This is a D port of the C library "Tiny Jpeg Decoder" by Luc Saillard. Conversion by Tomas Lindquist Olsen (tomas at The original C version is available at: The code in this package is based on 20070609 from that address. While the port is as direct as possible, the 'tinyjpeg_get_errorstring' function returns a D string, not a C string. Garbage should be minimal, and most memory is allocated using C's 'malloc', so proper cleanup is important! Take a look in the original C source for more information. // Example: // Shows how to decode a Jpeg image into a RGB24 buffer. import tinyjpeg.tinyjpeg; // init tinyjpeg jdec_private* jdec = tinyjpeg_init(); if (jdec is null) throw new Exception("Not enough memory to initialize JPEG decoder"); scope(exit) tinyjpeg_free(jdec); // load file into memory scope buffer ="image.jpg"); // parse jpeg header if (tinyjpeg_parse_header(jdec, buffer.ptr, buffer.length) < 0) throw new Exception("Failed to parse JPEG header: "~tinyjpeg_get_errorstring(jdec)); // get dimensions uint w,h; tinyjpeg_get_size(jdec, &w, &h); // decode pixel data if (tinyjpeg_decode(jdec, TINYJPEG_FMT_RGB24) < 0) throw new Exception("Failed to decode JPEG: "~tinyjpeg_get_errorstring(jdec)); // copy the pixel data ubyte*[3] components; tinyjpeg_get_components(jdec, components.ptr); ubyte[] pixels = components[0][0..w*h*3].dup;