// German translation (formal) for rulesPlayer v. 0.99.1 // Filename: lang_German.kfg // Author: Tblue // //this file must be in UTF8 encoding if you want to see any non-english characters // ///////// general strings // // //for thehelp command // setstring 0000 "HILFE" setstring 0001 "Befehl" setstring 0002 "Benutzung" setstring 0003 "Tippen sie help für Informationen zu einem bestimmten Befehl" setstring 0004 "Liste der Befehle:" setstring 0005 "---Ende der Liste---" // //general // setstring 0006 "Deaktiviert" setstring 0007 "Aktiviert" setstring 0012 "Fehler" // //DVD menus // setstring 0008 "DVD" setstring 0009 "Titel" setstring 0010 "Kapitel" setstring 0011 "Blickwinkel" setstring 0081 "Titel" setstring 0082 "Kapitel" setstring 0083 "Blickwinkel" // // some console messages // setstring 0013 "$#12: unzulässige Anzahl von Argumenten. Versuchen Sie help $$0" setstring 0014 "$#12: unzulässiger Alias-Name" setstring 0015 "$#12: Kein Menü zum Anzeigen" setstring 0016 "$#12: Menü nicht erstellt" setstring 0024 "$#12: Taste nicht zugeordnet ($$0)" setstring 0025 "$#12: Alias nicht gefunden ($$0)" setstring 0026 "$#12: $$0 scheint ein String zu sein" setstring 0028 "$#12: $$0 ist weder 0 noch 1" setstring 0101 "$#12: kann Konfigurationsdatei $$0 nicht öffnen" setstring 0108 "$#12: um das Systemmenü anzuzeigen muss eine Datei geöffnet werden" setstring 0110 "$#12: um Informationen über eine Datei anzuzeigen muss sie geöffnet werden" setstring 0109 "$#12: expmenu.dll konnte nicht ordnungsgemäß geladen werden" setstring 0119 "$#12: unzulässiger Objektindex (Wiedergabeliste)" setstring 0120 "$#12: Das angeforderte Objekt in der Wiedergabeliste ist ein DVD-Kapitel, d. h. der Pfad kann nicht geändert werden" setstring 0019 "Verfügbare Befehle::" setstring 0020 "Liste der Aliase:" setstring 0021 "Liste der Variablen:" setstring 0023 "Liste der Tastenzuordnungen:" setstring 0017 "UNBEKANNTER BEFEHL $$0" setstring 0018 "keine Fehler" setstring 0027 "$$0 geschrieben" setstring 0085 "Screenshot gespeichert: $$0" // //context menu // setstring 0029 "Videogröße" setstring 0030 "Datei(en) öffnen..." setstring 0031 "Schließen" setstring 0032 "Wiedergeben" setstring 0105 "URL öffnen..." setstring 0106 "Untertitel-Spur" setstring 0107 "Audiospur" // //error box title // setstring 0034 "Fehler" // //this if save playlist dialog returns no files // setstring 0035 "Was speichern?" // //file associations messages // setstring 0037 "$#12: Registriere $$0-Dateien mit $app_name für: Abspielen" setstring 0038 "$#12: Registriere $$0-Dateien mit $app_name für: Zur Wiedergabeliste hinzufügen" setstring 0039 "$#12: Lösche Registrierung von $$0-Dateien mit $app_name" // //this is for file associations descriptions // setstring 0040 "$app_name-Wiedergabeliste" setstring 0066 "$app_name-Datei" // //the following two is for the explorer context menus // setstring 0041 "Mit $app_name abspielen" setstring 0042 "Zur $app_name-Wiedergabeliste hinzufügen" // //the playlist // setstring 0114 "Wiedergabeliste durchsuchen..." setstring 0036 "Wiedergabeliste" setstring 0102 "Farben" setstring 0043 "Zufällig" setstring 0044 "Wiederh." setstring 0045 "Helligkeit" setstring 0046 "Kontrast" setstring 0047 "Sättigung" setstring 0048 "Farbton" // //open dialog file types // setstring 0049 "Alle MPlayer-Dateien" setstring 0050 "MPlayer-Videodateien" setstring 0051 "MPlayer-Audiodateien" setstring 0052 "MPlayer-Untertitel" setstring 0053 "$app_name-Wiedergabelisten" setstring 0054 "Alle Dateien" // //playback buttons' tooltips // setstring 0055 "Wiedergabe starten" setstring 0056 "Wiedergabe anhalten" setstring 0057 "Wiedergabe stoppen" setstring 0058 "Vorheriges Objekt auf der Wiedergabeliste" setstring 0059 "Zurückspulen" setstring 0060 "Vorspulen" setstring 0061 "Nächstes Objekt auf der Wiedergabeliste" setstring 0062 "Einen Frame vorwärts" setstring 0063 "Wiedergabeliste anzeigen/verbergen" setstring 0064 "Konsole anzeigen/verbergen" setstring 0065 "Stummschaltung an/aus" // //the input dialog // setstring 0113 "Titel für Objekt eingeben:" setstring 0104 "Bitte geben Sie ein paar Dinge ein:" setstring 0022 "URL eingeben:" setstring 0087 "Stream in Datei speichern" setstring 0071 "Aufforderung zur Eingabe" setstring 0072 "OK" setstring 0073 "Abbr." // //timer dialog // setstring 115 "in $$0 Sekunden" setstring 116 "Fahre $$0 herunter..." setstring 117 "Jetzt" setstring 118 "Timer-Bestätigung" // //status messages and errors // setstring 0080 "Öffne..." setstring 0078 "Schließe..." setstring 0079 "Starte neu..." setstring 0067 "Untätig" setstring 0068 "Angehalten" setstring 0086 "Zwischenspeichern... ($$0)" setstring 0103 "Speichere Internet-Stream..." setstring 0069 "Wiedergabe ($$0$%X)" setstring 0070 "Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten ($$0)" setstring 0074 "scheint eine leere oder nicht unterstütze Datei zu sein" setstring 0075 "siehe Konsole für mehr Informationen" setstring 0077 "kann nicht in MPlayer-Pipe schreiben" setstring 0084 "kann nicht aus MPlayer-Pipe lesen" setstring 0076 "Signal $$0" setstring 0100 "Stream gespeichert nach $$0" // //open/save dialog boxes titles // setstring 0088 "Datei(en) öffnen" setstring 0099 "Datei(en) zur Wiedergabeliste hinzufügen" // //external audio error messages // setstring 0089 "Öffnen Sie erst eine Video-Datei" setstring 0090 "Audio-Datei wählen" // //info dialog // setstring 0091 "Datei" setstring 0092 "Video-Eingabe" setstring 0093 "Video-Ausgabe" setstring 0094 "Audio-Eingabe" setstring 0095 "Audio-Ausgabe" setstring 0096 "Clip-Metadaten" setstring 0097 "Es ist ein Fehler beim Extrahieren der Informationen aufgetreten (siehe Konsole)" setstring 0098 "Clip-Information" // //tray menu // setstring 0111 "Zeigen" setstring 0112 "Verstecken" // //////////////// menus // //file menu setstring 5028 "&Datei" setstring 5017 "D&atei(en) öffnen..." setstring 5016 "&URL..." setstring 5015 "$#8 wiedergeben" setstring 5009 "&Schließen" setstring 5126 "&Neu starten" setstring 5119 "Clip-Information..." setstring 5120 "Ãœber..." setstring 5118 "Zuletzt geöffnet" setstring 5121 "MPlayer-Priorität\t(R)" setstring 5034 "Untätig" setstring 5035 "Unter normal" setstring 5036 "Normal" setstring 5037 "Ãœber normal" setstring 5038 "Hoch" setstring 5039 "Echtzeit" setstring 5122 "Dateitypen" setstring 5123 "Videos mit $app_name registrieren" setstring 5124 "Registrierung der Videos löschen" setstring 5125 "&Beenden" //playback menu setstring 5029 "&Wiedergabe" setstring 5002 "Abspielen" setstring 5003 "Pause" setstring 5004 "Stopp" setstring 5033 "Vorspulen" setstring 5053 "Zurückspulen" setstring 5054 "Nächste Datei" setstring 5055 "Vorherige Datei" setstring 5012 "$#43" setstring 5013 "$#44" setstring 5040 "Automatische Wiedergabe" // // BEGIN TODO setstring 5023 "Autodetect sequence files" // END TODO // //video menu setstring 5127 "&Video" setstring 5128 "OSD-Modus" setstring 5005 "Nur Untertitel" setstring 