

Eric Poggel, Matt Peterson


struct Quatrn ;
A quaternion class. Quaternion are 4 dimensional constructs often used in rotation to avoid gimbal lock. This is named Quatrn instead of Quaternion for easier typing. This is defined as a struct instead of a class so it can be created and destroyed without dynamic memory allocation.

See Also:
Wikipedia: Quaternion
The Matrix and Quaternion Faq

static Quatrn opCall ();
Create a unit Quaternion.

static Quatrn opCall (float x, float y, float z, float w);
Create a Quaternion from four values.

static Quatrn opCall (float[] s);
Create a Quaternion from an array of floats.

static Quatrn opCall (Vec3f axis);
Create a Quaternion from a rotation axis Vec3f.

static Quatrn opCall (Matrix m);
Create a Quaternion from a rotation Matrix.

Quatrn opMul (Quatrn b);
Multiply this quaternion by another and return the result. The result is the sum of both quaternion rotations. Note that quaternion multiplication is not cumulative.

bool almostEqual (Quatrn s, float fudge = 0.0001F);
Is this Quatrn equal to Quatrn s, discarding relative error fudge.

Quatrn conjugate ();
Return the conjugate the Quaternion

Quatrn inverse ();
Return the inverse of the Quaternion. This is the equivalent of the Quaternion's rotation in reverse.

float length ();
Get the magnitude of the Quaternion.

Quatrn normalize ();
Return a normalized version of the Quaternion.

void* ptr ();

Quatrn rotate (Quatrn q);
Return a new Quaternion that is the sum of the current rotation and the new rotation of the parameter.

Quatrn rotateAbsolute (Quatrn q);
Return a new Quaternion that is the sum of the current rotation and the new rotation of the parameter, rotating in absolute worldspace coordinates.

Quatrn rotateEuler (Vec3f euler);
Return a new Quaternion that is the sum of the current rotation and the new rotation of the Vec3f of euler angles, rotating first by x, then y, then z.

Quatrn rotateEulerAbsolute (Vec3f euler);
Return a new Quaternion that is the sum of the current rotation and the new rotation of the Vec3f of euler angles, rotating first by x, then y, then z, rotating around the absolute worldspace axis

Quatrn slerp (Quatrn q, float interp);
Return a rotation that is interpolated between this Quaternion and the Quatrn q.

Vec3f toAxis ();
Create a Vec3f rotation axis from this Quaternion

Matrix toMatrix ();
Create a rotation Matrix from this quaternion.

char[] toString ();
Return a string representation of this quaternion for human reading.

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