

Eric Poggel


ClosureHelper!(T) closure (T, A...)(T func, A a);
Create a closure -- a function with arguments that can be called later, even when the arguments go out of scope.

func The function to call. This can also be a class methods so long as they aren't static. For now, static method calls must be wrapped inside a non-static function.
var_args A variable number of arguments to bind to the function. Does not support out or inout arguments.

An object that can be called via opCall(), which calls the original function

 Closure c = closure((int a, char[] b)
 {	writefln(a, b);
 }, 3, "Hello");

 // Later, after a and b go out of scope
 c(); // writes "3Hello"

 // Alternatively, we can use functions (even class methods) instead of delegates.
 class Foo
 {	int bar(int a,)
 		{	return a;
 Foo f = new Foo();
 Closure c = closure(&f.bar, 3);

 // Later, after f goes out of scope.

abstract interface Closure ;
Allows working with the various templated return types of closure() as a single type. This is useful for creating an arry of closures, for example. However, this doesn't allow getting any return values, since D doesn't allow overloading by return type.

Yage and all source files © 2005-2009 Eric Poggel
Documentation generated with CandyDoc on Sun Sep 20 01:37:09 2009