5006 "Lautstärke + Position" setstring 5007 "Lautstärke + Position + Zeit + Position in Prozent" setstring 5008 "Lautstärke + Position + Zeit + Position in Prozent + Totale Länge der Datei" // // BEGIN TODO setstring 5129 "Framedrop" // END TODO // setstring 5019 "$#6" setstring 5020 "$#7" setstring 5021 "Hart" // // BEGIN TODO setstring 5130 "Nachbearbeitung\t(R)" setstring 5057 "$#6" setstring 5063 "Langsamste, beste" // END TODO // setstring 5131 "Längenverhältnis" setstring 5112 "Original" setstring 5056 "$#8" setstring 5132 "Farben zurücksetzen" setstring 5026 "Längenverhältnis beibehalten" // // BEGIN TODO setstring 5022 "Deinterlace\t(R)" // END TODO // setstring 5069 "Index erneuern\t(R)" setstring 5041 "Vollbild" setstring 5111 "Kompakter Modus" //audio menu setstring 5133 "&Audio" setstring 5027 "Spur\t(R)" setstring 5134 "Ausgabe\t(R)" setstring 5032 "$#6" setstring 5031 "Win32" setstring 5030 "DirectSound" setstring 5117 "Disk writer" setstring 5135 "Lautstärke\t(R)" setstring 5049 "Originale Clip-Lautstärke" setstring 5136 "Externe Datei laden...\t(R)" setstring 5011 "Stumm" //subtitles menu setstring 5137 "&Untertitel" setstring 5025 "Spur" setstring 5138 "Größe\t(R)" setstring 5042 "Winzig" setstring 5043 "Klein" setstring 5044 "Normal" setstring 5045 "Groß" setstring 5046 "Riesig" setstring 5139 "Schwarzer Balken\t(R)" setstring 5064 "$#6" setstring 5140 "Zeichenkodierung\t(R)" setstring 5024 "Untertitel nicht automatisch laden" setstring 5010 "Untertitel anzeigen" //tools menu setstring 5141 "&Extras" setstring 5142 "Sprache" setstring 5000 "Wiedergabeliste" setstring 5001 "Konsole" setstring 5014 "Fenstergröße an Videogröße anpassen" setstring 5143 "Nach Größenänderung Fenster zentrieren" setstring 5116 "In Vollbildmodus starten" setstring 5104 "Nach Wiedergabe herunterfahren" setstring 5109 "In Tray minimieren" setstring 5108 "In Tray schließen" setstring 5107 "Tray-Icon anzeigen" setstring 5018 "Immer im Vordergrund" setstring 5110 "Titelleiste anzeigen" //playlist [+] button popup setstring 5144 "Datei(en) hinzufügen..." setstring 5145 "URL hinzufügen..." setstring 5105 "Suchen..." setstring 5146 "Sortieren" setstring 5147 "Leeren" setstring 5148 "Speichern..." setstring 5149 "Laden..." //tray menu setstring 5106 "Beenden" // // BEGIN TODO // // help // sethelp alias "$#1: alias \n$#2: creates an alias named 'name' for 'command'" sethelp toggle "$#1: toggle \n$#2: changes 'var' from 0 to 1 and vice versa" sethelp errors "$#1: errors [clear=1]\n$#2: show cached output of stderr and clears the cache" sethelp registerext "$#1: registerext [description] [icon]\n$#2: registers 'ext' extension with $app_name. the extension must be prefixed with dot, i.e. .avi" sethelp unregisterext "$#1: unregisterext \n$#2: unregisters 'ext' extension from $app_name and returns the previous registered program. the extension must be prefixed with dot, i.e. .avi" sethelp inc "$#1: inc [value]\n$#2: increases the value of 'var' by 'value' or by 1 if it is omitted" sethelp incf "$#1: incf [value]\n$#2: increases the value of 'var' by 'value' or by 1 if it is omitted" sethelp pladd "$#1: pladd [file1] [file2] [fileN]\n$#2: adds files to the playlist" sethelp pladdurl "$#1: pladdurl [file1] [file2] [fileN]\n$#2: adds files to the playlist" sethelp pladddvd "$#1: pladd [title] [chapter] [angle]\n$#2: adds a dvd title/chapter/angle to the playlist" sethelp plclear "$#1: plclear\n$#2: clears the playlist" sethelp