

Eric Poggel


class YageObject ;
Base class of many Yage objects. Adds no additional weight.

char[] getId ();
void setId (char[] id);
Get or set a unique identifier string associated with this object. Later, if another object is assigned the same id, this object will no longer be associated with it.

static YageObject getById (char[] id);
Get the object previously assigned to the unique id string. If no object exists, null will be returned.

class YageException : object.Exception;
This is the default exception type for Yage.

Create an Exception with a message, using formatting like writefln().

 throw new YageException("Your egg carton has %d eggs.  No more than %d eggs are supported", 13, 12);

class OpenALException : yage.core.object2.YageException;


class ResourceException : yage.core.object2.YageException;


abstract interface ICloneable ;
An interface for anything that can be cloned via a clone() method.

abstract Object clone ();

abstract interface IDisposable ;
Any class that has to do custom cleanup operations before destruction should implement this.

abstract void dispose ();
Clean up resources before garbage collection that can't safely be cleaned up in a destructor. Finalize must be able to accept multiple calls, in case it is called manually and by a destroctor. After dispose is called, it's object should be considered to be in a non-usable state and ready for destruction.

abstract interface IRenderTarget ;
Anything that implements this can act as a target for anything that renders using OpenGL operations.

abstract interface ITemporal ;
An interface for anything that implements timekeeping functions.

abstract void play ();

abstract void pause ();

abstract bool paused ();

abstract void stop ();

abstract void seek (double seconds);

abstract double tell ();

Yage source files are copywritten by their specified authors and available under the terms of the GNU LGPL.
Documentation generated with CandyDoc on Wed Aug 11 11:14:27 2010