

Eric Poggel


struct Letter ;
Stores a single rendered letter.

dchar letter ;
unicode letter

short top ;
image top offset

short left ;
image left offset

short advanceX ;
short advanceY ;
x and y distance in pixels required to move to the next letter after this one

Image image ;
rendered image of this letter

char[] toString (char[] lookaside = null);
Get the utf8 representation of this letter.

char[] lookaside If specified, fill and return this buffer instead of allocating new memory on the heap.

class Font ;
An instance of a loaded Font . Fonts are typically used to render strings of text to an image.

this(char[] filename);
Construct and load the font file specified by filename.

char[] filename Any font file supported by Freetype that exists in ResourceManager.paths.

this(ubyte[] data, char[] resourceName = "");
Contstruct and load font file data directly from memory.

ubyte[] data
char[] resourceName

void clearCache ();
Clear the cache of rendered letters. Characters of text are cached after they're rendered. This allows a tremendous speedup in for future calls, but uses a little extra memory. Calling this function should not usually be necessary.

Letter getLetter (dchar letter, int width, int height = 0, bool bold = false, bool italic = false);
Get a Letter struct containing info and an image for a single letter.

text A string of text to render, must be unencoded unicode (dchar[]).
int width The horizontal pixel size of the font to render.
int height The vertical pixel size of the font to render, if 0 it will be the same as the width.
bool bold Get a bold version of the letter. This is performed by compositing the same glyph multiple times horizontally and then cached.
bool italic Get an italicized version of the letter. This is performed by an image skew and then cached.

char[] toString ();
Return the font filename.

Yage source files are copywritten by their specified authors and available under the terms of the GNU LGPL.
Documentation generated with CandyDoc on Wed Aug 11 11:14:28 2010