Changes that are done in this branch 1. Merged the dmd stuff from phobos/internal and std/typeinfo into the tango/lib/compiler/dmd (dmd 2.006) 2. object.di: added the aliases for string/wstring/dstring changed class fields from 'char[]' to 'string' add TypeInfo_Const, TypeInfo_Invariant add MemberInfo, MemberInfo_function, MemberInfo_field 3. object.di Object: toUtf8 result type to string 4. object.di ClassInfo add field 'xgetMembers' add meth 'getMembers' chg meth 'find' param to 'string' 5. object.di TypeInfo chg meth getHash/equals/compare parameters to 'in'. Made the change in all derived classes. 6. object.di Exception chg ctor arg to string 7. lib/common/tango/core/Exception.d chg all ctors to string args add HiddenFuncException add onHiddenFuncError callback 8. tango/lib/common/tango posix.mak/win32.mak chg to compile without '-v1' 9. Global changes to invariant syntax chg the 'invariant' declaration to 'invariant()' 10. lib/compiler/dmd/typeinfo chg global toUtf8 and merge with phobos changes 11. lib/compiler/dmain2.d add _d_hidden_func which does call onHiddenFuncError 12. lib/compiler/genobj.d chg like object.di 13. Introduced Immutable and mutable string alias const(char)[] Cutf8; alias const(wchar)[] Cutf16; alias const(dchar)[] Cutf32; alias char[] Mutf8;... 14. Changed many method signatures, that seem to not never modify their arguments. 15. added the _d_allocmemory from the DMD2.007 changed The tango c-main already used the "take address of local function" which triggers the heap stack frame. This caused a malloc call befor the GC is initialized. Because of that, the c-main was changed so that is does not trigger the _d_allocmemory. Frank