Ddoc $(SPEC_S Templates, $(BLOCKQUOTE I think that I can safely say that nobody understands template mechanics. -- Richard Deyman ) $(P Templates are D's approach to generic programming. Templates are defined with a $(I TemplateDeclaration): ) $(GRAMMAR $(GNAME TemplateDeclaration): $(B template) $(GLINK TemplateIdentifier) $(B $(LPAREN)) $(GLINK TemplateParameterList) $(B $(RPAREN)) $(V2 $(GLINK Constraint)$(SUB $(I opt))) $(B {) $(GLINK2 module, DeclDefs) $(B }) $(GNAME TemplateIdentifier): $(I Identifier) $(GNAME TemplateParameterList): $(I TemplateParameter) $(V2 $(I TemplateParameter) , ) $(I TemplateParameter) , $(I TemplateParameterList) $(GNAME TemplateParameter): $(GLINK TemplateTypeParameter) $(GLINK TemplateValueParameter) $(GLINK TemplateAliasParameter) $(GLINK TemplateTupleParameter) $(V2 $(GLINK TemplateThisParameter)) ) $(P The body of the $(I TemplateDeclaration) must be syntactically correct even if never instantiated. Semantic analysis is not done until instantiated. A template forms its own scope, and the template body can contain classes, structs, types, enums, variables, functions, and other templates. ) $(P Template parameters can be types, values, symbols, or tuples. Types can be any type. Value parameters must be of an integral type, floating point type, or string type and specializations for them must resolve to an integral constant, floating point constant, null, or a string literal. Symbols can be any non-local symbol. Tuples are a sequence of 0 or more types, values or symbols. ) $(P Template parameter specializations constrain the values or types the $(I TemplateParameter) can accept. ) $(P Template parameter defaults are the value or type to use for the $(I TemplateParameter) in case one is not supplied. )

Explicit Template Instantiation

$(P Templates are explicitly instantiated with: ) $(GRAMMAR $(GNAME TemplateInstance): $(GLINK TemplateIdentifier) $(B !$(LPAREN)) $(GLINK TemplateArgumentList) $(B $(RPAREN)) $(V2 $(GLINK TemplateIdentifier) $(B !) $(GLINK TemplateSingleArgument)) $(GNAME TemplateArgumentList): $(GLINK TemplateArgument) $(V2 $(GLINK TemplateArgument) , ) $(GLINK TemplateArgument) , $(I TemplateArgumentList) $(GNAME TemplateArgument): $(GLINK2 declaration, Type) $(ASSIGNEXPRESSION) $(I Symbol) $(GNAME Symbol): $(I SymbolTail) $(B .) $(I SymbolTail) $(GNAME SymbolTail): $(I Identifier) $(I Identifier) $(B .) $(I SymbolTail) $(GLINK TemplateInstance) $(GLINK TemplateInstance) $(B .) $(I SymbolTail) $(V2 $(GNAME TemplateSingleArgument): $(I Identifier) $(GLINK2 declaration, BasicTypeX) $(GLINK2 lex, CharacterLiteral) $(GLINK2 lex, StringLiteral) $(GLINK2 lex, IntegerLiteral) $(GLINK2 lex, FloatLiteral) $(B true) $(B false) $(B null) $(B __FILE__) $(B __LINE__) ) ) $(P Once instantiated, the declarations inside the template, called the template members, are in the scope of the $(I TemplateInstance): ) ------ template TFoo(T) { alias T* t; } ... TFoo!(int).t x; // declare x to be of type int* ------ $(V2 $(P If the $(GLINK TemplateArgument) is one token long, the parentheses can be omitted: ) --- TFoo!int.t x; // same as TFoo!(int).t x; --- ) $(P A template instantiation can be aliased: ) ------ template TFoo(T) { alias T* t; } alias TFoo!(int) abc; abc.t x; // declare x to be of type int* ------ $(P Multiple instantiations of a $(I TemplateDeclaration) with the same $(I TemplateArgumentList), before implicit conversions, all will refer to the same instantiation. For example: ) ------ template TFoo(T) { T f; } alias TFoo!(int) a; alias TFoo!(int) b; ... a.f = 3; assert(b.f == 3); // a and b refer to the same instance of TFoo ------ $(P This is true even if the $(I TemplateInstance)s are done in different modules. ) $(P Even if template arguments are implicitly converted to the same template parameter type, they still refer to different instances: ) ----- struct TFoo(int x) { } static assert(is(TFoo!(3) == TFoo!(2 + 1))); // 3 and 2+1 are both 3 of type int static assert(!is(TFoo!(3) == TFoo!(3u))); // 3u and 3 are different types ----- $(P If multiple templates with the same $(I TemplateIdentifier) are declared, they are distinct if they have a different number of arguments or are differently specialized. ) $(P For example, a simple generic copy template would be: ) ------ template TCopy(T) { void copy(out T to, T from) { to = from; } } ------ $(P To use the template, it must first be instantiated with a specific type: ) ------ int i; TCopy!(int).copy(i, 3); ------

