
class PropertyT (T): BaseProperty;
\class PropertyT Property.hh

\brief Default property class for any type T.

The default property class for any type T.

The property supports persistency if T is a "fundamental" type: - integer fundamental types except bool: char, short, int, long, long long (_int64 for MS VC++) and their unsigned companions. - float fundamentals except long double: float, double - %OpenMesh vector types

Persistency of non-fundamental types is supported if and only if a specialization of struct IO.binary<> exists for the wanted type.

this(string _name = "<unknown>");
Default constructor

T[] data ();
Get pointer to array (does not work for T==bool because of bitarray specialization)

T* ptr (int _idx);
Get pointer to i'th element.

T opIndex (int _idx);
Access the i'th element.

void opIndexAssign (T val, int _idx);
Set the i'th element.

PropertyT!(T) dup ();
/*Const*/ access to the i'th element. No range check is performed!

Make a copy of self.

alias clone ;
Make a copy of self (for compatibility with C++ API)

void* raw_element_ptr (int _idx);
Return raw pointer to a given element

template PropHandleMixin (T)
Base property handle mixin

struct VPropHandleT (T);
\ingroup mesh_property_handle_group Handle representing a vertex property

struct HPropHandleT (T);
\ingroup mesh_property_handle_group Handle representing a halfedge property

struct EPropHandleT (T);
\ingroup mesh_property_handle_group Handle representing an edge property

struct FPropHandleT (T);
\ingroup mesh_property_handle_group Handle representing a face property

struct MPropHandleT (T);
\ingroup mesh_property_handle_group Handle representing a mesh property

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