Ddoc $(D_S rdmd,


In a command prompt:
% cat myprog.d
import std.stdio;
void main() 
    writeln("Hello, world without explicit compilations!"); 
% rdmd myprog
Hello, world without explicit compilations!
% _
Inside a D program:
% cat myprog.d
import std.stdio;
void main() 
    writeln("Hello, world with automated script running!"); 
% ./myprog.d
Hello, world with automated script running!
% _
(Under Windows replace $(B cat) with $(B type) and $(B #!/usr/bin/rdmd) with $(B #!rdmd), the latter assuming that $(B rdmd) can be found in your path.)


$(P $(B rdmd) is a companion to the $(B dmd) compiler that simplifies the typical edit-compile-link-run or edit-make-run cycle to a rapid edit-run cycle. Like $(B make) and other tools, $(B rdmd) uses the relative dates of the files involved to minimize the amount of work necessary. Unlike $(B make), $(B rdmd) tracks dependencies and freshness without requiring additional information from the user.) $(P $(B rdmd): $(UL $(LI shields its user from the notion that producing a running program from D programming language files may entail several concerted steps against different source files producing various intermediate files;) $(LI automatically infers and builds dependent files, transitively, by following $(B import) directives;) $(LI recognizes and passes down all of $(B dmd)'s command-line options;) $(LI understands how various $(B dmd) compiler options (e.g. $(B -release) vs. $(B -debug)) affect generation of intermediate files, and avoids conflations (e.g., does not unwittingly run a debug executable when the release executable is asked for);) $(LI recompiles files only on a needed basis, e.g. two invocations of $(B rdmd) in sequence without an intervening change to any relevant source file does not produce the executable again.) ))


$(P $(B rdmd) [$(I dmd and rdmd options)] $(I progfile)[.d] [$(I program arguments)] ) $(P In addition to $(B dmd)'s options, $(B rdmd) recognizes the following: ) $(DL $(DT $(B --build-only)) $(DD just build the executable, don't run it) $(DT $(B --chatty)) $(DD write dmd commands to stdout before executing them) $(DT $(B --compiler)=/path/to/compiler) $(DD use the specified compiler (e.g. gdmd) instead of dmd) $(DT $(B --dry-run)) $(DD do not compile, just show what commands would be run (implies --chatty)) $(DT $(B --eval)=code) $(DD evaluate code including it in $(D_PARAM void main(char[][] args) { ... }) (multiple --eval allowed, will be evaluated in turn)) $(DT $(B --force)) $(DD force a rebuild even if apparently not necessary) $(DT $(B --help)) $(DD show a help message and exit) $(DT $(B --loop)=code) $(DD like --eval, but code will be additionally included in a loop $(D_PARAM foreach (line; stdin.byLine()) { ... })) $(DT $(B --main)) $(DD add an empty $(D_PARAM void main() {}) function (useful for running unittests)) $(DT $(B --man)) $(DD open web browser on manual page) $(DT $(B --shebang)) $(DD rdmd is in a shebang line (put as first argument)) )


$(UL $(LI View syntax-colored $(LINK2 http://dsource.org/projects/phobos/browser/trunk/tools/rdmd.d, source code)) $(LI $(LINK2 http://dsource.org/projects/phobos/browser/trunk/tools/rdmd.d?format=txt, Download)))


$(LINK2 http://erdani.org, Andrei Alexandrescu) ) Macros: TITLE=rdmd WIKI=rdmd