Instantiation Scope

$(P $(I TemplateInstantance)s are always performed in the scope of where the $(I TemplateDeclaration) is declared, with the addition of the template parameters being declared as aliases for their deduced types. ) $(P For example: ) $(BR)$(BR) $(U module a) ------ template TFoo(T) { void bar() { func(); } } ------ $(U module b) ------ import a; void func() { } alias TFoo!(int) f; // error: func not defined in module a ------ $(P and: ) $(BR)$(BR) $(U module a) ------ template TFoo(T) { void bar() { func(1); } } void func(double d) { } ------ $(U module b) ------ import a; void func(int i) { } alias TFoo!(int) f; ... f.bar(); // will call a.func(double) ------ $(P $(I TemplateParameter) specializations and default values are evaluated in the scope of the $(I TemplateDeclaration). )

Argument Deduction

$(P The types of template parameters are deduced for a particular template instantiation by comparing the template argument with the corresponding template parameter. ) $(P For each template parameter, the following rules are applied in order until a type is deduced for each parameter: ) $(OL $(LI If there is no type specialization for the parameter, the type of the parameter is set to the template argument.) $(LI If the type specialization is dependent on a type parameter, the type of that parameter is set to be the corresponding part of the type argument.) $(LI If after all the type arguments are examined there are any type parameters left with no type assigned, they are assigned types corresponding to the template argument in the same position in the $(I TemplateArgumentList).) $(LI If applying the above rules does not result in exactly one type for each template parameter, then it is an error.) ) $(P For example:) ------ template TFoo(T) { } alias TFoo!(int) Foo1; // (1) T is deduced to be int alias TFoo!(char*) Foo2; // (1) T is deduced to be char* template TBar(T : T*) { } alias TBar!(char*) Foo3; // (2) T is deduced to be char template TAbc(D, U : D[]) { } alias TAbc!(int, int[]) Bar1; // (2) D is deduced to be int, U is int[] alias TAbc!(char, int[]) Bar2; // (4) error, D is both char and int template TDef(D : E*, E) { } alias TDef!(int*, int) Bar3; // (1) E is int // (3) D is int* ------ $(P Deduction from a specialization can provide values for more than one parameter: ) --- template Foo(T: T[U], U) { ... } Foo!(int[long]) // instantiates Foo with T set to int, U set to long --- $(P When considering matches, a class is considered to be a match for any super classes or interfaces: ) ------ class A { } class B : A { } template TFoo(T : A) { } alias TFoo!(B) Foo4; // (3) T is B template TBar(T : U*, U : A) { } alias TBar!(B*, B) Foo5; // (2) T is B* // (3) U is B ------

Template Type Parameters

$(GRAMMAR $(GNAME TemplateTypeParameter): $(I Identifier) $(I Identifier) $(I TemplateTypeParameterSpecialization) $(I Identifier) $(I TemplateTypeParameterDefault) $(I Identifier) $(I TemplateTypeParameterSpecialization) $(I TemplateTypeParameterDefault) $(GNAME TemplateTypeParameterSpecialization): $(B :) $(GLINK2 declaration, Type) $(GNAME TemplateTypeParameterDefault): $(B =) $(GLINK2 declaration, Type) )


