Ddoc $(SPEC_S Associative Arrays, $(P Associative arrays have an index that is not necessarily an integer, and can be sparsely populated. The index for an associative array is called the $(I key), and its type is called the $(I KeyType). ) $(P Associative arrays are declared by placing the $(I KeyType) within the [] of an array declaration: ) --------- int[char[]] b; // associative array b of ints that are // indexed by an array of characters. // The $(I KeyType) is char[] b["hello"] = 3; // set value associated with key "hello" to 3 func(b["hello"]); // pass 3 as parameter to func() --------- $(P Particular keys in an associative array can be removed with the remove function: ) --------- b.$(B remove)("hello"); --------- $(P The $(I InExpression) yields a pointer to the value if the key is in the associative array, or $(B null) if not: ) --------- int* p; p = ("hello" $(B in) b); if (p != $(B null)) ... --------- $(P $(I KeyType)s cannot be functions or voids. ) $(P The element types of an associative array cannot be functions or voids.)

Using Classes as the KeyType

$(P Classes can be used as the $(I KeyType). For this to work, the class definition must override the following member functions of class $(TT Object):) $(UL $(LI $(TT hash_t toHash())) $(V1 $(LI $(TT int opEquals(Object)))) $(V2 $(LI $(TT bool opEquals(Object)))) $(LI $(TT int opCmp(Object))) ) $(P $(TT hash_t) is an alias to an integral type.) $(P Note that the parameter to $(TT opCmp) and $(TT opEquals) is of type $(TT Object), not the type of the class in which it is defined.) $(P For example:) --- class Foo { int a, b; hash_t $(B toHash)() { return a + b; } $(V1 int $(B opEquals)(Object o))$(V2 bool $(B opEquals)(Object o)) { Foo f = cast(Foo) o; return f && a == foo.a && b == foo.b; } int $(B opCmp)(Object o) { Foo f = cast(Foo) o; if (!f) return -1; if (a == foo.a) return b - foo.b; return a - foo.a; } } --- $(P The implementation may use either $(TT opEquals) or $(TT opCmp) or both. Care should be taken so that the results of $(TT opEquals) and $(TT opCmp) are consistent with each other when the class objects are the same or not.)

Using Structs or Unions as the KeyType

$(P If the $(I KeyType) is a struct or union type, a default mechanism is used to compute the hash and comparisons of it based on the binary data within the struct value. A custom mechanism can be used by providing the following functions as struct members: ) --------- $(V2 const) hash_t $(B toHash)(); $(V1 int $(B opEquals)($(I KeyType)* s);)$(V2 const bool $(B opEquals)(ref const $(I KeyType) s);) $(V1 int $(B opCmp)($(I KeyType)* s);)$(V2 const int $(B opCmp)(ref const $(I KeyType) s);) --------- $(P For example:) --------- import std.string; struct MyString { string str; $(V1 hash_t $(B toHash)() { hash_t hash; foreach (char c; s) hash = (hash * 9) + c; return hash; } bool $(B opEquals)(MyString* s) { return std.string.cmp(this.str, s.str) == 0; } int $(B opCmp)(MyString* s) { return std.string.cmp(this.str, s.str); }) $(V2 const hash_t $(B toHash)() { hash_t hash; foreach (char c; s) hash = (hash * 9) + c; return hash; } const bool $(B opEquals)(ref const MyString s) { return std.string.cmp(this.str, s.str) == 0; } const int $(B opCmp)(ref const MyString s) { return std.string.cmp(this.str, s.str); }) } --------- $(P The implementation may use either $(TT opEquals) or $(TT opCmp) or both. Care should be taken so that the results of $(TT opEquals) and $(TT opCmp) are consistent with each other when the struct/union objects are the same or not.)


Properties for associative arrays are: $(TABLE2 Associative Array Properties, $(TR $(TH Property) $(TH Description)) $(TR $(TD $(B .sizeof)) $(TD Returns the size of the reference to the associative array; it is typically 8. ) ) $(TR $(TD $(B .length)) $(TD Returns number of values in the associative array. Unlike for dynamic arrays, it is read-only. ) ) $(TR $(TD $(B .keys)) $(TD Returns dynamic array, the elements of which are the keys in the associative array. ) ) $(TR $(TD $(B .values)) $(TD Returns dynamic array, the elements of which are the values in the associative array. ) ) $(TR $(TD $(B .rehash)) $(TD Reorganizes the associative array in place so that lookups are more efficient. rehash is effective when, for example, the program is done loading up a symbol table and now needs fast lookups in it. Returns a reference to the reorganized array. ) ) $(V2 $(TR $(TD $(B .byKey())) $(TD Returns a delegate suitable for use as an $(I Aggregate) to a $(LINK2 statement.html#ForeachStatement, $(I ForeachStatement)) which will iterate over the keys of the associative array. ) ) $(TR $(TD $(B .byValue())) $(TD Returns a delegate suitable for use as an $(I Aggregate) to a $(LINK2 statement.html#ForeachStatement, $(I ForeachStatement)) which will iterate over the values of the associative array. ) ) $(TR $(TD $(B .get(Key key, lazy Value defaultValue))) $(TD Looks up $(I key); if it exists returns corresponding $(I value) else evaluates and returns $(I defaultValue). ) ) ) )

Associative Array Example: word count

--------- import std.file; // D file I/O import std.stdio; int main (string[] args) { int word_total; int line_total; int char_total; int[char[]] dictionary; writefln(" lines words bytes file"); for (int i = 1; i < args.length; ++i) // program arguments { char[] input; // input buffer int w_cnt, l_cnt, c_cnt; // word, line, char counts int inword; int wstart; // read file into input[] input = cast(char[])std.file.read(args[i]); foreach (j, char c; input) { if (c == '\n') ++l_cnt; if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { } else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z' || c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') { if (!inword) { wstart = j; inword = 1; ++w_cnt; } } else if (inword) { char[] word = input[wstart .. j]; dictionary[word]++; // increment count for word inword = 0; } ++c_cnt; } if (inword) { char[] word = input[wstart .. input.length]; dictionary[word]++; } writefln("%8d%8d%8d %s", l_cnt, w_cnt, c_cnt, args[i]); line_total += l_cnt; word_total += w_cnt; char_total += c_cnt; } if (args.length > 2) { writef("-------------------------------------\n%8d%8d%8d total", line_total, word_total, char_total); } writefln("-------------------------------------"); foreach (word; dictionary.keys.sort) { writefln("%3d %s", dictionary[word], word); } return 0; } --------- ) Macros: TITLE=Associative Arrays WIKI=AssociativeArrays DOLLAR=$ FOO=