
class ModNormalFlippingT (DecimaterT): ModBaseT!(DecimaterT);
Decimating module to avoid flipping of faces.

This module can be used only as a binary module. The criterion of allowing/disallowing the collapse is the angular deviation between the face normal of the orignal faces and normals of the faces after the collapse. The collapse will pass the test, if the deviation is below a given threshold.

this(DecimaterT _dec);

float collapse_priority (ref CollapseInfo _ci);
Compute collapse priority due to angular deviation of face normals before and after a collapse.

-# Compute for each adjacent face of \c ci.v0 the face normal if the collpase would be executed.

-# Prevent the collapse, if the angle between the original and the new normal is below a given threshold.

\param ci The collapse description \return LEGAL_COLLAPSE or ILLEGAL_COLLAPSE

See Also:

float max_normal_deviation ();
get normal deviation

float normal_deviation ();

void set_max_normal_deviation (float _f);
Set normal deviation

Set the maximum angular deviation of the orignal normal and the new normal in degrees.

void set_normal_deviation (float _f);

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