

Eric Poggel


class Geometry ;
Each Geometry has arrays of vertex data and one or more Meshes; each Mesh has its own material and an array of triangle indices that correspond to vertices in the Geometry vertex array.

static const char[] VERTICES ;
static const char[] NORMALS ;
static const char[] TEXCOORDS0 ;
static const char[] TEXCOORDS1 ;
static const char[] TEXCOORDS2 ;
static const char[] TEXCOORDS3 ;
static const char[] TEXCOORDS4 ;
static const char[] TEXCOORDS5 ;
static const char[] TEXCOORDS6 ;
static const char[] TEXCOORDS7 ;
static const char[] COLORS0 ;
static const char[] COLORS1 ;
static const char[] FOGCOORDS ;
Constants representing fixed-function VertexBuffer types, for use with get/set attributes.

An array of vertices specifying x,y,z coordinates.

Optional normal vectors for each vertex used in lighting calculations.

Optional texture coordinates for each vertex, one for each multi-texture unit.

An optional color value for each vertex.

An optional secondary color value for each vertex.

Currently unused.

Vec3f[] createTangentVectors ();
Create tangent vectors required for MaterialPass.AutoShader.PHONG when a normal map is used.

Lengyel, Eric. "Computing Tangent Space Basis Vectors for an Arbitrary Mesh". Terathon Software 3D Graphics Library, 2001. http://www.terathon.com/code/tangent.html

void[] getAttribute (char[] name);
void[] getAttribute (char[] name, out int components);
void setAttribute (T)(char[] name, T[] values);
These functions allow modifying the vertex attributes of the geometry. Vertex attributes are arrays that specify data for each vertex, such as a position, texture coodinate, or custom value.

char[] name Specifies the vertex attribute to get/set. It can be one of the named constants defined above or a custom name. Custom attributes are passed to the vertex shader into an attribute variable of the same name. Custom names must not use the "gl_" prefix; it is reserved.
values Vertex data values to set.
components on getAttribute , this out parameter specifies how many values per vertex.

getAttribute will return an empty array if the attribute doesn't exist.

 Vec3f[] vertices;
 if (!geom.getAttribute(Geometry.VERTICES))
     geom.setAttribute(Geometry.VERTICES, vertices);

void removeAttribute (char[] name);

VertexBuffer[char[]] getVertexBuffers ();
Get the vertex buffers used for rendering. Vertex buffers wrap attributes.

VertexBuffer getVertexBuffer (char[] name);
Get a single VertexBuffer by name rendering.

Mesh[] getMeshes ();
void setMeshes (Mesh[] meshes);
Get / set the array of meshes for this Geometry. Meshes define a material and an array of triangles to connect vertices.

are these accessors needed?

float getRadius ();
Calculate the radius of a sphere, centered at the model's origin, that can contain this Model.

int[] optimize ();
Merge duplicate vertices and Meshes. This should be done before creating binormals in order to work well.

a map from the old vertex indices to the new ones.

static Geometry merge (Geometry[] geometries);
Merge all geometries into a single Geometry.

The new Geometry will have copies of all vertex attributes and triangles, but share the same material references as the input geometries.

static Geometry createPlane (int widthSegments = 1, int heightSegments = 1);
Get a plane to play with.

class Mesh ;
A Mesh groups a Material with a set of triangle indices. The Geometry class groups a Mesh with vertex buffers referenced by the traingle indices

static const char[] TRIANGLES ;
static const char[] LINES ;
static const char[] POINTS ;
Constants used to specify various built-in polgyon attribute type names.

Construct an empty mesh.

this(Material matl, Vec3i[] triangles);
Create with a material and triangles.

Material getMaterial ();
void setMaterial (Material material);
void setMaterial (char[] filename, char[] id);
Get the material, or set the material from another material or a file.

Vec!(3,int)[] getTriangles ();
void setTriangles (Vec!(3,int)[] triangles);
Get/set the triangles

VertexBuffer getTrianglesVertexBuffer ();
Get the trangles vertex buffer used for rendering.

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Documentation generated with CandyDoc on Wed Aug 11 11:14:28 2010