
class BaseProperty ;
\class BaseProperty Property.d

Abstract class defining the basic interface of a dynamic property.

static const uint UnknownSize ;
Indicates an error when a size is returned by a member.

this(char[] _name = "<unknown>");
\brief Default constructor.

In %OpenMesh all mesh data is stored in so-called properties.

We distinuish between standard properties, which can be defined at

compile time using the Attributes in the traits definition and

at runtime using the request property functions defined in one of

the kernels.

If the property should be stored along with the default properties

in the OM-format one must name the property and enable the persistant

flag with set_persistent().

\param name Optional textual name for the property.

void copy (BaseProperty _other);
Copy other's contents over contents of this

void copy_element (int _i, BaseProperty _other, int _iother);
Copy an element from another base property to this one

abstract void reserve (uint _n);
Reserve memory for n elements.

abstract void resize (uint _n);
Resize storage to hold n elements.

abstract void push_back ();
Extend the number of elements by one.

abstract void swap (uint _i0, uint _i1);
Let two elements swap their storage place.

abstract BaseProperty dup ();
Return a deep copy of self.

char[] name ();
Return the name of the property

bool persistent ();
Returns true if the persistent flag is enabled else false.

abstract void set_persistent (bool _yn);
Enable or disable persistency. Self must be a named property to enable


abstract uint n_elements ();
Number of elements in property

abstract uint element_size ();
Size of one element in bytes or UnknownSize if not known.

uint size_of ();
Return size of property in bytes

uint size_of (uint _n_elem);
Estimated size of property if it has n_elem elements.

The member returns UnknownSize if the size cannot be estimated.

abstract uint store (OutputStream _ostr, bool _swap);
Store self as one binary block

abstract uint restore (InputStream _istr, bool _swap);
Restore self from a binary block. Uses reserve() to set the size of self before restoring.

protected abstract void* raw_element_ptr (int _idx);
Return raw pointer to a given element

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