Ddoc $(SPEC_S Interfacing to C++, $(P While D is fully capable of $(LINK2 interfaceToC.html, interfacing to C), its ability to interface to C++ is much more limited. There are three ways to do it: ) $(OL $(LI Use C++'s ability to create a C interface, and then use D's ability to $(LINK2 interfaceToC.html, interface with C) to access that interface. ) $(LI Use C++'s ability to create a COM interface, and then use D's ability to $(LINK2 COM.html, interface with COM) to access that interface. ) $(LI Use the limited ability described here to connect directly to C++ functions and classes. ) )

The General Idea

$(P Being 100% compatible with C++ means more or less adding a fully functional C++ compiler front end to D. Anecdotal evidence suggests that writing such is a minimum of a 10 man-year project, essentially making a D compiler with such capability unimplementable. Other languages looking to hook up to C++ face the same problem, and the solutions have been: ) $(OL $(LI Support the COM interface (but that only works for Windows).) $(LI Laboriously construct a C wrapper around the C++ code.) $(LI Use an automated tool such as SWIG to construct a C wrapper.) $(LI Reimplement the C++ code in the other language.) $(LI Give up.) ) $(P D takes a pragmatic approach that assumes a couple modest accommodations can solve a significant chunk of the problem: ) $(UL $(LI matching C++ name mangling conventions) $(LI matching C++ function calling conventions) $(LI matching C++ virtual function table layout for single inheritance) )

Calling C++ Global Functions From D

$(P Given a C++ function in a C++ source file:) $(CPPCODE #include <iostream> using namespace std; int foo(int i, int j, int k) { cout << "i = " << i << endl; cout << "j = " << j << endl; cout << "k = " << k << endl; return 7; } ) $(P In the corresponding D code, $(CODE foo) is declared as having C++ linkage and function calling conventions: ) ------ extern (C++) int foo(int i, int j, int k); ------ $(P and then it can be called within the D code:) ------ extern (C++) int foo(int i, int j, int k); void main() { foo(1,2,3); } ------ $(P Compiling the two files, the first with a C++ compiler, the second with a D compiler, linking them together, and then running it yields:) $(CONSOLE i = 1 j = 2 k = 3 ) $(P There are several things going on here:) $(UL $(LI D understands how C++ function names are "mangled" and the correct C++ function call/return sequence.) $(LI Because modules are not part of C++, each function with C++ linkage must be globally unique within the program.) $(LI There are no __cdecl, __far, __stdcall, __declspec, or other such nonstandard C++ extensions in D.) $(LI There are no volatile type modifiers in D.) $(LI Strings are not 0 terminated in D. See "Data Type Compatibility" for more information about this. However, string literals in D are 0 terminated.) ) $(P C++ functions that reside in namespaces cannot be direcly called from D. )

Calling Global D Functions From C++

$(P To make a D function accessible from C++, give it C++ linkage:) --- import std.stdio; extern (C++) int foo(int i, int j, int k) { writefln("i = %s", i); writefln("j = %s", j); writefln("k = %s", k); return 1; } extern (C++) void bar(); void main() { bar(); } --- $(P The C++ end looks like:) $(CPPCODE int foo(int i, int j, int k); void bar() { foo(6, 7, 8); } ) $(P Compiling, linking, and running produces the output:) $(CONSOLE i = 6 j = 7 k = 8 )


$(P D classes are singly rooted by Object, and have an incompatible layout from C++ classes. D interfaces, however, are very similar to C++ single inheritance class heirarchies. So, a D interface with the attribute of $(CODE extern (C++)) will have a virtual function pointer table (vtbl[]) that exactly matches C++'s. A regular D interface has a vtbl[] that differs in that the first entry in the vtbl[] is a pointer to D's RTTI info, whereas in C++ the first entry points to the first virtual function. )