$(P Templates may be specialized for particular types of arguments by following the template parameter identifier with a : and the specialized type. For example: ) ------ template TFoo(T) { ... } // #1 template TFoo(T : T[]) { ... } // #2 template TFoo(T : char) { ... } // #3 template TFoo(T,U,V) { ... } // #4 alias TFoo!(int) foo1; // instantiates #1 alias TFoo!(double[]) foo2; // instantiates #2 with T being double alias TFoo!(char) foo3; // instantiates #3 alias TFoo!(char, int) fooe; // error, number of arguments mismatch alias TFoo!(char, int, int) foo4; // instantiates #4 ------ $(P The template picked to instantiate is the one that is most specialized that fits the types of the $(I TemplateArgumentList). Determine which is more specialized is done the same way as the C++ partial ordering rules. If the result is ambiguous, it is an error. ) $(V2

Template This Parameters

$(GRAMMAR $(GNAME TemplateThisParameter): $(B this) $(I TemplateTypeParameter) ) $(P $(I TemplateThisParameter)s are used in member function templates to pick up the type of the $(I this) reference. ) --- import std.stdio; struct S { const void foo(this T)(int i) { writeln(typeid(T)); } } void main() { const(S) s; (&s).foo(1); S s2; s2.foo(2); immutable(S) s3; s3.foo(3); } --- $(P Prints:) $(CONSOLE const(S) S immutable(S) ) )

Template Value Parameters

$(GRAMMAR $(GNAME TemplateValueParameter): $(GLINK2 declaration, BasicType) $(GLINK2 declaration, Declarator) $(GLINK2 declaration, BasicType) $(GLINK2 declaration, Declarator) $(I TemplateValueParameterSpecialization) $(GLINK2 declaration, BasicType) $(GLINK2 declaration, Declarator) $(I TemplateValueParameterDefault) $(GLINK2 declaration, BasicType) $(GLINK2 declaration, Declarator) $(I TemplateValueParameterSpecialization) $(I TemplateValueParameterDefault) $(GNAME TemplateValueParameterSpecialization): $(B :) $(LINK2 expression.html#ConditionalExpression, $(I ConditionalExpression)) $(GNAME TemplateValueParameterDefault): $(V2 $(B = __FILE__) $(B = __LINE__)) $(B =) $(ASSIGNEXPRESSION) ) $(V2 $(P The $(CODE __FILE__) and $(CODE __LINE__) expand to the source file name and line number at the point of instantiation.) ) $(P Template value parameter types can be any type which can be statically initialized at compile time, and the value argument can be any expression which can be evaluated at compile time. This includes integers, floating point types, and strings. ) ----- template foo(string s) { string bar() { return s ~ " betty"; } } void main() { writefln("%s", foo!("hello").bar()); // prints: hello betty } ----- $(P This example of template foo has a value parameter that is specialized for 10: ) ------ template foo(U : int, int T : 10) { U x = T; } void main() { assert(foo!(int, 10).x == 10); } ------

$(LNAME2 aliasparameters, Template Alias Parameters)

