

Eric Poggel


struct Vec (int S,T : real,int D = 0);
This is a template to create a vector of any type with any number of elements. Use Vec .v[0..n] to access the vector's elements directly, or x,y,z,w to access elements of vector's of size less than or equal to four.

 Vec!(4, real) a; // a is a four-component real vector.

Convert looping code to static if's to improve performance.

T[S] v ;
Allow acessiong the vector as an array of values through field v , or via .x, .y, .z, etc. up to the number of components.

T x ;
Allow acessiong the vector as an array of values through field v, or via . x , .y, .z, etc. up to the number of components.

T r ;
Allow acessiong the vector as an array of values through field v, or via .x, .y, .z, etc. up to the number of components.

T y ;
Allow acessiong the vector as an array of values through field v, or via .x, . y , .z, etc. up to the number of components.

T g ;
Allow acessiong the vector as an array of values through field v, or via .x, .y, .z, etc. up to the number of components.

T z ;
Allow acessiong the vector as an array of values through field v, or via .x, .y, . z , etc. up to the number of components.

T b ;
Allow acessiong the vector as an array of values through field v, or via .x, .y, .z, etc. up to the number of components.

T w ;
Allow acessiong the vector as an array of values through field v, or via .x, .y, .z, etc. up to the number of components.

T a ;
Allow acessiong the vector as an array of values through field v, or via .x, .y, .z, etc. up to the number of components.

T width ;
Allow acessiong the vector as an array of values through field v, or via .x, .y, .z, etc. up to the number of components.

T height ;
Allow acessiong the vector as an array of values through field v, or via .x, .y, .z, etc. up to the number of components.

T top ;
Allow acessiong the vector as an array of values through field v, or via .x, .y, .z, etc. up to the number of components.

T right ;
Allow acessiong the vector as an array of values through field v, or via .x, .y, .z, etc. up to the number of components.

T bottom ;
Allow acessiong the vector as an array of values through field v, or via .x, .y, .z, etc. up to the number of components.

T left ;
Allow acessiong the vector as an array of values through field v, or via .x, .y, .z, etc. up to the number of components.

VST opCall ();
Create a zero vector

VST opCall (T s);
Create a vector with all values as s.

VST opCall (T[S] s...);
Create a new vector with the values s0, s1, s2, ...

VST opCall (T[] s);
Create a new vector with the values of s; If s is less than the size of the vector, remaining values are set to 0.

float angle (VST s);
The angle between this vector and s, in radians.

VST clamp (T min, T max);
VST clamp (VST min, VST max);
Clamp all values between min and max.

float dot (VST s);
Return the dot product of this vector and s.

bool inside (VST topLeft, VST bottomRight, bool inclusive = true);
Is this Vector (as a point) inside a box/cube/etc. defined by topLeft and bottomRight

bool inside (VST[] polygon);
Is this Vector (as a point) inside a polygon defined by an array of Points?

See Also:


float length ();
Return the length of the vector (the magnitude).

float length2 ();
Return the length of the vector squared. This is faster than length().

VST opAdd (VST s);
void opAddAssign (VST s);
VST opSub (VST s);
void opSubAssign (VST s);
VST opMul (VST s);
void opMulAssign (VST s);
VST opDiv (VST s);
void opDivAssign (VST s);
Allow for linear additions, subtractions, multiplcations, and divisions among Vectors of the same size and type.

void opMulAssign (float s);
void opDivAssign (float s);
Allow for additions, subtractions, multiplcations, and divisions where a scalar is applied to each vector component.

float opIndex (size_t i);
Get the element at i

float opIndexAssign (T value, size_t i);
Assign value to the element at i

VST projection (VST s);
Create a new vector with the values of s

T* ptr ();

VST scale (float s);
VST scale (VST s);
Scale (multiply) this vector.

void set (T s);
void set (VST s);
void set (T[S] s...);
Set the values of the Vector.

VST transform (Matrix m);
Transform this vector by a Matrix.

char[] toString ();
Return a string representation of this vector for human reading.

template toVec (int S2,T2 : real)
Convert to one type of Vec to another.

S2 Size (number of components) of new Vec.
T2 type of new Vec.

Vec!(S2,T2) toVec ();
Convert to one type of Vec to another.

