

Eric Poggel


struct Color ;
A struct used to represent a color. Colors are represented in RGBA format. Note that uints and dwords store the bytes in reverse (little endian), so Color (0x6633ff00).hex == "00FF3366" All Colors default to transparent black.

Convert to using four floats for better arithmetic, or just make it templated?

 uint  red  = Color("red").ui;
 Vec4f blue = Color("0000FF").vec4f;
 writefln(Color("blue")); 	 // outputs "0000FF00"
 writefln(Color(0x00FF0000));  // outputs "0000FF00"

ubyte r ;
Access each color component: TODO: test to ensure order is correct.

ubyte g ;
Access each color component: TODO: test to ensure order is correct.

ubyte b ;
Access each color component: TODO: test to ensure order is correct.

ubyte a ;
Access each color component: TODO: test to ensure order is correct.

ubyte[4u] ub ;
Get the Color as an array of ubyte

uint ui ;
Get the Color as a uint

static Color opCall (int r, int g, int b, int a = 255);
static Color opCall (float r, float g, float b, float a = cast(float)1);
static Color opCall (ubyte[] v);
static Color opCall (int[] v);
static Color opCall (float[] f);
static Color opCall (Vec3f v);
static Color opCall (Vec!(4,float) v);
Initialize from 3 or 4 values (red, green, blue, alpha). Integer types rante from 0 to 255 and floating point types range from 0 to 1.

static Color opCall (uint ui);
Initialize from a uint, string hexadecimal value, or english color name. Strings. can be a 6 or 8 digit hexadecimal or an English color name. Black, blue, brown, cyan, gold, gray/grey, green, indigo, magenta, orange, pink, purple, red, transparent, violet, white, and yellow are supported.

CSS color names

Color opAssign (char[] string);
Color opAssign (uint value);
Assign from a uint, string hexadecimal value, or english color name. Strings. can be a 6 or 8 digit hexadecimal or an English color name. Black, blue, brown, cyan, gold, gray/grey, green, indigo, magenta, orange, pink, purple, red, transparent, violet, white, and yellow are supported.

CSS color names

uint opCast ();
Allow casting color to a uint.

float[] f ();
void f (float[4u] result);
Get the Color as an array of float.

Vec3f vec3f ();
Vec!(4,float) vec4f ();
Get the Color as a Vector

char[] hex (bool lower = false, char[] lookaside = null);
char[] toString ();
Get the color as a string.

bool lower return lower case hexadecimal digits

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Documentation generated with CandyDoc on Wed Aug 11 11:14:26 2010