Welcome to Pyd! This package is composed of two separate parts: * CeleriD - An extension to Python's Distutils that is aware of D. * Pyd - A library for D that wraps the Python API. CeleriD was originally written by David Rushby, and Pyd is written by Kirk McDonald. Pyd uses a number of additional libraries; see credits.txt for details. These libraries are contained in the "infrastructure" directory. INSTALLATION In the easiest case, you just need to say: python setup.py install while in the root directory of the project. This will place CeleriD in Python's site-packages directory, and Pyd lives inside of CeleriD. The easiest time will be had if both D and Python are on the system's PATH. This is not required, however: * On Windows, only the DMD compiler is supported. If it is not found on the PATH, CeleriD will check the DMD_BIN environment variable. * On Linux, only the GDC compiler is supported. If it is not found on the PATH, CeleriD will check the GDC_BIN environment variable. Examples of using Pyd may be found in the "examples" directory. The full documentation may be found on Pyd's website: http://pyd.dsource.org