Calling C++ Virtual Functions From D

$(P Given C++ source code defining a class like:) $(CPPCODE #include <iostream> using namespace std; class D { public: virtual int bar(int i, int j, int k) { cout << "i = " << i << endl; cout << "j = " << j << endl; cout << "k = " << k << endl; return 8; } }; D *getD() { D *d = new D(); return d; } ) $(P We can get at it from D code like:) --- extern (C++) { interface D { int bar(int i, int j, int k); } D getD(); } void main() { D d = getD(); d.bar(9,10,11); } ---

Calling D Virtual Functions From C++

$(P Given D code like:) --- extern (C++) int callE(E); extern (C++) interface E { int bar(int i, int j, int k); } class F : E { extern (C++) int bar(int i, int j, int k) { writefln("i = ", i); writefln("j = ", j); writefln("k = ", k); return 8; } } void main() { F f = new F(); callE(f); } --- $(P The C++ code to access it looks like:) $(CPPCODE class E { public: virtual int bar(int i, int j, int k); }; int callE(E *e) { return e->bar(11,12,13); } ) $(P Note:) $(UL $(LI non-virtual functions, and static member functions, cannot be accessed.) $(LI class fields can only be accessed via virtual getter and setter methods.) )

Function Overloading

$(P C++ and D follow different rules for function overloading. D source code, even when calling $(CODE extern (C++)) functions, will still follow D overloading rules. )

Storage Allocation

$(P C++ code explicitly manages memory with calls to $(CODE ::operator new()) and $(CODE ::operator delete()). D allocates memory using the D garbage collector, so no explicit delete's are necessary. D's new and delete are not compatible with C++'s $(CODE ::operator new) and $(CODE::operator delete). Attempting to allocate memory with C++ $(CODE ::operator new) and deallocate it with D's $(CODE delete), or vice versa, will result in miserable failure. ) $(P D can still explicitly allocate memory using std.c.stdlib.malloc() and std.c.stdlib.free(), these are useful for connecting to C++ functions that expect malloc'd buffers, etc. ) $(P If pointers to D garbage collector allocated memory are passed to C++ functions, it's critical to ensure that that memory will not be collected by the garbage collector before the C++ function is done with it. This is accomplished by: ) $(UL $(LI Making a copy of the data using std.c.stdlib.malloc() and passing the copy instead.) $(LI Leaving a pointer to it on the stack (as a parameter or automatic variable), as the garbage collector will scan the stack.) $(LI Leaving a pointer to it in the static data segment, as the garbage collector will scan the static data segment.) $(LI Registering the pointer with the garbage collector with the std.gc.addRoot() or std.gc.addRange() calls.) ) $(P An interior pointer to the allocated memory block is sufficient to let the GC know the object is in use; i.e. it is not necessary to maintain a pointer to the beginning of the allocated memory. ) $(P The garbage collector does not scan the stacks of threads not created by the D Thread interface. Nor does it scan the data segments of other DLL's, etc. )

