management like adding/removing

properties and access to properties.

All operations provided by % BaseKernel need at least a property handle

(VPropHandleT, EPropHandleT, HPropHandleT, FPropHandleT, MPropHandleT).

which keeps the data type of the property, too.

There are two types of properties:

-# Standard properties - mesh data (e.g. vertex normal or face color)

-# Custom properties - user defined data

The differentiation is only semantically, technically both are

equally handled. Therefore the methods provided by the % BaseKernel

are applicable to both property types.

\attention Since the class PolyMeshT derives from a kernel, hence all public

elements of % BaseKernel are usable.

void copy (BaseKernel other);
Deep copy 'other' over top top of 'this'

void add_property (T)(ref VPropHandleT!(T) _ph, string _name = "<vprop>");
\name Add a property to a mesh item

Adds a property

Depending on the property handle type a vertex, (half-)edge, face or mesh property is added to the mesh. If the action fails the handle is invalid. On success the handle must be used to access the property data with property().

\param ph A property handle defining the data type to bind to mesh. On success the handle is valid else invalid. \param name Optional name of property. Following restrictions apply to the name: -# Maximum length of name is 256 characters -# The prefixes matching "^[vhefm]:" are reserved for internal usage. -# The expression "^<.*>$" is reserved for internal usage. \return \c true on success else \c false.

void remove_property (T)(ref VPropHandleT!(T) _ph);
\name Removing a property from a mesh tiem

Remove a property.

Removes the property represented by the handle from the apropriate mesh item. \param ph Property to be removed. The handle is invalid afterwords.

bool get_property_handle (T)(ref VPropHandleT!(T) _ph, string _name);
\name Get property handle by name

Retrieves the handle to a named property by it's name.

\param ph A property handle. On success the handle is valid else invalid. \param name Name of wanted property. \return \c true if such a named property is available, else \c false.

PropertyT!(T) property (T,int _ = 1)(VPropHandleT!(T) _ph);
\name Access a property

Access a property

This method returns a reference to property . The property handle must be valid! The result is unpredictable if the handle is invalid!

\param ph A \em valid (!) property handle. \return The wanted property if the handle is valid.

VPropHandleT!(T).value_type property (T)(VPropHandleT!(T) _ph, VertexHandle _vh);
\name Access a property element using a handle to a mesh item

Return value of property for an item

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