plnext "$#1: plnext\n$#2: plays next item in the playlist" sethelp plprev "$#1: plprev\n$#2: plays previous item in the playlist" sethelp plsave "$#1: plsave [file]\n$#2: saves the current playlist as 'file'" sethelp plsort "$#1: plsort [ascending=1]\n$#2: sorts the playlist" sethelp plload "$#1: plload [file]\n$#2: loads playlist from 'file'" sethelp dec "$#1: dec [value]\n$#2: decreases the value of 'var' by 'value' or by 1 if it is omitted" sethelp decf "$#1: decf [value]\n$#2: decreases the value of 'var' by 'value' or by 1 if it is omitted" sethelp about "$#1: about\n$#2: displays some information" sethelp write "$#1: write \n$#2: writes the current configuration to 'file'" sethelp unalias "$#1: unalias \n$#2: removes alias named 'name'" sethelp unaliasall "$#1: unaliasall\n$#2: removes all aliases" sethelp stop "$#1: stop\n$#2: pauses the playback and goes to the begining" sethelp eval "$#1: eval [command2] ... [commandN]\n$#2: executes few commands" sethelp speed_inc "$#1: speed_inc\n$#2: increases playback speed" sethelp speed_dec "$#1: speed_dec\n$#2: decreases playback speed" sethelp aliaslist "$#1: aliaslist\n$#2: displays a list of all aliases" sethelp bind "$#1: bind \n$#2: assigns 'command' to 'key'. you can also bind mouse1,mouse1dbl,mouse2,mouse2dbl,mouse3,mouse3dbl" sethelp set "$#1: set \n$#2: assigns 'value' to 'var'. the variable is created if not exists" sethelp unset "$#1: unset \n$#2: removes variable 'var'" sethelp unsetall "$#1: unsetall\n$#2: removes all variables" sethelp reset "$#1: reset \n$#2: resets 'var' to its default value" sethelp resetall "$#1: resetall\n$#2: sets all variable to their default values" sethelp unbind "$#1: unbind \n$#2: removes any bound command from 'key'" sethelp unbindall "$#1: unbindall\n$#2: clears all bindings" sethelp bindlist "$#1: bindlist\n$#2: displays a list of all key bindings" sethelp help "$#1: help [command]\n$#2: displays help information in the console" sethelp say "$#1: say [say what]\n$#2: prints 'say what' to the console" sethelp echo "$#1: echo [duration] [level]\n$#2: shows an osd message 'echo what' for 'duration' milliseconds (default 2000) at osd level 'level' (default $osd_messages). example - \"echo player 1000 1\" will show the message player if the osd mode is set to \"Volume + seek\" or higher. if 'level' is higher than the current osd level the message will be echoed to the console" sethelp yell "$#1: yell [yell what]\n$#2: shows a message box with 'yell what'" sethelp say "$#1: mpcmd [param1] [param2] ... [paramN]\n$#2: send a command directly to MPlayer" sethelp varlist "$#1: varlist\n$#2: shows list of all defined variables" sethelp clear "$#1: clear\n$#2: clears the console display" sethelp clearhistory "$#1: clearhistory\n$#2: clears commands history" sethelp close "$#1: close\n$#2: closes opened file" sethelp open "$#1: open [file1] [file2] [fileN]\n$#2: adds all files to the playlist and opens the first one" sethelp openurl "$#1: openurl [file1] [file2] [fileN]\n$#2: adds all files to the playlist and opens the first one" sethelp openaudio "$#1: open [file1]\n$#2: opens external audio stream" sethelp menubegin "$#1: menubegin \n$#2: creates a popup or submenu in the popup menu. if the command begins a subemnu 'title' is the name of the submenu item" sethelp menuend "$#1: menuend\n$#2: show the popupmenu created with menubegin" sethelp menuseparator "$#1: menuseparator\n$#2: adds a separator to a menu crated with menubegin" sethelp menuitem "$#1: menuitem <title> [command]\n$#2: adds an item to a menu crated with menubegin" sethelp freemem "$#1: freemem\n$#2: run the garbage collector or in other words free some unused memory (but it is not for sure)" sethelp wndsize "$#1: wndsize [size]\n$#2: sets the window size to 'size' times of the movie (default 1). 