Data Type Compatibility

$(TABLE1 D And C Type Equivalence $(TR $(TH D type) $(TH C type) ) $(TR $(TD $(B void)) $(TD $(B void)) ) $(TR $(TD $(B byte)) $(TD $(B signed char)) ) $(TR $(TD $(B ubyte)) $(TD $(B unsigned char)) ) $(TR $(TD $(B char)) $(TD $(B char) (chars are unsigned in D)) ) $(TR $(TD $(B wchar)) $(TD $(B wchar_t) (when sizeof(wchar_t) is 2)) ) $(TR $(TD $(B dchar)) $(TD $(B wchar_t) (when sizeof(wchar_t) is 4)) ) $(TR $(TD $(B short)) $(TD $(B short)) ) $(TR $(TD $(B ushort)) $(TD $(B unsigned short)) ) $(TR $(TD $(B int)) $(TD $(B int)) ) $(TR $(TD $(B uint)) $(TD $(B unsigned)) ) $(TR $(TD $(B long)) $(TD $(B long long)) ) $(TR $(TD $(B ulong)) $(TD $(B unsigned long long)) ) $(TR $(TD $(B float)) $(TD $(B float)) ) $(TR $(TD $(B double)) $(TD $(B double)) ) $(TR $(TD $(B real)) $(TD $(B long double)) ) $(TR $(TD $(B ifloat)) $(TD no equivalent) ) $(TR $(TD $(B idouble)) $(TD no equivalent) ) $(TR $(TD $(B ireal)) $(TD no equivalent) ) $(TR $(TD $(B cfloat)) $(TD no equivalent) ) $(TR $(TD $(B cdouble)) $(TD no equivalent) ) $(TR $(TD $(B creal)) $(TD no equivalent) ) $(TR $(TD $(B struct)) $(TD $(B struct)) ) $(TR $(TD $(B union)) $(TD $(B union)) ) $(TR $(TD $(B enum)) $(TD $(B enum)) ) $(TR $(TD $(B class)) $(TD no equivalent) ) $(TR $(TD $(I type)$(B *)) $(TD $(I type) $(B *)) ) $(TR $(TD no equivalent) $(TD $(I type) $(B &)) ) $(TR $(TD $(I type)$(B [)$(I dim)$(B ])) $(TD $(I type)$(B [)$(I dim)$(B ])) ) $(TR $(TD $(I type)$(B [)$(I dim)$(B ]*)) $(TD $(I type)$(B (*)[)$(I dim)$(B ])) ) $(TR $(TD $(I type)$(B [])) $(TD no equivalent) ) $(TR $(TD $(I type)$(B [)$(I type)$(B ])) $(TD no equivalent) ) $(TR $(TD $(I type) $(B function)$(B $(LPAREN))$(I parameters)$(B $(RPAREN))) $(TD $(I type)$(B (*))$(B $(LPAREN))$(I parameters)$(B $(RPAREN))) ) $(TR $(TD $(I type) $(B delegate)$(B $(LPAREN))$(I parameters)$(B $(RPAREN))) $(TD no equivalent) ) ) $(P These equivalents hold for most 32 bit C++ compilers. The C++ standard does not pin down the sizes of the types, so some care is needed. )

Structs and Unions

$(P D structs and unions are analogous to C's. ) $(P C code often adjusts the alignment and packing of struct members with a command line switch or with various implementation specific #pragma's. D supports explicit alignment attributes that correspond to the C compiler's rules. Check what alignment the C code is using, and explicitly set it for the D struct declaration. ) $(P D does not support bit fields. If needed, they can be emulated with shift and mask operations. $(LINK2 htod.html, htod) will convert bit fields to inline functions that do the right shift and masks. )

Object Construction and Destruction

$(P Similarly to storage allocation and deallocation, objects constructed in D code should be destructed in D, and objects constructed in C++ should be destructed in C++ code. )

Special Member Functions

$(P D cannot call C++ special member functions, and vice versa. These include constructors, destructors, conversion operators, operator overloading, and allocators. )

Runtime Type Identification

$(P D runtime type identification uses completely different techniques than C++. The two are incompatible.)

C++ Class Objects by Value

$(P D can access POD (Plain Old Data) C++ structs, and it can access C++ class virtual functions by reference. It cannot access C++ classes by value. )

C++ Templates

$(P D templates have little in common with C++ templates, and it is very unlikely that any sort of reasonable method could be found to express C++ templates in a link-compatible way with D. ) $(P This means that the C++ STL, and C++ Boost, likely will never be accessible from D. )

Exception Handling

$(P D and C++ exception handling are completely different. Throwing exceptions across the boundaries between D and C++ code will likely not work. )

Future Developments

$(P How the upcoming C++0x standard will affect this is not known.) $(P Over time, more aspects of the C++ ABI may be accessible directly from D.) ) Macros: TITLE=Interfacing to C++ WIKI=InterfaceToCPP