
struct CollapseInfoT (Mesh);
\file CollapseInfoT .hh Provides data class CollapseInfoT for storing all information about a halfedge collapse.

Stores information about a halfedge collapse.

The class stores information about a halfedge collapse. The most important information is \c v0v1, \c v1v0, \c v0, \c v1, \c vl, \c vr, which you can lookup in the following image: \image html collapse_info.png

See Also:

CollapseInfoT opCall (Mesh _mesh, Mesh.HalfedgeHandle _heh);
Initializing constructor.

Given a mesh and a halfedge handle of the halfedge to be collapsed all important information of a halfedge collapse will be stored. \param mesh Mesh source \param heh Halfedge to collapse. The direction of the halfedge defines the direction of the collapse, i.e. the from-vertex will be removed and the to-vertex remains.

Mesh.HalfedgeHandle v0v1 ;
< Halfedge to be collapsed

Mesh.HalfedgeHandle v1v0 ;
< Reverse halfedge

Mesh.VertexHandle v0 ;
< Vertex to be removed

Mesh.VertexHandle v1 ;
< Remaining vertex

Mesh.Point p0 ;
< Position of removed vertex

Mesh.Point p1 ;
< Positions of remaining vertex

Mesh.FaceHandle fl ;
< Left face

Mesh.FaceHandle fr ;
< Right face

Mesh.VertexHandle vl ;
< Left vertex

Mesh.VertexHandle vr ;
< Right vertex

Mesh.HalfedgeHandle vlv1 ;
Outer remaining halfedge of diamond spanned by \c v0, \c v1, \c vl, and \c vr

Mesh.HalfedgeHandle v0vl ;
Outer remaining halfedge of diamond spanned by \c v0, \c v1, \c vl, and \c vr

Mesh.HalfedgeHandle vrv0 ;
Outer remaining halfedge of diamond spanned by \c v0, \c v1, \c vl, and \c vr

Mesh.HalfedgeHandle v1vr ;
Outer remaining halfedge of diamond spanned by \c v0, \c v1, \c vl, and \c vr

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