1 is 100%, 0.5 is 50%, 2 is 200%, etc." sethelp recentadd "$#1: recentadd <filename>\n$#2: adds 'filename' to the recent files list" sethelp recentdel "$#1: recentdel <filename>\n$#2: deletes 'filename' to the recent files list" sethelp recentclear "$#1: recentclear\n$#2: clears the recent files list" sethelp playorpause "$#1: playorpause\n$#2: plays or pauses the movie" sethelp setstring "$#1: setstring <id> <text>\n$#2: change the text (translate) of string with given 'id'" sethelp sethelp "$#1: sethelp <command> <text>\n$#2: change the 'text' of the help description (translate) of given 'command'" sethelp setimage "$#1: setimage <id> <path>\n$#2: change the image user interface item with give 'id'. works with menuitems." sethelp updateui "$#1: updateui\n$#2: updates the user interface so any translations could take effect" sethelp getinput "$#1: getinput <varname> [prompt]\n$#2: asks the user for input and saves it to variable named 'varname'" sethelp menu_subtrack "$#1: menu_subtrack <itemname>\n$#2: adds a menu item called 'itemname' in a menu created with menubegin, filling it with the contents of the subtitle tracks menu" sethelp menu_audiotrack "$#1: menu_audiotrack <itemname>\n$#2: adds a menu item called 'itemname' in a menu created with menubegin, filling it with the contents of the audio tracks menu" sethelp menu_language "$#1: menu_language <itemname>\n$#2: adds a menu item called 'itemname' in a menu created with menubegin, filling it with the contents of the language menu" sethelp menu_playdvd "$#1: menu_playdvd <itemname>\n$#2: adds a menu item called 'itemname' in a menu created with menubegin, filling it with the contents of the play dvd menu" sethelp menu_dvd "$#1: menu_dvd <itemname>\n$#2: adds a menu item called 'itemname' in a menu created with menubegin, filling it with the contents of the dvd menu" sethelp menu_recent "$#1: menu_recent <itemname>\n$#2: adds a menu item called 'itemname' in a menu created with menubegin, filling it with the contents of the recent files menu" sethelp menu_system "$#1: menu_system\n$#2: displays the OS shell menu for the currently playing file" sethelp pladd2 "$#1: pladd2 [title] [file]\n$#2: adds a file to the playlist with specified title" sethelp pladdurl2 "$#1: pladdurl2 [title] [file]\n$#2: adds a file to the playlist with specified title" sethelp plsearch "$#1: plsearch [string]\n$#2: displays a playlist search dialog box" sethelp dragwindow "$#1: dragwindow\n$#2: begin to drag the window with the mouse. works only with mouse1" sethelp shutdown "$#1: shutdown\n$#2: shuts the system down" sethelp timer "$#1: timer <command> <time> [prompt]\n$#2: executes 'command' after 'time' seconds. if 'prompt' is supplied a confirmation dialog is displayed. 'prompt' must be a string id" sethelp plsetdump "$#1: plsetdump <index> <dump> \n$#2: set the dump flag of a playlist item. 'dump' should be 1 for true or 0 for false" sethelp plsettitle "$#1: plsetdump <index> <title> \n$#2: set the title of a playlist item" sethelp plsetpath "$#1: plsetpath <index> <path> \n$#2: set the full path or url of a playlist item" // END TODO