

Eric Poggel


Array operation functions that are either not part of, or improved from the standard library.

Note that they can also be accessed by arrayname.function().

 // Removing
 int[] numbers = [0, 1, 2];
 numbers.remove(0); // numbers is now [0, 1];

void addSorted (T)(ref T[] array, T value, bool increasing = true);
void addSorted (T, K)(ref T[] array, T value, bool increasing, K delegate(T elem) getKey, int max_length = (int).max);
Add an element to an already sorted array, maintaining the same sort order.

replace this with a Heap.

array The array to use.
value Value to add.
increasing The elements are stored in increasing order.
getKey A function to return a key of type K for each element. K must be either a primitive type or a type that impelments opCmp. Only required for arrays of classes and structs.

T amax (T)(T[] array);
T amax (T, K)(T[] array, K delegate(T elem) getKey);
T amin (T)(T[] array);
T amin (T, K)(T[] array, K delegate(T elem) getKey);
Return the element with the minimum or maximum value from an unsorted array.

bool sorted (T)(T[] array, bool increasing = true);
bool sorted (T, K)(T[] array, bool increasing, K delegate(T elem) getKey);
.dup for associative arrays.

deep If true , child dynamic and associative arrays will also be dup'd. T[K] dup(T, K)(T[K] array, bool deep=false ) { T[K] result; foreach (k, v; array) { if (!deep) result[k] = v; else { static if (isAssocArrayType!(T)) result[k] = dup(v); else static if (isDynamicArrayType!(T)) result[k] = v.dup; else result[k] = v; } } return result; } unittest // complete coverage { // Test shallow aa copy { int[int][char[]] foo; foo["a"] = [1:1, 2:2]; foo["b"] = [0:0]; auto bar = dup(foo, false ); bar["a"][1] ++; assert(foo["a"][1] == 2); assert(bar["a"][1] == 2); }

// Test deep aa copy { int[int][char[]] foo; foo["a"] = [1:1, 2:2]; foo["b"] = [0:0]; auto bar = dup(foo, true ); bar["a"][1] ++; assert(foo["a"][1] == 1); assert(bar["a"][1] == 2); }

// Test deep array copy { int[][char[]] foo; foo["a"] = [1, 2][]; foo["b"] = [0][]; auto bar = dup(foo, true ); bar["a"][0] ++; assert(foo["a"][0] == 1); assert(bar["a"][0] == 2); } }

Is the array sorted ?

increasing Check for ordering by small to big.
getKey A function to return a key of type K for each element. Only required for arrays of classes and structs.

 Timer[] array;
 // ... fill array with new Timer() ...
 array.sorted(true, (Timer a) { return a.get(); }); // should return true

void remove (T)(ref T[] array, int index, bool ordered = true);
Remove an element from an array. This takes constant time, or linear time if ordered is true .

array The array to use.
index Index of the element to remove .
ordered Keep all elements in the same order, at the cost of performance.

void radixSort (T)(T[] array, bool increasing = true);
void radixSort (T, K)(T[] array, bool increasing, K delegate(T elem) getKey, bool signed = true);
Sort the elements of an array using a radix sort. This runs in linear time and can sort several million items per second on modern hardware. Special thanks go to Pierre Terdiman for his essay: Radix Sort Revisited.

getKey A function to return a key of type K for each element. Only required for arrays of classes and structs.
signed interpret the key data as being signed. Defaults to true .

 Timer[] array;
 // ... fill array with new Timer() ...
 array.radixSort((Timer a) { return a.tell(); }); // sort timers by thier time

struct ArrayBuilder (T);
Behaves the same as built-in arrays, except about 6x faster with concatenation at the expense of the base pointer being 4 system words instead of two (16 instead of 8 bytes on a 32-bit system). Internally, it's implemented similarly to java's StringBuffer. Use .data to access the underlying array.

AT opCall ();

AT opCall (T[] elems);

size_t capacity ();

T[] data ();

void dispose ();

AT dup ();

size_t length ();

void length (size_t l);

int opApply (int delegate(ref T) dg);

AT opAssign (T[] elem);

AT opCat (T elem);
AT opCat (T[] elem);
AT opCat (AT elem);

void opCatAssign (T elem);

void append (T elem);
void opCatAssign (T[] elem);
void opCatAssign (AT elem);
temporary until opCatAssign always works

T* opIndex (size_t i);
T opIndexAssign (T val, size_t i);
This returns a copy, so a[i].b = 3; doesn't work!!

AT opSlice ();
AT opSlice (size_t start, size_t end);

AT opSliceAssign (T v);

AT opSliceAssign (T v, size_t start, size_t end);

T* ptr ();

AT reverse ();

void splice (size_t index, size_t remove, T[] insert...);
Add and remove elements from the array, in-place

size_t index
size_t remove Number of elements to remove, including and after index
T[] insert Element to insert before index, after elements have been removed.

AT sort ();

char[] toString ();

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Documentation generated with CandyDoc on Wed Aug 11 11:14:24 2010