$(GRAMMAR $(GNAME TemplateAliasParameter): $(B alias) $(I Identifier) $(I TemplateAliasParameterSpecialization)$(OPT) $(I TemplateAliasParameterDefault)$(OPT) $(B alias) $(GLINK2 declaration, BasicType) $(GLINK2 declaration, Declarator) $(I TemplateAliasParameterSpecialization)$(OPT) $(I TemplateAliasParameterDefault)$(OPT) $(GNAME TemplateAliasParameterSpecialization): $(B :) $(GLINK2 declaration, Type) $(B :) $(GLINK2 expression, ConditionalExpression) $(GNAME TemplateAliasParameterDefault): $(B =) $(GLINK2 declaration, Type) $(B =) $(GLINK2 expression, ConditionalExpression) ) $(P Alias parameters enable templates to be parameterized with any type of D symbol, including global names, local names, typedef names, module names, template names, and template instance names. $(V2 Literals can also be used as arguments to alias parameters.) ) $(UL $(LI Global names ------ int x; template Foo(alias X) { static int* p = &X; } void test() { alias Foo!(x) bar; *bar.p = 3; // set x to 3 static int y; alias Foo!(y) abc; *abc.p = 3; // set y to 3 } ------ ) $(LI Type names ------ class Foo { static int p; } template Bar(alias T) { alias T.p q; } void test() { alias Bar!(Foo) bar; bar.q = 3; // sets Foo.p to 3 } ------ ) $(LI Module names ------ import std.string; template Foo(alias X) { alias X.toString y; } void test() { alias Foo!(std.string) bar; bar.y(3); // calls std.string.toString(3) } ------ ) $(LI Template names ------ int x; template Foo(alias X) { static int* p = &X; } template Bar(alias T) { alias T!(x) abc; } void test() { alias Bar!(Foo) bar; *bar.abc.p = 3; // sets x to 3 } ------ ) $(LI Template alias names ------ int x; template Foo(alias X) { static int* p = &X; } template Bar(alias T) { alias T.p q; } void test() { alias Foo!(x) foo; alias Bar!(foo) bar; *bar.q = 3; // sets x to 3 } ------ ) $(V2 $(LI Literals ------ template Foo(alias X, alias Y) { static int i = X; static string s = Y; } void test() { alias Foo!(3, "bar") foo; writeln(foo.i, foo.s); // prints 3bar } ------ )) )

$(LNAME2 variadic-templates, Template Tuple Parameters)

$(GRAMMAR $(GNAME TemplateTupleParameter): $(I Identifier) $(B ...) ) $(P If the last template parameter in the $(I TemplateParameterList) is declared as a $(I TemplateTupleParameter), it is a match with any trailing template arguments. The sequence of arguments form a $(I Tuple). A $(I Tuple) is not a type, an expression, or a symbol. It is a sequence of any mix of types, expressions or symbols. ) $(P A $(I Tuple) whose elements consist entirely of types is called a $(I TypeTuple). A $(I Tuple) whose elements consist entirely of expressions is called an $(I ExpressionTuple). ) $(P A $(I Tuple) can be used as an argument list to instantiate another template, or as the list of parameters for a function. ) --- template Print(A ...) { void print() { writefln("args are ", A); } } template Write(A ...) { void write(A a) // A is a $(I TypeTuple) // a is an $(I ExpressionTuple) { writefln("args are ", a); } } void main() { Print!(1,'a',6.8).print(); // prints: args are 1a6.8 Write!(int, char, double).write(1, 'a', 6.8); // prints: args are 1a6.8 } --- $(P Template tuples can be deduced from the types of the trailing parameters of an implicitly instantiated function template:) --- template Foo(T, R...) { void Foo(T t, R r) { writefln(t); static if (r.length) // if more arguments Foo(r); // do the rest of the arguments } } void main() { Foo(1, 'a', 6.8); } --- $(P prints:) $(CONSOLE 1 a 6.8 ) $(P The tuple can also be deduced from the type of a delegate or function parameter list passed as a function argument:) ---- import std.stdio; /* R is return type * A is first argument type * U is $(I TypeTuple) of rest of argument types */ R delegate(U) Curry(R, A, U...)(R delegate(A, U) dg, A arg) { struct Foo { typeof(dg) dg_m; typeof(arg) arg_m; R bar(U u) { return dg_m(arg_m, u); } } Foo* f = new Foo; f.dg_m = dg; f.arg_m = arg; return &f.bar; } void main() { int plus(int x, int y, int z) { return x + y + z; } auto plus_two = Curry(&plus, 2); writefln("%d", plus_two(6, 8)); // prints 16 } ---- $(P The number of elements in a $(I Tuple) can be retrieved with the $(B .length) property. The $(I n)th element can be retrieved by indexing the $(I Tuple) with [$(I n)], and sub tuples can be created with the slicing syntax. ) $(P $(I Tuple)s are static compile time entities, there is no way to dynamically change, add, or remove elements.) $(P If both a template with a tuple parameter and a template without a tuple parameter exactly match a template instantiation, the template without a $(I TemplateTupleParameter) is selected.)