S2 Size (number of components) of new Vec.
T2 type of new Vec.

alias vec2f ;
alias vec3f ;
alias vec4f ;
alias vec2i ;
alias vec3i ;
alias vec4i ;
Convert to these types of vectors

alias Vec2i ;
A two-component int Vec

alias Vec3i ;
A three-component int Vec

alias Vec4i ;
A four-component int Vec

alias Vec2f ;
A two-component float Vec

alias Vec4f ;
A four-component float Vec

struct Vec3f ;
A 3D vector class. This can be merged with the templated version above when D fixed the forward template declaration bugs.

static Vec3f opCall ();
Create a zero vector

static Vec3f opCall (float s);
Create a Vec3f with all values as s.

static Vec3f opCall (float x, float y, float z);
Create a new Vec3f with the values x, y, and z

static Vec3f opCall (float angle, float x, float y, float z);
Create a new axis-angle Vec3f from rotation angle angle and the values x, y, and z

static Vec3f opCall (float[] s);
Return a vector with the values of s.

Vec3f abs ();
Return a vector containing the absolute value of each component

Vec3f add (Vec3f s);
Add another vector into this vector

bool almostEqual (Vec3f s, float fudge = 0.0001F);
Is this vector equal to vector s, discarding relative error fudge.

Vec3f lookAt (Vec3f direction, Vec3f up);

float average ();
Return the average of the x, y, and z components.

Vec3f clamp (float l, float u);

Vec3f clamp (Vec3f l, Vec3f u);

Vec3f cross (Vec3f s);
Return the cross product of this vector with another vector.

float dot (Vec3f s);
Return the dot product of this vector and another.

float distance (Vec3f s);
Return the distance from this vector to another, interpreting each as 3D coordinates.

float distance2 (Vec3f s);
Return the square of the distance from this Vec3f to another, interpreting each as 3D coordinates.

bool inside (Vec3f topLeft, Vec3f bottomRight, bool inclusive = true);
Is this Vector inside a box/cube/etc. defined by topLeft and bottomRight

Vec3f inverse ();

Vec3f inverseTransform (Matrix m);
Unlike a transformation, we first apply the translation and then the rotation.

Vec3f inverseRotate (Matrix m);

Vec3f inverseTranslate (Matrix m);

float length ();
Return the length of the vector (the magnitude).

float length2 ();
Return the length of the vector squared. This is faster than length().

Vec3f length (float l);
Return a copy of this vector scaled to length l.

float max ();
Return the maximum value of the vector components

Vec3f negate ();
Return a vector with every value of this Vec3f negated.

Vec3f normalize ();
Return a normalized copy of this vector.

Vec3f opAdd (Vec3f s);
Return the sum of this vector and another.

Vec3f opAddAssign (Vec3f s);
Add the values of another Vec3f into this one.

Vec3f opDiv (float s);
Return a copy of this vector with every value divided by s.

Vec3f opDivAssign (float s);
Divide every value of this vector by s.

float opIndex (ubyte i);
Get the element at i

float opIndexAssign (float value, ubyte i);
Assign value to the element at i

Vec3f opMul (float s);
Return a copy of this vector with every value multiplied by s.

Vec3f opMulAssign (float s);
Multiply every value of this vector by s.

Vec3f opNeg ();
Return a vector with every value of this vector negated.

Vec3f opSub (Vec3f s);
Return the difference between this vector and another.

Vec3f opSubAssign (Vec3f s);
Subtract the values of another vector from this one.

float* ptr ();

Vec3f projection (Vec3f s);
Create a new vector with the values of s

static Vec3f random (float r = cast(float)1);
Return a vector in a random direction between length -r and r.

Vec3f rotate (Vec3f axis);
Return a copy of this vector rotated by axis, where both are interpreted as axis-angle vectors.

Vec3f rotate (Quatrn q);
Return a copy of this Vec3f rotated by the Quatrn q. Note that this is curently slower than rotate (Matrix m).

Vec3f rotate (Matrix m);
Return a copy of this vector rotated by the rotation values of Matrix m.

Vec3f scale (float s);
Return a copy of this vector with each component scaled by s.

Vec3f scale (Vec3f v);
Return a copy of this vector scaled by the values of another vector.

void setAxis (Matrix m);
Set to a rotation axis from the rotation values of Matrix m.

void setAxis (Quatrn q);
Set to a rotation axis from the rotation values of Quatrn q.

Vec3f subtract (Vec3f s);
Return the difference between this vector and another.

Quatrn toQuatrn ();
Interpret the values of this vector as a rotation axis/angle and convert to a Quatrn.

Quatrn toQuatrnEuler ();
Interpret the values of this vector as Euler angles and convert to a Quatrn.

Matrix toMatrix ();
Interpret the values of this vector as a rotation axis and convert to a rotation Matrix.

char[] toString ();
Return a string representation of this vector for human reading.

Vec3f translate (Matrix m);
Return a copy of this Vecotr translated by the translation component of Matrix m.

Vec3f transform (Matrix m);
Return a copy of this vector transformed by Matrix m.

Vec!(2,float) vec2f ();

Vec!(4,float) vec4f ();

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Documentation generated with CandyDoc on Wed Aug 11 11:14:26 2010