

Eric Poggel, Matt Peterson


struct Matrix ;
A 4x4 matrix class for 3D transformations. Column major order is used, just like OpenGL. This is defined as a struct instead of a class so it can be created and destroyed without any dynamic memory allocation. The Euler operations may be unreliable and should be used cautiously.

See Also:
Wikipedia: Transformation Matrix
The Matrix and Quaternion Faq

float[16u] v ;
elements in array form. The 16 values of the Matrix.

float v00 ;
The 16 values of the Matrix.

float v01 ;
The 16 values of the Matrix.

float v02 ;
The 16 values of the Matrix.

float v03 ;
first column The 16 values of the Matrix.

float v10 ;
The 16 values of the Matrix.

float v11 ;
The 16 values of the Matrix.

float v12 ;
The 16 values of the Matrix.

float v13 ;
second column The 16 values of the Matrix.

float v20 ;
The 16 values of the Matrix.

float v21 ;
The 16 values of the Matrix.

float v22 ;
The 16 values of the Matrix.

float v23 ;
third column The 16 values of the Matrix.

float v30 ;
The 16 values of the Matrix.

float v31 ;
The 16 values of the Matrix.

float v32 ;
The 16 values of the Matrix.

float v33 ;
fourth column The 16 values of the Matrix.

static Matrix IDENTITY ;

static Matrix opCall ();
Create an identity Matrix.

static Matrix opCall (float[] values);
Create a Matrix from a float[16].

static Matrix opCall (float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float near, float far);
Create an Orthographic Matrix

bool almostEqual (Matrix s, float fudge = 0.0001F);
Is this Matrix equal to Matrix s, discarding relative error fudge.

void decompose (out Matrix position, out Matrix rotation, out Matrix scale);
Decompose this Matrix into a position, rotation, and scaling Matrix.

float determinant ();
Return the determinant of the Matrix.

Vec3f getPosition ();
Get the position component of the Matrix as a Vector.

Vec3f getScale ();
Extract the scale Vector from the rotation component of the Matrix. Scale components will always be positive.

Matrix inverse ();
Return a copy of this Matrix that has been inverted. Throws an exception if this Matrix has no inverse. This occurs when the determinant is zero.

bool isIdentity ();
Is this an identity Matrix?

bool isUniformScale ();
Returns true if all components of the scale are the same. This is much faster than calling toScale() and comparing elements.

make this count almost uniform as uniform, to fix floating point errors.

Matrix move (Vec3f vec);
Return a copy of this Matrix with its position values incremented by vec.

Matrix moveRelative (Vec3f direction);
Return a copy of this Matrix with its position values incremented relative to its rotation. Consider it to be moved in the direction that it's currently rotated.

Matrix negate ();
Return a copy of this Matrix with all values negated.

float opIndex (uint i);
Get element i from the Matrix

float opIndexAssign (float value, uint i);
Assign a value to element i.

Vec3f opMul (Vec3f vec);
Multiply this matrix by the 3-component Vec3f; assumes the 4th Vec3f component is 1. This is the equivalent of transforming the Vector by this Matrix.

Matrix opMul (Matrix b);
Multiply two matrices and return a third Matrix result.

Matrix opMulAssign (Matrix b);
Multiply this Matrix by another matrix and store the result in this Matrix.

float* ptr ();

Matrix rotate (Vec3f axis);
Matrix rotate (Quatrn rotation);
Matrix rotate (Matrix b);
Return a copy of this Matrix rotated by the rotation values of an axis-angle Vector, a Quaternion, or another Matrix. For Matrix rotation, this is equivalent to a post-multiplication of only the rotation values.

Matrix rotatePreservingScale (T)(T rot);
In a Matrix, rotation and scale are intimately related. This decomposes the matrix, applies the rotation only to the rotation component, and then recomposes it.

This is the leading cause of Matrix drift when the scale isn't uniform!

In a Matrix, rotation and scale are intimately related. This decomposes the matrix, applies the rotation only to the rotation component, and then recomposes it.

This is the leading cause of Matrix drift when the scale isn't uniform! ditto

Matrix rotateEuler (Vec3f euler);
Return a copy of this Matrix with its rotation values incremented by a Vec3f of Euler rotation angles, relative to it's current rotation axis. First by x, then y, then z. This function hasn't been verified to be correct in all circumstances.

Matrix rotateEulerAbsolute (Vec3f euler);
The same as above, but rotated around the absolute worldspace axis. This function hasn't been verified to be correct in all circumstances.

Matrix scale (Vec3f s);
Return a copy of this Matrix scaled by s

void setPosition (Vec3f position);

void setRotation (Matrix rot);
void setRotation (Quatrn rot);
void setRotation (Vec3f axis);
Set the rotation values of this Matrix from another Matrix, Quaternion, or axis-angle Vector.

void setRotationPreservingScale (T)(T rot);
Set the rotation while taking extra steps to preserve the Matrices scaling values.

void setRotationEuler (Vec3f euler);
Set the rotation values of the matrix from a vector containing euler angles.

void setScalePreservingRotation (Vec3f scale);
Set the scale component of the Matrix, taking extra steps to preserve any rotation values already present in the scale part of the Matrix.

Vec3f toAxis ();
Return an axis vector of the rotation values of this Matrix. Note that the non-rotation values of the Matrix are lost.

Quatrn toQuatrn ();
Return the rotation values of this Matrix as a Quatern. Note that the non-rotation values of the Matrix are lost.

Vec3f toEuler ();
Convert the rotation part of the Matrix to Euler angles. This may be inaccurate and perhaps suffers from other faults.

Matrix transformAffine (Matrix b);
Multiply two matrices and return a third Matrix result, ignoring values that aren't needed in affine transformations. This makes it almost half the operations of a Matrix multiplication.

Matrix transpose ();
Return the transpose of the Matrix. This is equivalent to converting a column-major Matrix to a row-major Matrix.

char[] toString ();
Create a string representation of this Matrix for human reading.

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