Template Parameter Default Values

$(P Trailing template parameters can be given default values: ) ------ template Foo(T, U = int) { ... } Foo!(uint,long); // instantiate Foo with T as uint, and U as long Foo!(uint); // instantiate Foo with T as uint, and U as int template Foo(T, U = T*) { ... } Foo!(uint); // instantiate Foo with T as uint, and U as uint* ------

Implicit Template Properties

$(P If a template has exactly one member in it, and the name of that member is the same as the template name, that member is assumed to be referred to in a template instantiation: ) ------ template $(B Foo)(T) { T $(B Foo); // declare variable Foo of type T } void test() { $(B Foo)!(int) = 6; // instead of Foo!(int).Foo } ------

Template Constructors

$(GRAMMAR $(GNAME TemplatedConstructor): $(B this) $(B $(LPAREN)) $(GLINK2 template, TemplateParameterList) $(B $(RPAREN)) $(GLINK2 declaration, Parameters) $(GLINK Constraint)$(OPT) $(GLINK2 function, FunctionBody) ) $(P Templates can be used to form constructors for classes$(V2 and structs). )

Class Templates

$(GRAMMAR $(GNAME ClassTemplateDeclaration): $(B class) $(I Identifier) $(B $(LPAREN)) $(GLINK TemplateParameterList) $(B $(RPAREN)) $(GLINK Constraint)$(OPT) $(GLINK2 class, BaseClassList) $(GLINK2 class, ClassBody) ) $(P If a template declares exactly one member, and that member is a class with the same name as the template: ) ------ template $(B Bar)(T) { class $(B Bar) { T member; } } ------ $(P then the semantic equivalent, called a $(I ClassTemplateDeclaration) can be written as: ) ------ class $(B Bar)(T) { T member; } ------

Struct, Union, and Interface Templates

$(GRAMMAR $(GNAME StructTemplateDeclaration): $(B struct) $(I Identifier) $(B $(LPAREN)) $(GLINK TemplateParameterList) $(B $(RPAREN)) $(V2 $(GLINK Constraint)$(SUB $(I opt))) $(LINK2 struct.html#StructBody, $(I StructBody)) $(GNAME UnionTemplateDeclaration): $(B union) $(I Identifier) $(B $(LPAREN)) $(GLINK TemplateParameterList) $(B $(RPAREN)) $(V2 $(GLINK Constraint)$(SUB $(I opt))) $(LINK2 struct.html#StructBody, $(I StructBody)) $(GNAME InterfaceTemplateDeclaration): $(B interface) $(I Identifier) $(B $(LPAREN)) $(GLINK TemplateParameterList) $(B $(RPAREN)) $(V2 $(GLINK Constraint)$(SUB $(I opt))) $(LINK2 interface.html#BaseInterfaceList, $(I BaseInterfaceList)) $(LINK2 interface.html#InterfaceBody, $(I InterfaceBody)) ) $(P Analogously to class templates, struct, union and interfaces can be transformed into templates by supplying a template parameter list. )

$(LNAME2 function-templates, Function Templates)

