

Eric Poggel


class Repeater : yage.core.timer.Timer, yage.core.object2.IDisposable;
A class to repeatedly call a function at a set inverval, in its own thread.

Can this be combined with setInterval / setTimeout?

this(bool start = false);
Initialize the Timer

bool start start the Timer immediately.

void dispose ();

void pause ();
Pause the repeater. This is guaranteed to never pause in the middle of a call to the repeater's function, but will block until the call finishes.

synchronized double getCallTime ();
synchronized void setCallTime (double call_time);
Get / set the call time. This will always be within tell() and tell()-frequency unless the repeater is behind in calling its function. Unless the frequency changes, call time can be divided by frequency to get the call count.

time in seconds.

synchronized double getFrequency ();
synchronized void setFrequency (double frequency);
Get / set the frequency. The frequency defaults to 60hz until set. If the call function is set, it will be called this many times per second.

time in hertz.

synchronized void delegate(float f) getFunction ();
synchronized void setFunction (void delegate(float f) func);
synchronized void setFunction (void function(float f) func);
Get / set the function to call.

synchronized void delegate(Exception e) getErrorFunction ();
synchronized void setErrorFunction (void delegate(Exception e) on_error);
synchronized void setErrorFunction (void function(Exception e) on_error);
Get / set a function to call if the update function throws an exception. If this is set to null (the default), then the exception will just be thrown as normal.

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Documentation generated with CandyDoc on Wed Aug 11 11:14:27 2010