$(P If a template declares exactly one member, and that member is a function with the same name as the template, it is a function template declaration. Alternatively, a function template declaration is a function declaration with a $(GLINK TemplateParameterList) immediately preceding the $(LINK2 declaration.html#Parameters, $(I Parameters)). ) $(P A function template to compute the square of type $(I T) is: ) ------ T $(B Square)(T)(T t) { return t * t; } ------ $(P Function templates can be explicitly instantiated with a !($(I TemplateArgumentList)): ) ---- writefln("The square of %s is %s", 3, Square!(int)(3)); ---- $(P or implicitly, where the $(I TemplateArgumentList) is deduced from the types of the function arguments: ) ---- writefln("The square of %s is %s", 3, Square(3)); // T is deduced to be int ---- $(P If there are fewer arguments supplied in the $(I TemplateArgumentList) than parameters in the $(I TemplateParameterList), the arguments fulfill parameters from left to right, and the rest of the parameters are then deduced from the function arguments. ) $(P Function template type parameters that are to be implicitly deduced may not have specializations: ) ------ void $(B Foo)(T : T*)(T t) { ... } int x,y; Foo!(int*)(x); // ok, T is not deduced from function argument Foo(&y); // error, T has specialization ------ $(P Template arguments not implicitly deduced can have default values: ) ------ void $(B Foo)(T, U=T*)(T t) { U p; ... } int x; Foo(&x); // T is int, U is int* ------ $(V2 $(P Function templates can have their return types deduced based on the first $(LINK2 statement.html#ReturnStatement, $(I ReturnStatement)) in the function: ) --- auto $(B Square)(T)(T t) { return t * t; } --- $(P If there is more than one return statement, then the types of the return statement expressions must match. If there are no return statements, then the return type of the function template is $(CODE void). ) )

$(LNAME2 auto-ref-parameters, Function Templates with Auto Ref Parameters)

$(P An auto ref function template parameter becomes a ref parameter if its corresponding argument is an lvalue, otherwise it becomes a value parameter: ) --- int foo(T...)(auto ref T x) { int result; foreach (i, v; x) { if (v == 10) assert(__traits(isRef, x[i])); else assert(!__traits(isRef, x[i])); result += v; } return result; } void main() { int y = 10; int r; r = foo(8); // returns 8 r = foo(y); // returns 10 r = foo(3, 4, y); // returns 17 r = foo(4, 5, y); // returns 19 r = foo(y, 6, y); // returns 26 } --- $(P Auto ref parameters can be combined with auto ref return attributes: ) --- auto ref min(T, U)(auto ref T lhs, auto ref U rhs) { return lhs > rhs ? rhs : lhs; } void main() { int x = 7, y = 8; int i; i = min(4, 3); // returns 3 i = min(x, y); // returns 7 min(x, y) = 10; // sets x to 10 static assert(!__traits(compiles, min(3, y) = 10)); static assert(!__traits(compiles, min(y, 3) = 10)); } ---

Recursive Templates

$(P Template features can be combined to produce some interesting effects, such as compile time evaluation of non-trivial functions. For example, a factorial template can be written: ) ------ template factorial(int n : 1) { enum { factorial = 1 } } template factorial(int n) { enum { factorial = n* factorial!(n-1) } } void test() { writefln("%s", factorial!(4)); // prints 24 } ------ $(V2

Template Constraints

--- $(GNAME Constraint): $(B if) $(B $(LPAREN)) $(I ConstraintExpression) $(B $(RPAREN)) $(I ConstraintExpression): $(I $(GLINK2 expression, Expression)) --- $(P $(I Constraint)s are used to impose additional constraints on matching arguments to a template beyond what is possible in the $(GLINK TemplateParameterList). The $(I ConstraintExpression) is computed at compile time and returns a result that is converted to a boolean value. If that value is true, then the template is matched, otherwise the template is not matched. ) $(P For example, the following function template only matches with odd values of $(CODE N): ) --- void foo(int N)() if (N & 1) { ... } ... foo!(3)(); // ok, matches foo!(4)(); // error, no match --- )


$(P Templates cannot be used to add non-static members or virtual functions to classes. For example: ) ------ class Foo { template TBar(T) { T xx; // becomes a static member of Foo int func(T) { ... } // non-virtual static T yy; // Ok static int func(T t, int y) { ... } // Ok } } ------ $(P Templates cannot be declared inside functions. ) $(P Templates cannot add functions to interfaces:) --- interface TestInterface { void tpl(T)(); } // error --- ) Macros: TITLE=Templates WIKI=Template GLINK=$(LINK2 #$0, $(I $0)) GNAME=$(I $0) DOLLAR=$ FOO=